
Irene, Here Is How to Get The Best Out of Life !

Irene, I’m looking forward to telling you how to get the best out of life in the coming months because these months will be impacted by amazing movements in your astral sky. I’ll show you how the planets are going to affect many parts of your life going forward... You’re one of the luckiest people in the coming months who are going to be directly impacted by; Venus, Mercury, Chiron, Saturn, Pluto and Mars.... I’m going to show you how to fully receive the benefits of life and realize your potential and dreams for this period going forward. Irene, I’m going to do this for you because we’ve built such a special connection. I’ve received some very precise vibrations and feelings concerning you Irene. I have some Important and precise information I want to share with you about the direction your life will take in the future. The information I’m going to provide can guide you in a more fulfilling and prosperous direction.  

Let me tell you Irene that I’m going to lay out some new very precise guidance for you based on the planetary movements. This reading that I’ve lovingly prepared for you features both a specific daily forecast as well as a longer-term guide. You’ll be able to use these forecasts as guidance going forward when planning your direction for the next five months and beyond. Please know that I’ve poured my heart into these forecasts so that they’re special for you and can GUIDE YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY. Indeed, you must look at them and use this as inspiration to go towards the right direction. But, you must know that it’s you who must really act in order to receive the benefits of what I’ve prepared for you.  

My dear Irene, the energy of the transits will help you to realize the goals you should be setting yourself each day and will also allow you to be ambitious going forward. You’ll be able to fully concentrate on the tasks ahead of yourself. Because you’re a special person, I know that my reports will really help you. Whether you want more success with your finances, career, love life or to finalize a project with family my report can guide you. I can also develop your relationship with your family. I know, Irene, that my report will help you in these key areas. Also, I want you to look further than just these areas. I’ve been following you for a long time now, indeed we have a very special relationship and I know that you have many other areas of your life, such as, hobbies and interests which are important to you. Each day, I’ll give you special guidance in how to get the most out of your interests and reach your full potential.  

 Let me tell you that you’re part of a very lucky group of people Irene, the speed of the planets in our orbit will present you with the right conditions for you to be well organized and efficient in managing all of the areas in your life. Let me explain to you exactly how I know this is the right time. I’ve looked at your astrological configuration with your Zodiac sign, Pisces, and birth data (March, 3th 1949) to let you know that the movements of the planets will have specific effects on you going forward. In particular, the transits of Venus, Mercury, Chiron, Saturn, Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. The quickening of our planets means that you’re part of a very select lucky group where the movement of the planets, particularly Jupiter, will really affect you. When you receive the day by day guide which is specific to you Irene, I want you to think, this day will never come again and if I don’t get the most out of it then I will not have reached my potential. The sun is shining brilliantly today, and I must sing my song, play my part and do my best.  

I now want to tell you the exact dates which I’ve foreseen having a direct impact on you. Let me tell you, Irene that I’ve looked at your astral sky and the fact that you’re from the Second Decan, more precisely the fact that you were born on the March, 3th 1949 has indeed confirmed to me that you’ll be part of the luckiest among your star sign Pisces because you’ll be one of those impacted by the several transits of Venus, Mercury, Chiron, Saturn, Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. These will impact all those with your (Pisces) and so I'm really happy to tell you that you’re going to be very lucky. The dates when these strong transits will occur are as follows.  

The 18th of September 
Between the 25th and 27th of September 
The 8th of October 
The end of October 
Between the 6th and 12th of November.

Then please know that there are two important long periods, between the 6th of September and the 15th of November and from the 7th to the 31st of December.  

Let me tell you that you’ll experience important changes on each of these dates and during these periods. 

I can also tell you that my forecast breaks down for you a daily and long-term plan depending on your star sign (Pisces) The next five months presents a period where you can use your star sign Pisces and the other special information I’ll present to you to gain a detailed and daily guide based on the transit of the planets to allow some of the key areas of your life to improve. Let me tell you that you’re part of a very select group who will be rewarded by this period. 

I also want you to use this reading to easily manage your expectations. My reading will give you structured advice about what you can do every day Irene. This means that when you wake up and think; ‘WHAT IMPROVEMENT AM I GOING TO MAKE TODAY?’ you’ll be able to look to my guide for advice. Cherish every moment of the next five months because each day is going to bring you a new and exciting challenge to conquer and when you do so, you’ll grow enormously as a person. Let me explain exactly what I mean. Going forward I’ll be able to tell you Irene, exact goals that you’ll need to work on over a monthly and daily schedule. 

The beginning of September and into October may be the exact time for Financial planning and post vocational “budgeting.” It may be that between the 13th and the 15th of November you receive a specific direction telling you to look after and protect your money. Irene, let me tell you specifically what this means. I’ll want you to avoid excesses. Consider only buying essential items at these times because you’ll know what you need and what you don’t. During these periods where I give you specific daily goals avoid alcohol, drugs and caffeine. This will see your wallet really grow financially Irene.

You have a quality that gives you lots of personality and temperament and this has pushed you to keep going, keep moving, and keep exploring to the best of your abilities. For the coming months I want you to apply these qualities and base these parts of your personality on a specific goal each month.  

 Don’t worry though Irene, at other moments there’ll also be times and days when the planets truly slow down. For example, in December around the 15th 16th 17th the lunar movements will give you the chance to open your heart and it’s then that you must enjoy the benefits of your hard work.  If you receive guidance in mid-September to concentrate on your relationship with your family, then you must do this Irene. Mid-September is a particularly good time for the movement of Saturn, a great time for romance. It’s now that you must try and be affectionate to everyone around you and don’t forget that this is the key to improving your relationships. Don’t be afraid my dear Irene, because my guide will also include daily advice. This may include bits of knowledge telling you when to compliment those close to you or when it is important to make little and important contributions. Such as, doing the dishes or going away with the one you love.  

As we head from September through to October and into the fall, let me tell you Irene, I see your personality really flourishing. This will bring you benefits in the work place and give you the strength necessary to push through your negotiations. In the days from the 6th to the 12th November your movement will reach its climax when you’re given the chance to start a new project in the workplace. Your love life will also take a new direction as Saturn changes its orbit Irene. In your love life, tensions will disappear allowing you to open up and explore new situations. Use this period to compliment someone you love and you’ll be rewarded with acknowledgement and kindness. Concentrate on doing this through September to November and you’re sure to be rewarded. You’ll also fulfil your need to express profound emotions with others at this time and this will help you feel satisfied with your goals. When you act in this way and you’re guided by the words I’m writing to you Irene, you’ll feel yourself moving into a stable routine as each day you change the way you approach life and change both yourself and your life for the better. I am going to provide you very specific guidance for each of these sections. 

Now, I want to go into more detail on an aspect of your life Irene. You’ve told me what you want from your love life so I'm going to advise you on how to improve it and make your love life flourish. I’m really happy that I have the opportunity to advise you in this area of your life because love is such a great thing that everyone deserves, especially you Irene. And between the 6th and 12th of November will be your strongest chance of improving your life to really bring you benefits.  

Love is so important to have in life, not just in the form of a relationship but from family, friends or even a stranger performing an act of kindness. Love comforts us knowing that there is always someone there to look out for us. For you Irene, I want to talk about the love from a partner because that’s our goal, that’s what we want to improve for you. The love from a partner affects us so strongly because after a tough day the best thing we have to be excited about is seeing that special person, it cheers us up immediately. Even before we see them, just the thought of that person makes us happy. It’s truly a special feeling, a feeling you’ll have someday soon Irene. With my guidance and the planets by your side, together we’re going to tell you exactly what you need to do and where you need to go to find what you’re looking for. 

We react differently to seeing someone we know and care about compared to a stranger because we have an emotional connection to that person. We’ve spent so much time with that person that we want to see them, we want to be with them more, they run through our mind every moment. This, is love Irene.  

Irene, let me tell you now, precisely how to improve your love life over the coming five months.  I have a particularly special and intense feeling that your relationship with this person who you care about will improve between the 6th of September and the 15th of November. During this time, you’ll instantly feel a connection when your eyes meet, you’ll feel better, happier, in love. These positive emotions will continue to grow with this person. You’ll find yourself having a new positive attitude each day. You’ll approach everything in life positively each day because this new person will be making you happy and they’ll be on your mind every day. You’ll be able to use this new positive energy in all other areas of your life, you’ll progress faster and have success in the future Irene. In the next five months I need you to think really positively about improving your relationship with this special person. 

There are a few signs I want you to be aware of and a few things that I want you to do so that your chances of improving this part of your life Increase dramatically.  

The first sign that love is waiting for you is that you have romantic dreams, the details can be clear or blurry in these dreams but it’s the dream itself that’s important Irene. Some people have even met the people from their dreams, in reality. But the important thing you need to pay attention to is whether or not you wake up from your dreams feeling very happy or not, this is an important part of this sign and can lead you to this person from your dreams in reality. It all depends on how you feel when you wake up.  So I want you to go to sleep every night with the thought of love in your mind, I know this is something that will come easily for you because you’re a special and loving person, love will find you easily, especially if you help it to do so. Once you begin to do this you’ll start planting the seed and its spiritual positivity within your soul, this will send a message to the planets that you’re beginning your journey to finding your love.  

You’re confident and positive. When you’ve spent time on yourself and you see the positive sides of life you’ll be happy in your life Irene, you’ll be emitting a positive aura. This positivity and happiness you will have is a sign that your energy is on the right frequency with another person’s energy, the person you have been waiting for Irene. Go about your daily life, be patient and when the time is right you’ll have the opportunity to meet them. 

I can sense even now that you’ve made changes, small changes, in ways that you may have not even realized. This is very good Irene, these are the changes that will lead love straight to you so keep going like that. I want you to know that there are things you can do to apply your confidence and positivity to life so that you direct yourself towards the correct route where your love will be. Take your positive energy and explore your surroundings, energy acts as a signal to those around you, visit the places where there are the most people. If your love is at one of these places your energy will impact them and draw them out from the crowd and towards you, keep your eyes peeled for people looking at you and coming towards you, look for the person who’s looking for you.  

Love is everywhere. The loving aura that the planets are going to give you will be affecting everyone around you Irene. There‘ll be couples of all ages in their own worlds of love, focusing their  energy on each other intensely. You may over-hear conversations about how happy people are in their relationships, you may see advertisements for romance movies or perhaps love songs will be playing in the background somewhere. These are indications that your aura is in tune with the energy of love Irene. This is a sign that you may soon meet the person you’re searching for. So think Irene do you remember hearing or seeing anything about love around you? I’ve seen so much loving aura within and around you each day so I'm sure that you must have. Don’t let this fade. 

Your loving energy levels are high Irene. You’ll find yourself in a completely positive and loving state of being. You’ll have the right people in your life and there’ll be no one to bring you down. This positive aura you have is going to connect with this person’s energy who you’ll meet. You’ll be drawn to each other and together your conjoined positivity will begin to nurture your relationship. I can sense that you’ve already crossed paths with this person before, the planets have continued to present the same opportunity to you time and time again. It’s waiting for you to take action and seize it. Let me tell you Irene that you can do the little things daily with pride and perfection and this will have a huge impact on your love life. Buy them flowers, do the dishes, cook and make sure the laundry is done. The result of this is a much-improved love life.  

You’ll have come to peace with the fact that you won’t know when this person will appear in your life, perhaps they may already be in your life. You can’t control when this will happen Irene . You’ll be happy in life knowing that someday this person will arrive and you can’t force this event but instead you should focus on other things and wait for the right day Irene. But you should know that you’re not like other people, each action you take causes the person you are waiting for to act in a specific way, a way that compliments your decisions. Take a certain bus and this person will suddenly be inclined to take the same bus instead of walking like they had originally planned. 

Now that you know how to read the signs that may be shown to you this coming transit period between the 6th and 12th of November, I’m going to tell you some unexpected places where you might meet this person, although it’s for you to think of other places you can go to so that you increase your own chances even more than with my guidance alone. The more places you think of and go to the better your chances Irene. You can meet this person anywhere but some places give you a better opportunity than others. So, many people take a specific route to work every day Irene and so many things can happen on this route. When things happen, people talk about it with each other, that’s our curious nature, to see how others think.

You should consider speaking to someone on the same route as you Irene. Notice something that they’re reading or holding in their hand, or if something does happen around you, make a comment about it and go from there. This could be anything from a traffic jam to how cold the morning is. Start a conversation any way you can and perhaps it may lead to a coffee later in the week. I know that deep inside you, you want to speak to more people, you’re a really social person, so you should show this beautiful part of you to the world, I know that people will love it so go out and socialize. 

Social club. Going to your local social area every week puts you in a local community where you have great opportunities to get to know people, you’d be surprised how much you might have in common with these people you’ve known for years but have never properly spoken to. And hey, you already have a head start Irene, you already share one similar interest, maybe there could be more. So, take that similar interest and use it to find more things to talk about. Think of the busiest place in your town, that’s your target, that’s where you might find the person you’re waiting for, that’s where I want you to go.  

On a plane. If you find yourself on a plane for 2 or 4 hours then that could be life throwing you a huge hint Irene, it’s a great chance to talk to this person beside you, especially if it’s just the 2 of you. Find something that the person is wearing or reading to start a conversation and from there connect the dots and keep the conversation going Irene. You’re an observant person, aware of your surroundings, so this should come easily to you. Find the excuse to talk and use it. It’s important that you take any chance you’re given because the person sitting beside could be your biggest opportunity for love.  

On vacation. Following on from the plane, maybe it’ll be taking you to a completely new place, new culture, new people, new opportunities, who knows. The important thing is that if you find yourself in this new place make sure that you’re open minded, explore and do things Irene. This will put you in the right place, at the right time, to improve your love life.  

Read over everything I’ve said here a few times Irene. I don’t want you to forget anything. Most importantly, remember that everything that might happen is in the hands of both the planets and you. The planets will present opportunities to you and it will be for you to act on them. You should prepare for the coming transit period between the 6th and 12th of November Irene. This will be the time when the energy of love will be strongest. This will really be your greatest chance to act. 

Let me now tell you something else Irene, sometimes love will present challenges, but I know you are a special person and will be able to overcome these. Someone who we loved has left and we become confused as to why. This is a normal part of life that most people will experience. This isn’t the end though. There are ways to bring this person you care about so much back into your life Irene. The coming transit period between the 3rd and 16th of October will be your greatest chance to take back your love or at the least begin the process of taking them back. This transit will make you even stronger than you already are now Irene, so really consider taking this chance.  

I’ll tell you exactly what you can do to make this happen so pay close attention Irene 

Firstly, don’t lose complete contact with your old loves whether you start dating them again or just stay friends. It’s necessary that you understand what happened in your past so that you can improve yourself in the future Irene. I know you shared so many great memories with this person, in one way they’ve influenced the way you’ve become. Even if things are no longer the same it’s important to keep in touch because this person was such a special part in your life and it’s important to keep them there as a reminder of that part Irene.  

Remember how they made you feel before, the happiness they brought you Irene. Even just being with that person and talking, eating together, everything you did together put a smile on your face. These are the feelings that you can have again Irene. As long as you acknowledge what the transits of the planets in your astral sky in particular Venus are doing and what I’m telling you and act upon it, then you’ll have a greater chance of someone reentering your life and improving it. I know that you have the strength and determination to do this.  

When a love comes back into your life you’ll experience all the positive feelings you had before and begin the healing process together. Irene, through this healing process you can really begin to strengthen your relationship. You’ll trust your love again, and make even more great memories together, you’ll share everything great that you once shared before Irene and this coming transit period between September and October the 8th is an exciting time for this. 

There are things that you can do to strengthen your chances of love coming back into your life and improving your current love life. Whether this happens or not completely depends on your actions Irene, because nothing will happen by itself, nothing will happen if you wait. If you want something then you must take it. 

 I’ll give you my advice and try to guide you but ultimately you must act, especially in the next five months whilst the energy of the planets is helping you. I know that you’ll act because you’re a really unique person with incredible strength within you Irene. So, let’s begin. 

There are multiple directions you can take to really improve your love life.  

Give them space. Your love might have wanted a bit of space so make sure you give it to them. This’ll give your love the time to get rid of any bad thoughts they might have and start to miss you. As the days go on they’ll begin to wonder why you’ve not contacted them. This is the beginning of the love you have starting to become stronger, your old love will be starting to think about you Irene. 

Give yourself space. You need time to yourself too. You need to get a hold of yourself and calm yourself because you’ll be feeling emotional and confused. Take time to think about your relationship and learn to live life without your love, then you’ll realize you don’t NEED your old love back, you simply want them back. This difference is important Irene. You need water, you need food, but you don’t need a love to survive.
You simply want your love back so that they can bring you joy again. Once you understand this difference you’ll be a stronger, happier and more independent person.  

Heal and become confident. Take the time you need to heal from this challenging period in your life and then start really living life to the fullest again. If you become a more confident and overall positive person then you’ll enjoy life more. With this change you’ll become happy again. Then, when the time comes and you meet your love again they’ll see how positive and confident you’ve become in your life and with that they’ll be attracted to you. With that attraction you can take the chance to win your love back Irene.  

So, I want you to go out and experience all that life has to offer, the day life, the night life, the taste, sounds and smells. Put yourself in a place where the atmosphere is absolutely uplifting to your soul. You could go to a popular bar and meet new people, try an exotic restaurant that serves a cuisine you’ve never heard of, you could even pursue an adrenaline rush doing something like skydiving. You’re not living life for 2 people for now, so do what you want to do. 

The next step, Irene is to become irresistible to your love. Start to make positive changes to your entire being and try to improve yourself. Consider becoming fitter, having a more positive mentality, changing your behavior and habits. Then you must look at your relationship, identify the main problem and learn how to fix it.  

The first change to make is your appearance Irene. You should get a haircut, get your teeth cleaned or exercise to become fitter. I want you to do all these things and more, show the world you’re a new person with a new attitude, life is about you now. The first thing your love will see is your appearance, so if it has changed a lot for the better it’ll be like they’re seeing a new and improved you. This will attract them to you physically. Treat yourself, go get a makeover and start feeling good.  

Changing your mentality. Start working on being even happier Irene. This is always attractive on a person, a good outlook on life means a happy and positive person who attracts the attention of others. Here’s some advice; give yourself time to heal, do some meditation. 
Spend time on yourself, do things that make you feel good and happy. This is important to keep you away from bad vibes and energy.  

Go out with your friends and family. They’ll always support you and cheer you up. They’ll always be there for you so let them help you to heal and have fun again Irene. On top of all that I want you to, wherever you go, see the positives in life, see the glass as half full rather than half empty. This will train your mind to be more optimistic and see life in a better way. 

Do some meditation. Use this time to find peace and think of your life and yourself Irene, use this time to think about everything. Any questions you might have could be answered by yourself at this time, especially with the coming transit sharing its positive energy with you. This will allow you to accept things as they have come to be in life. I want you to find a quiet place and for just 5 minutes per day, sit and focus on where you are, whether it’s in nature or a room in your house. Listen to the silence or the sounds that are around you, listen to your natural surroundings and the beautiful sounds that it has to offer you. Let these sounds calm your mind allow clear thoughts into your head. It’s at these moments that you will find the answers to the biggest questions you have. 

The final thing to change in yourself Irene is your behavior and habits. Think and understand that maybe there was a certain energy in your environment that affected the way you both acted in your relationship. An energy that might’ve caused you both to damage your relationship. Understand that a challenging period is rarely caused by just one person. It’s almost always because of two people. I know that you’re really smart and that you can easily identify and change things within you Irene. And I hope that your love makes changes to better themselves too. You should focus on receiving good energy from the planets and blocking bad ones in the meantime. I want you to try something, when you come across a problem, don’t react, instead take 1 minute to relax and think, let your emotions calm and after 1 minute address the situation. From doing this you’ll find that you act in a completely different way compared to how you would’ve acted had you let your immediate emotions take over. When you find your love again, when you welcome them back into your life you can then use this technique to prevent any future challenging periods and so you’ll improve your relationship.

After these changes are made you can then begin to look at your relationship Irene. Your heart may still be longing for your love no matter what happened before because of the planets loving energy, it can be really confusing when different energies cross paths within you so it’s important that you find a quiet place, calm yourself and listen to your head instead of your heart. You’ll then be able to separate the different energies within you, push love to the side and allow the energy of logic to flow through your mind Irene. Think about what happened between you and your love, think about the pros and cons of both your relationship and your love. Understand that you’re the one who’ll make yourself happy, not your love although they can certainly help. Give yourself time without your love and when you feel ok again you’ll know whether you or not you want them back.  

The next step is to fix what was broken. There must have been a very strong disturbance in the energy of your relationship that lead to a time of challenge, you should think Irene, find this disturbance and try to fix it. If you don’t fix this problem then it will still be there when you get back together.  

This next step is very important Irene. Get in touch with your love at the right time with the right message. Like I said before, after a while of no contact your love will start to wonder where you’ve gone. They’ll begin to remember all the good things about you and so, miss you. This is the best time to contact them Irene. You contact them, meet them and as soon as they see you they’ll be yours again. They’ll be wondering where all this positive change we spoke about before, came from. So, make sure you’ve experienced positive things and found more meaning in your life. This really is an important thing to improve love. This shows how happily you can and have lived without your love and it also shows that they are only an advantage to an already prosperous life.  

So, Irene, when you contact your love I want you to make it casual, polite and be subtle. Take texting your love for example, send them a text message about something in your life that connects you to them. Think about something in your life that reminds you of your love and then text them explaining how you recently saw something and it reminded you of them. Ask your love a question about somewhere you went together in the past because you’re planning to go there again with people. Use subtle ways to give yourself the chance to contact your love as opposed to texting out of nowhere, there has to be reason Irene.  
Once you do this and find other ways to keep the conversation going and a loving energy will begin to appear and find its way into both your hearts and souls. With this energy you can start to re-strengthen your relationship with your love. One day you can even suggest that you casually meet up, but Irene don’t use the word ‘date’ yet or your love might be put off.   

Once you meet up avoid anything that revolves around relationships, dates, romance and love in general Irene. Your love will be skeptical and maybe try to test you so make sure that you speak to your love as if you’re 2 friends catching up and do actually take this chance to catch up with your love, tell them what you’ve been doing in life and ask them the same question Irene. This shows your love that you’ve an interest in them and begins to bring you even closer together.   

As the mood mellows out and you can both be a little more relaxed around each with positive vibes surrounding you, you can even begin to flirt a little bit to show your love a little interest. Use this flirting along with the right looks and you can establish some chemistry Irene. If you do everything the right way, in the right proportions, then you can show enough interest to stay out of the friendzone and to prevent scaring your love off.  

Keep going like this Irene, meeting up and casually talking until trust and happiness finds its way to you both and when you’re both ready, when the time’s right and you feel yourselves becoming closer and falling for one another, then and only then you can talk about getting back together.  

 I now want to speak to you about an important relationship in your life Irene, beauty comes in so many different forms, one form of beauty is never the same as another. The special relationship you have is its own unique and special form of beauty Irene. I like to think of this relationship as a flower, and I’m both the water and sun that feeds you so that you can stand taller each day. So, now I want to feed you everything I know so that your relationship grows. I want to work together with you to use the loving energy that the coming transit is going to bring you and improve your relationship, I know that you can do this because you’re so special Irene. I feel a great energy flowing deep inside you.  

Improving any relationship that you hold dear in your life is so important Irene. It’s important to appreciate that you share this relationship with this particular person, there are more than 7 billion people in the world and you chose to be with this person. Think about that Irene. No one understands how you crossed paths and came into each other's lives, that is hidden in the mysteries of the planets. One thing you do know for sure is that you have a strong and special connection with this person Irene, a connection that has allowed the planets to bring you together at exactly the right time and place. That is incredible.  

I think you should appreciate that the planets and their energy has done this for both of you and appreciate the relationship you share. Show your appreciation by improving and growing together, becoming closer every day so that you can share many more happy and good memories together Irene. It’s so rare to find someone you can share a life time with so make sure you cherish this person Irene. 

The person you choose to be in your life is the person who’ll be there for you the most, next to your family. They’ll be there when you need them the most whether you find yourself stranded somewhere, needing their help in an emergency or just being there for you when you’re sad. Your love is one of the only people you can count on when you need them Irene.  

Remember the first time you met Irene, how special that moment was, remember all the times when your love was there for you when no one else was. When you were down and needed someone to lift you up, when you were in a bad place within your soul and they brought light back into your life. They are truly a special person in your life, you can party with them, relax with them, cry with them, fight with them and make up with them. You can do absolutely everything with your love Irene.  

If you follow this path that I want to guide you down then I can promise you that the odds of improving your relationship with your love will reach new heights Irene. But results require actions. Good things come to those who take. If you choose to follow my advice you’ll find yourself ultimately closer to your love. More specifically you’ll find yourself in a position of more trust, more enjoyment being together, it’ll be easier to be honest about how you’re feeling, easier to talk about your day, the list goes on and on Irene. Just believe me when I say good things will come from taking the steps to improve your relationship. 

Now I want to take your hand and guide you so that we can improve your relationship together Irene. Use the spiritual strength you have inside you to connect and strengthen the bond you share with your love.  

The first thing you should look at is your communication. Speak your mind Irene but with honesty and kindness in your voice and mind, be sensitive to your love, don’t hurt them. On top of this make the time to talk about your day, stay connected and if something is bothering you, tell them, don’t expect them to guess.  

Stand behind any promises that you make Irene and remind your love that you can still be trusted, don’t say it, show it, because actions speak louder than words. You should also be willing to trust your love in return, it’s such a positive feeling to know that someone trusts us so who better to give that feeling to than your own love. When trust is lost in a relationship then the relationship itself begins to falter, trust is so hard to give so when you receive it, respect it.  
Part of a relationship is being there for your partner both physically and emotionally when they need you Irene, this is another important and beautiful part of being in a relationship. If your love see’s that you’re not willing to do things for them then maybe they’ll return the favor, so be careful Irene.  

Take a moment to see things from your loves point of view. We’re all different with different brains so we have different ways of thinking and acting, try to understand that and how your love might see something compared to you Irene. Try to understand that your way might not always be the right way. This is an important part of a relationship because it creates equal understanding.  

Offer support when your love needs it. Giving support to your love should be something you want to do rather than it feeling like it is ‘your job’ to do so. We all need help sometimes and maybe someday you’ll need help from your love too, so consider being supportive Irene.  

Be open to what your love wants to do Irene, try not to instantly go to ‘no’ and maybe think that something your love has suggested could be fun. Relationships are about give and take Irene. Do something that your love wants to do and next time it’ll be something you want to do.  

Be there for both the good and bad times. Enjoy every experience together, share the pain and share the joy, your love is the person you should get to experience both with.  Learn to laugh at yourselves because we all make mistakes in life along the way. Nobody is perfect after all. Listen Irene , it’s hard to keep a relationship on track all the time so when you do find yourself in a less-than-perfect situation try to find the humor in it, because if you can’t laugh at yourself then what’s the point. If you let the situation control you instead of you controlling it, then you both become more stressed. You should look for ways to release any tension or bad vibes because relationships are meant to be supportive not combative.

Like I said Irene, find the humor in tough situations but you should also find it in your partner. Everyone makes mistakes, especially in a relationship. Try to accept that both of you are doing the best you can for each other and for the relationship too but the ‘perfect partner’ is a tough status to get.  

Surprise your partner with a gift sometimes Irene, even a small gift can be enough to brighten up your partners day and make them love you just that little bit more. Decide who’s going to do what housework on which days, divide the workload so neither person is too stressed and overcome because if they are then arguments will arrive. Take time alone for yourselves Irene, because being with each other 24/7 can sometimes be too much, everyone needs time to themselves, to be selfish and do what they want to do.  

Overall remember that it’s the small and simple things you do that improve your relationship Irene. These are the things that will be appreciated the most, the things that’ll bring a smile to your partners face and make their day.  

Follow all the advice I’ve given you above Irene and I believe that your relationship might be greatly improved. Communicate kindly, keep your promises, be there for each other, see things from each other's point of view, support your partner, do what your partner wants to do some times, be there for the good times and the bad, learn to laugh at life and each other, surprise your partner with small gifts and gestures, divide the housework, take time for yourselves, remember that it’s the little things that count the most Irene.  

But remember that it’s you Irene who must take the steps to do these things for your partner and your relationship, because it’s your relationship and your partner, only you have the power to do these things for the better.  

I want to remind you again of the importance of the transits.

The first thing you need to understand is timing. I’m going to explain to you that I sense particular moments of transit having a strong effect on your love life. Let's go over when these are.  

The 18th of September 
Between the 25th and 27th of September 
The 8th of October  
The end of October 
Between the 6th and 12th of November.  

Then please know that there are two important long periods, between the 6th of September and the 15th of November and from the 7th to the 31st of December.  

I want you to know Irene, that there are things that you can do and changes you can make, both big and small that’ll lead you down a new road with love by your side Irene. Set yourself these goals, do them exactly and the chances of love revealing itself to you will become so much greater, it’s only a matter of time.

I want to make sure that you take the right actions to ensure this, but that’s exactly what you must remember, they’re your actions Irene. If you take these actions your chances of improving your love life will be so much greater than before. 

So, let’s go through what you should do Irene. I’d like you to be thinking the right way, because if you think about something then the chances of that thing happening become so much greater than before. It’d be a great idea to clear your mind and think of only love and everything positive that it brings with it. Think of things like spending a night in front of the tv together, dancing together and just spending time together in general. These little ways of thinking will ensure that you’re mind corresponds with your actions. You’ll be prepared Irene.  

You must also know that there will be days when your foresight details and your short-term plan indicates that you are going through a time which is positive for your creativity and growth Irene. I sense that October will be a time to profit from a new consciousness and change of direction. These new consciousnesses will bring a new and completely different way of looking at your “normal” way of existence. Listen Irene, if you have been considering looking into new subjects, this would be an excellent time to do so as you can work very hard with others and gain great satisfaction from it. Gifts, inheritances and inner spiritual growth are all possibilities with the movements of the planets over the month of October. Certain periods like these during the middle of September will allow you to pay attention to your imagination. You possess a very intuitive and insightful mind and it may be that now is the time to focus on your writing and projects.  

Researchers have found that it is during strong positive moods that our best creative work is done. In fact, the feeling of love or even thinking about love was shown to best encourage creative thinking. Getting yourself to a “positive place” is not as hard as it may sound—any number of mood boosters (quick exercise, envisioning the future, recalling good memories) will do the trick to influence your mood Irene, and your creative efforts will be at their best when your attitude is positive.  In fact, the feeling of love or even thinking about love was shown to best encourage creative thinking. This means that during this positive time that lies ahead for you I can sense great periods of creativity coming for you. Your creativity Irene will benefit hugely from the positive returns and results you will see in your other areas of your life.  

As we have already discussed Irene, each day you’ll receive a forecast telling you that a certain day is perfect for developing a certain way for relaxing or empathy for example. I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to do or where to go to receive the best benefit from that day and its energy. Every time you absorb a day's energy you’ll be enlightened and be able to think in a fresh, new, way Irene and you can apply this to your daily life. Maybe this energy can be applied to your creativity and allow you to finish your creative projects. I’m so happy to share with you this information and let you know that you’ll progress in that area. 

Doing this every day over a number of days, weeks and months even, is going to really improve your life Irene. You’ll accumulate the sum of your actions over each different day to bring about real-life changes at the end of the month.  

Irene, remember that using this guide is really going to help you over the next few months because it’s going to help you see things differently. You’ll approach life differently.  I want you to remember everything I say. This information will help you in so many parts of your life Irene. You’ll learn how to handle your emotions and transfer them into creative outlets at the same time you will earn the most money by doing things like budgeting or making smart decisions. You’re going to learn how to make your love life and social life better by going out to the right places where you’ll meet the right people. You’ll know exactly what to do to succeed in your projects and turn them into something beneficial. You’ll know what to do to become closer to your family. I’m going to continue to go into detail about how you can make all of this happen for you Irene. 

We’re not only going to look at these daily parts of your life Irene. We’re also going to look at specific transit dates and what you can do to better yourself because the way we act affects our lives in every way, especially when a transit influences our energy. Together we’ll learn how to do things like speaking the truth, express our emotions, how to relax and be at peace with ourselves. Because these parts of us affect our lives too and if we develop these parts of us we’ll become better people in the end, this also heightens our creativity which I feel will really improve around the 20th of October and the 05th of November. You’ll be able to approach situations differently than before with a fresh mind and so improve your life Irene. 

During these moments remember particularly to focus on your creativity.  By doing this you’ll progress every day, you’ll have more success so long as you act on the guidance Irene.  

This is why it’s so important that you read over everything I have written for you Irene. It’s rare we understand something the first time we read or see it, we always need to take another look or read over something again and again. Repetition is the best way to understand something Irene, more information stays with you every time you read over something again. So, this is what you must do to understand everything I have and will say.  

That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don't notice that the time passes, My dear Irene.  the best scenario for you is when you are so wrapped up in your work that you forget about everything else. Love and creativity are intertwined. A hobby, such as playing an instrument, running, or collecting memorabilia, can help you relax and fight stress while giving your creativity a boost. I want you to really act on the information you receive so as to really improve your life my dear Irene.  

During these periods I want to give you advice on why you should find peace for yourself Irene . It’s important that you read everything I say again so that it gets stuck into your head. Ok, so, peace and forgiveness are so important in life. Peace controls every relationship we have with every person we meet. Some have reached complete peace within themselves and with everything around them, they forgive easily with a smile, while others have no peace and no forgiveness. Peace is the foundation of our emotions and forgiveness Irene, if everyone was at peace with themselves and with others then there would be no problems in the world, forgiveness would be easily received.  

I want you to know Irene, that if you find peace within yourself you will be at peace with everyone and everything around you. I can see clearly in your astral sky the CONCRETIZATION OF AN IMPORTANT PROJECT CENTRAL TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. I sense that this will be around the 25th and 27th of September. Relationships with people close to you will be strengthened, people you have lost because of problems you faced may be brought back into your life if you allow it. If you are at peace you will forgive easily, the thoughts within your mind will be completely positive Irene. You will only see the best in people and in life.  

Being at peace with yourself will allow you to think clearly Irene. The only thoughts that will be inside your mind will be positive. It is from this positivity that you will be able to approach your daily life the best way, with a clear mind and good intentions. You’ll know how to approach everything in the right way that will bring you the right results.  

 You must be the one to be at peace with yourself Irene. I can tell you how to receive this peace but you must take the action to find peace within yourself. Rest assured that I will be there with you along this journey, I will guide you and you will have the power to take the actions, true forgiveness and peace rests in your hands Irene. I want you be at peace with life and its people, I want you to be forgiving and happy in your life. 

To begin the journey of being at peace one must understand its relationship between forgiveness. Peace is calmness in your mind and forgiveness is also a form of calmness Irene. If a person isn’t forgiven then your mind will be thinking about them, always active, never resting. This is the opposite of peace. In order to find peace, you must find the power to forgive so that you can move on. People believe that forgiveness is for the benefit of the other person when in fact it is for themselves. Forgiveness gives you the power to move on and better yourself as a person to find peace in your mind. Being at peace with yourself will allow you to think clearly Irene. The only thoughts that will be inside your mind will be positive. It is from this positivity that you will be able to approach your daily life the best way, with a clear mind and good intentions. You’ll know how to approach everything in the right way and that will bring you the right results  

I want you to open your heart and think of only kindness, see the positive sides of everything in life Irene. Imagine the positives from giving forgiveness, everything good that will come from this action. The best time to do this is between the 25th and 27th of September, the planets this time will be emitting a strong energy of healing, peace and forgiveness. So, take this opportunity to free yourself from your mind, forgive and be at peace whenever you can Irene. This can be done through small things such as if you bump into someone, apologize and give forgiveness at the same time. By doing this you will have no worries, you can truly live your life being at peace with yourself knowing you were really kind today.  

Remember what I have told you Irene, and read over it again and again so it stays with you. A mind that is at peace can think clearly without trouble, this will affect your daily life in so many wonderful ways. With no worries you can clear your mind and focus on the task at hand and progress.  

I want to highlight the importance of finances to you Irene. Our finances are the source of everything in our lives, although they are just numbers, they have huge power in our lives. If you have the right mindset and know-how you can make these numbers bigger for you Irene. And with better finances comes a better, safer, life.
I spoke to you earlier about making smart decisions and budgeting, well I'm going to go into more detail about that now so that together we can improve your finances. You won’t improve your finances in one day Irene. But you can take steps today, this week, this month and this year to put yourself on the right path toward financial stability.  

Let me tell you that being financially stable can positively Impact your feelings Irene. If you are positively dealing with your debt and sticking to your budget I can tell you that you will always feel financially protected should something happen. Make sure you talk regularly with your friends and family if you are experiencing money problems Irene, it is one of those topics that people too often avoid talking about because it makes them feel embarrassed.  

It’s so important that you look at the bills Irene, and talk about where your money is going, how is it being spent, how it’s being saved and where you would like to see it go in the future. Make sure you are tracking what you are spending. Write everything down Irene. If you really look at your spending and how much you pay per week you will be able to say, ok, next week, I can spend $20 or $25 less If you follow this guidance then you will really start to see the benefits towards the end of these five months; In particular going forward between the 13th of September and the 15th of November.  

It is on this subject that I must ask you to be careful. Those feeling jealous of you will sometimes not appreciate your endeavors. You will need to distance yourself from these people so that their negative influences will not have an effect on you. Watch out for the daily warnings in your forecasts. 

My dear Irene, remember that an important financial and professional opportunity will appear to you, it will let you gain a much higher income and this will really improve you and take you to the next level. My Dear, Irene. The key to improving your finance is often in tackling the basic problems. Once you take control of your finances and start implementing changes every day, you’ll start to see financial growth, not just financial stability.

Irene, over the next five months I want you to start feeling good about money, if you have a “money shame” or something that embarrasses you or makes you feel badly about how you’ve handled money in the past, then make this the year to move on. Many people have trouble thriving in their current financial lives because they’re still dwelling on past mistakes. “Most people need to understand their money story first” this includes assessing strengths along with relationships to spending, earning and giving. Set your financial goals Irene, simply asking yourself what your goals are can help set you on the path to achieving them, setting clear financial goals is pivotal to your financial success. It is hard to know what to spend our money on, when we are unsure what we want. Think big and make both short-term and long-term goals to ensure you stay focused and motivated. 

Create a well-planned budget and stick to it Irene. Attention to detail is important when managing your finances and it can make all the difference when creating a budget. Be realistic – budget for the occasional splash out, and remember to incorporate all of your expenses, big and small. 

Analyze your financial blueprint, it’s so important that you recognize your financial blueprint – your financial identity and your relationship with money. Instead of asking why life is the way it is, isn’t it better to ask HOW you can change your financial future and actually BE one of those people who ARE rich? Irene,  

Learn more about the primary influences that determine your financial blueprint, and how to manifest change to create more wealth.  Let me tell you that I sense a particularly good period for you between the 8th of September and the 15th of November Irene, ‘If you can dream it, you can be it’, and the same applies to your financial dreams Irene. We often create our own barriers to financial success and wealth, held back by doubt and fear. Dream of earning more, and introduce a daily money mantra into your life. The conditioning will solidify your dream and help you believe you deserve it. 

My dear Irene, let me tell you that if you bring your lunch to work you will receive real financial rewards.  Most people don’t think twice about getting an afternoon coffee or fetching an $8 sandwich on their lunch break. But what seems like a few dollars ends up accumulating to hundreds by the end of the year. Bring your own lunch (and coffee) to work, and make a positive change to your wallet. 

Irene, avoid unnecessary spending and focus on your recurring expenses. Starting with phone, cable and Internet expenses and continue down to your groceries and mortgage, this way you will manage to squeeze out continuing savings. 

Mercury will be your protector and ally until the beginning of November to help you finalize a deal between the 6th and the 12th of November. I can’t tell you exactly what this deal might be but I know that you are about to enter an extremely important cycle. It will be down to you to think positively about finishing your negotiations. This coming period will be very different from the past because it will be a time of good opportunities. To fully profit from this period you must act. Meticulously analyze all of your surplus costs – electricity, credit cards, gas, mobile phone, haircuts, your car, food, and more – and see where there is an opportunity to save, Irene. Even a small decrease in bank fees or switching to a more competitive phone plan can add up to a significant amount of savings at the end of the year. 

Irene, I sense that in the coming months you are going to have the opportunity to definitely build up your savings. Do your research and find a low-fee, high-interest savings account with an established financial institution, and start saving – now! Most banks offer automatic savings transfers, making it easier to save than it ever has been.  Whilst making these changes may be difficult at first, what you give up is minimal compared to what you gain Irene – financial security, an improved quality of life, and the ability to achieve the lifestyle that you’ve always wanted. 

Concerning your career things will soon become very intense thanks to Saturn, Pluto and Mars that are located in your career astral zones. I can see clearly Irene that you really have the talent and ability to move to the next level. This will be a really intense period for you Irene in your career path and zone. You will have luck on your side but it really is you who must act. I can tell you how you can really propel in your career. A year is too long to set achievable goals. So, it will be more intelligent to set improvements for yourself throughout the year. Think about your work. What could you be doing to improve your performance? Are there skills you could learn to improve you? Try to think of any skills you could learn that would positively impact you and then work on gaining and improving these skills. 

Next thing is to set yourself realistic goals and set a deadline to learn these skills. Set it, do it and grade it… give yourself a grade. Seriously... Irene It works. Ask yourself if you met the goals, did you meet these goals with ease or not, are you satisfied with the results. Then ask someone how they would have rated your performance. Then do it all again with new goals and new deadlines.  

Let me tell you also that having a mentor is so important for you going forward Irene. If you find someone that can really keep an eye on you and watch the direction you are going to progress. Choose that person you greatly admire, worship or follow and gather all the advice that you possibly can from them. For your personal development it’s important that you spend part of your time reading blogs, gather all the information that you can. Spend time reading books about your profession. Read business books that stretch your thinking. Reading new things can start conversations when you’re networking and fix blockages in negotiating. You will come up with new and innovative ideas. It can also build your own career with new ways to do things and different work and life hacks to make life flow a little more smoothly. 

Let me tell you Irene, that you really need to Volunteer to complete challenging projects and assignments. One of the best ways to advance your career is to identify an organizational problem and propose a solution. Irene. Let me tell you that by taking the initiative over the next five months you will certainly be able to propose solutions to permanent problems. By offering to implement the solution, you will not only increase your visibility as a problem-solver in the organization, but you might also expand your skills in the process. 

Let me tell you Irene, there is also so much to be said for hard work. But, I’m not talking about working hard for the sake of it Irene, I’m talking about being truly dedicated to the work in front of you and making sure you absolutely fulfill your needs to their best. Working hard doesn’t mean staying until incredibly late at the office and making yourself upset. Working hard is all about balance and making the best out of what lies in front of you. If you do this and follow the guide, using the movement of the planets for inspiration then I can assure you that things will certainly look bright for your future.  

Never be afraid to advance yourself and learn about career development and job opportunities such as tuition reimbursement for a college degree or certification, in-house technical or professional training courses and available job openings. Take advantage of available opportunities Irene. Maintain your momentum and commit to continuous skill building and improvement. By planning your career strategy, you are increasing your chances of staying employable and achieving your long-term career goals. 

Each of us has a certain number of years to invest in working and making a living. Having a job is fine, but creating a career will maximize your opportunities for success. To have a successful career requires that you pursue career management strategies like these. 

Listen, Irene, a  successful career doesn’t happen unthinkingly. It needs planning, tending, and frequent review. Are you ready to pursue these career development strategies? My guide will certainly help you.  

Irene, the meaning of life is to give your life a meaning. The meaning of life is the very process of living itself. This is at least something I have come up with and made it work for myself. I understand that all of the meanings should be designed individually and that is why I emphasize so much the importance of taking 100% responsibility for what’s inside your head Irene.  

You don’t become happy by pursuing happiness Irene. You become happy by living a life that means something. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.  Let me tell you that you need to do something that truly interests you.  Seeking happiness for purely happiness' sake can be fleeting and disappointing.  It's having meaning and purpose in life that lead to happiness.... 
Read on to discover the four factors that make up meaning and happiness in life....  While purpose and happiness are distinctly different concepts, feeling a sense of meaning in your life can be a key factor in experiencing happiness. First Irene, the concept of happiness changes as we age.  When we are younger, we associate happiness with excitement - and as we get older, we associate happiness with peace.  This may happen because we tend to shift our focus from the future to the present as we age. 

To increase your sense of meaning forward I want you to concentrate on four things Irene.

  • Physical and mental well-being 
  • Belonging and recognition 
  • Personally, treasured activities 
  • Spiritual closeness and connectedness  

Physical and mental well-being means not just taking good care of your body; it means taking care of your mind.  This can be achieved, in part, through stress-reduction techniques and positive thinking and expectations.  

Belonging and recognition refers to feeling valued and validated, and feeling like others "get" you.  

Personally, treasured activities are things you do that make you feel good - hobbies, spending time with your grandchildren - things that you do where it feels like you are in the moment and time flies by. 

My dear Irene, Spiritual closeness and connectedness can happen even if you do not have a religious practice.  While religion can be part of spirituality, spirituality goes beyond religion.  Spiritual closeness and connectedness are the feelings that all living things in the world are interrelated.  

You may be wondering what truly gives your life meaning Irene.  The truth is, what gives our lives purpose and meaning changes over time.  It particularly changes after a big life event or crisis.  Some self-reflection is a good way to start discovering what truly matters to you. As you already know everything goes by cycle and you are ready to start a new one that the planets have offered to you. Self-reflection is a great way of realizing that the new cycle is going to be incredible.  

Let me tell you Irene, that you will feel a much stronger sense of purpose the moment you start being the giver in a relationship and not the taker. Humans that are constantly seeking happiness tend to report lower levels of self-contentedness than those who live lives of meaning. Concentrate on making other people happy and you will definitely receive some as a side effect yourself.  

Irene, the brain is seen as a mere machine, and the mind is considered unruly. We are told that the wandering mind is the cause of suffering, and we are instructed to tame it. We are led to believe that silencing the mind is how we become transcendent. These are false perceptions of the human spiritual experience. Yes, meditative practices make you more present and contribute to your connection with the divine, but, Irene they are neither a prerequisite to becoming spiritual nor the only way to do so. You use your mind, body, and spirit in conjunction to experience the world around you, and that is no accident.

The mind both listens and speaks. Neither of these states is better than the other; they are both required to help us operate as spiritual beings in the physical reality Irene. In the listening state, the higher self takes residence and we are intuitively receptive to divine wisdom. But though a calm mind is essential for our well-being, it's not necessary or desirable to silence the mind. The mind's speaking state is useful Irene; the voice in our head helps us find meaning and understand our life experience. 

Irene, it is really Important that you know that the mind's voice allows us to engage in the delightful project of inquiry. Inquiry is the gateway through which the voice can ask questions while inviting the spirit to provide the answers. Each question brings you deeper into yourself and closer to your purpose. Inquiry connects you to truth and ultimately to the divine. 

Be present and relaxed Irene, Take seven deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. With every breath, imagine that your body is getting more peaceful and readier to learn the truth. Set your intention. This can be as simple as, "May I come to know the truth?" Allow your gentle intention to prepare you to receive wisdom from the divine. Clarify your question. What is it that you'd like to inquire about and why Irene? By articulating your question, you are informing the planets of your request. 

Sincerely seek to know. Make a genuine connection with the ideas, objects, and concepts revealed to you Irene. The more interested you are in your topic, the greater the energy you send out and receive in return, in the form of answers. Ask the right kind of questions.

Irene, Yes-or-no questions limit your ability to perceive the wider truth. Instead, ask open-ended questions. Let your questions be guided by the why, how, and what of life. Always seek to connect your questioning to the divine. Pay attention to the signs. Your answers may arrive in the form of intuitions, hunches, synchronicity, or thoughts you could not have generated yourself. Life is responsive in nature, so the universe may send you experiences that match your current needs. Your heart will recognize these whispers of the soul. 

For my last point Irene, I want to speak to you about how you can improve your social life. I can see that in the middle of September with the arriving of Chiron in your astral sky you will have the opportunity during these dates and so it will give you a great energy focusing on your social life and friendships. This will also be a great time for a networking or social activity. 


Our social life is really important in our lives Irene. We are a pack animal, since the beginning of time we have surrounded ourselves with others like us. We need to spend time with other people so that we can be happy, have fun and just enjoy life in general.  

Our friends are so important to us, a lot of memories consist of the great people we meet in our lives Irene. Think of your favorite people to go out with, anything you’ve ever done with them. Ask yourself how many of those memories with those people are bad and how many are good. I’m sure the good memories outweigh the bad. Our friends bring us more joy than any other people, a type of joy completely different to what our family and partners bring us. It truly is a unique form of joy Irene. That is why friends are so important, they make our lives great and keep us happy no matter what.  

I want to guide you in the right direction towards a better social life Irene. There is no better time to follow this path that I want to set you on as you will have Pluto to give its energy to you. You will be completely reinforced by positive, social, energy, which will give you the confidence to make yourself known to everyone around you in a room and allow you to approach people with ease. You will truly have the positive spirituality within you that will make you stand out from the crowd Irene. 

Listen Irene, you can even expect people to come to you and start the conversation with you. There will be people who will stay in your life for a short time and those who stay in your life for a long time. What is important are the people you will meet who will stay for a long time.


On top of the new people you will meet, you will also find yourself reconnecting with old friends. You should consider taking the action here Irene to move things along more quickly. Call your friend(s) and arrange a meet up, maybe for a casual drink after work, lunch or do an activity together. Once you start to re-connect to this person your old memories will start flooding back and you’ll remember exactly why you’re such old and close friends as you have the most fun you’ve had in a long time Irene.  

Now I want you to act Irene. To bring these new people, and old friends, into your life. You should take advantage of the coming transit periods and allow the energy of Pluto to flow through your soul, to give you the spiritual strength you need to improve your social life. Let’s begin Irene 

Just say yes. Again, I want you to think of the best memories you’ve experienced in your life Irene, what do they all have in common? The word ‘yes’ you always said yes. Each day brings so many opportunities. You might have people asking you a simple question on the street, signs written on windows telling you to do or join something. Say yes Irene, who knows where you could end up or who you could meet. Leave your comfort zone and do the things that you both do and do not want to do, this will bring many new people into your life.  

See how your oldest friends are doing. When was the last time you saw your original friends Irene, do you know what they’re doing in their lives, do they know what you’re doing in yours. Maybe it’s time for both of you to learn. You’re old friends for a reason so take teap of faith and get in touch, arrange to meet up. Start building the friendship back up and adding another 10000 memories into each other's lives.  

Join a community. Think of your favorite hobby and look for it. You’ll find people who like that hobby too. Introduce yourself, share advice, talk about your mutual hobby. Just start a conversation and keep it going Irene. You already know that the people here share the same interest as you so you’ve gotten a free head start on your friendship. Your passion is your key to a better social life, unlock the potential. When you receive the Information in your forecast you must act! Otherwise nothing will ever come from what you do.


Network. If you know someone who has a problem then introduce them to someone who can be the solution Irene. Bring people together and who know what could happen, bring friends together, this can quickly lead to their friends coming too and so on. Next thing you know Irene, you have a big group of great people meeting each other for the first time. This is a fantastic way to meet new people and have a great time together.  

Invite a co-worker to lunch and get to know each other better. Your job doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Whether your workplace is social or not, spend time with the people you work with Irene. You never know who you work with, they could be your twin in terms of interests.  

Invite a few people over for dinner. I know it’s tempting to just curl up on the couch after work in front of the television but trust me Irene, you’ll have much more fun and a more interesting night surrounded by people you like and have similar interests with, all while enjoying a nice home-cooked meal. 


My last piece of advice, Irene is to just turn off your computer, television and phone. Technology is great and has made life so easy for us, it’s also a little bit of a distraction, it distracts us from everything around us, natures beauty, atmosphere of night life in the city or countryside. Take an hour or 2, give your eyes a break and let your mind, body and soul absorb the amazing energy surrounding you. Allow this energy to bring you lots of positivity and share it with everything and everyone around you.    

Now that you know what I want you to do, it’s in your hands whether you do it or not Irene, I’d love to, but I can’t do any of this for you, it’s your life and the experiences are waiting for you.


Let life bring great friendships and memories to you and take them while they’re still there Irene


Let me summarize what I've just told you about improving your social life Irene. Say yes to every opportunity presented to you, meet up with your oldest friends, join a club or community that relates to your hobbies, Network and bring people together, invite a co-worker to lunch, host a dinner party, turn off your electronics and enjoy life. If you choose to do this I know that you’ll have a better social life and meet new and amazing people Irene. Everything rests in your hands, you have my advice now you must decide whether you will act or not with the energy of Pluto resting inside you during these coming transits.


So, Irene, I've provided you with all this information, I've worked day and night to specially bring this to you so that you can take action and change your life for the better if you choose to.


Now I want to quickly summarize for you, absolutely everything that I've spoken to you about today. This includes the topics and advice on how to get the most out of this reading  

This reading you’ve just read consists of 2 things: a daily life guide of forecasts and a long-term guide of forecasts over the next 5 months. Both of these guides provide you with the astrological information you need, in order to know what you must do at each date to succeed in certain areas of your life. 

In each topic I've personally, from my life-long experience and knowledge, along with hours of research, gone into specific detail about each topic so that you can get the best understanding from them Irene. So that you can use this information to your advantage in every area of your life for years to come. 

But I want to quickly tell you everything again Irene. 

Your best opportunity to improve your love life is between the dates of the 6th and 12th of November. The love from a partner is important because it provides us with comfort, security and happiness. Meeting someone will bring you much more happiness and meaning Irene. Look out for the signs I have told you about and when you see these signs, put yourself in the right place and wait for the planets to reveal the right person to you. 

It’s important to understand what happened in the past so you can improve for the future. It’s important to improve your relationship so that you can experience many more great things together in life. Improving your relationship will bring more trust, enjoyment and you will find each other more attractive. To improve your relationship, you must speak your mind respectfully. keep your promises. be there for each other. see things from each other's point of view. offer support because you want to, not because you have to. Do things that your partner wants to do. Be there for the good and bad times. Learn to laugh at yourselves. Take time for just you. Surprise your partner with small gifts. Remember that it’s the little things.


Improving your creativity. The best time for you to improve this are of your life is 28th of October and 5th of November. It’s important to improve your creativity so that you can have different and new perspectives in life. Improving your creativity will allow you to approach things in new and unique ways. To improve your creativity, you should make sure you are doing the things you love, channel your negative energy into positive creative outlets. Doing this over October will be a time to profit from a new consciousness and change of direction. 

Finding peace and forgiveness for others. The biggest opportunity to change this is between the 25th and 27th of September. It’s important to find peace within you and to learn to forgive others for their wrongs. Finding peace and the power to forgive will allow you to be at peace with life and its people, people you have lost touch with will be brought back into your life. To find peace and forgive others you should clear your mind often and let it be quiet and calm, you should then forgive those who have wronged you and make amends, don’t have any problems in your life and you can truly be at peace without worry in your mind.


Improving your finances. The best time to do this is between September and December. It’s important to improve your finances because they control everything you do in life. Better finances mean a better life in all areas as you are financially protected. To improve your finances, you should create a smart budgeting plan for each year so that you can make the most savings.  

Let me tell you that the next five months are going to provide the perfect opportunity to develop your spirituality and meaning. Sincerely seek to know, make a genuine connection with the ideas, objects, and concepts revealed to you Irene. The more interested you are in your topic, the greater the energy you send out and receive in return, in the form of answers. The more you will know about your place right now in the world. 

Irene, Yes-or-no questions limit your ability to perceive the wider truth. Instead, ask open-ended questions. Let your questions be guided by the why, how, and what of life. Pay attention to the signs. Your answers may arrive in the form of intuitions, hunches, synchronicity, or thoughts you could not have generated yourself. Life is responsive in nature, so the planets may send you experiences that match your current needs. Your heart will recognize these whispers of the soul. 

Improving your social life and fixing a project central to your family. The best time to do this is during September through to December. Having a good social life is important because we’re a pack animal and depend on other people for socially happy lives. Having a good social life brings happiness and enjoyment into our lives, we get to spend time with others and make great memories that we can look back on with a smile and be filled with a burst of positivity. To improve your social life, consider saying yes to every opportunity, contact old friends, join a community, bring friends together, invite a co-worker to lunch, host a dinner party, turn off your electronics and just see the world. Do this and your social life will improve so much more.  

Now that I have summarized the topics we discussed, I want to remind you of my advice that I have constantly told you throughout this article: 

You must be the one to act. I’ve given you to the information Irene, now it’s up to you to use it if you choose to. I can only guide you and advise you but you are the only one who can make these changes and turn your life towards the direction you want to go. You must act.  

Read over everything I have written for you. The best way to truly understand something is to read over it again and again so that’s what you must do. You really need to understand everything I have told you so that you can turn your life into what you want it to be Irene. 

There is nothing more that I can tell you now Irene except that I wish you the best of luck in changing your life, please take my information and use it well, use it to get everything you want and deserve in life. 

Good luck, my dear, Irene.

Your Day-by-Day Forecast

Your forecast begins down below. If the time period for an interpretation is, for example, given as "July 1, 2003 (June 15, 2003 to July 15, 2003)", then it starts in mid-June, reaches greatest intensity around July 1, and ends in mid-July. The first date listed is the time when the influence has reached maximum strength; we can call this date the "peak date". The influence starts on the beginning date, gradually increases in strength until the peak date is reached, and then it gradually fades out until the ending date is reached.

An influence may last for as little as a week to as long as half a year or so. It is a good idea to look ahead in your forecast for long-lasting influences, as you otherwise may not realize that it is in effect until you are already several months into the time period of the influence. Some people underline the dates of long-lasting influences with a colored pen to draw attention to them.

You may also notice that the same interpretation shows up periodically during the year; this is not unusual. In some cases the beginning and ending dates of the 2 influences are the same; the only difference between the 2 interpretations is the peak date. This means that this particular influence has two peak dates instead of one. It is even possible for there to be three or more peak dates for the same astrological influence. To eliminate redundant interpretations, you may be informed that the astrological influence also occurred earlier and that you should refer back to the previous occurrence of this interpretation.

22 Aug 2018 (8 Jul 2018 to 17 Dec 2018)

Emotional upheaval and irrational, compulsive feelings are key issues during this time period. Obsessive and compulsive behavior can arise now. For example, some people will go on an eating binge and put on a lot of weight and others will become loud, boisterous, and belligerent about their political or religious views. You may suddenly feel jealous of someone close to you, or you may feel guilty about decisions and actions that occurred long ago. The feelings that arise depend on your own experiences and interests because they are triggered by events and interests of a very personal nature, perhaps that go back to your early childhood. You also sometimes feel gripped by feelings and emotions that you never thought you were capable of having! The emotions vary but most people will experience jealousy, emotional insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy or anger, feelings of deep attachment or dependency on another person, and strong maternal or paternal feelings.

Upon experiencing the first wave of these feelings, you are likely to try to ignore the feelings. Then you will find that the feelings are too strong to ignore, but you may still try to hide them from others. Eventually, you will discover that you are gripped with feelings that will not go away and cannot be hidden. You will have to deal with these feelings in one way or another. Avoid the temptation to keep trying to hide your feelings; they will only become more intense and be even more disruptive when you finally deal with them. You certainly do not need to make a public display of your emotions and it is perfectly reasonable to hide feelings from others in a public situation, but you must find time by yourself or with close ones to recognize and express these feelings.

Handling these feelings in the best way is an art that requires delicate sensitivity. It is good to release the feelings, but not wallow in them. For example, you might feel like crying or you might feel very jealous or angry at someone, for no apparent reason. If the feeling becomes very strong, then it is best to express the energy in some form, whether it be allowing yourself to cry, letting the other person know that you are feeling jealous, or playing a dynamic sport to release pent up frustrations. After the energy release, try to analyze the situation and discover the source of the problem. Talking to someone else may help your analysis. Very often the current problems are directly caused by deeply ingrained feelings that started in early life, often in relationships to parents, brothers, or sisters. If handled successfully, you can release emotional blockages that you have been carrying around your whole life, and consequently your overall disposition and mood, and attitude towards life is greatly enhanced.

Take note of any situation where your response to something is out of proportion. You may become very irritated at someone over a relatively minor issue, or you may become zealously impassioned about some issue or idea that is actually relatively minor. These exaggerated emotional responses are caused by your own personal emotional experiences and confusion which you are not willing to directly confront so you project them on to other people or events. Also, various biases and prejudices surface now. Even if you consider yourself to be very liberal and unbiased, you may find yourself making negative, critical remarks about certain organizations, religions, professions, groups, or personality types. Again, these prejudices arise from deeply ingrained emotional blockages in yourself. This is the time to confront these problems, and extricate these "weeds" from your emotional nature.

26 Aug 2018 (7 Jul 2018 to 3 Oct 2018)

Your attitude towards your work goes through some big ups and downs at this time. You become dissatisfied with modest and mediocre progress. Your imagination gets fired up and you dream of grandiose accomplishments. Your current state of affairs seems too modest and limiting. You tend to vacillate between feelings of exuberance and optimism about new ideas on how to reach your dreams and feelings of withdrawal and hopelessness when the obstacles to attaining your dreams seem insurmountable.

Actually this is an excellent time for gaining new perspectives on how to accomplish goals, but not a good time for achieving them! You tend to gamble, overlook details, and have an unrealistic view of what can be accomplished. You are prone to being talked into get-rich-quick schemes and shortcuts to success that do not work.

Your ambitions become more idealistic now. You may become very discontented with your work and not know why you have lost your enthusiasm. The hidden reason is that subconsciously you are beginning to feel the need to be motivated by more altruistic, less personally focused values. Now is the time to begin thinking more about the quality of the service that you provide to others rather than on the personal gain that you receive. The realizations that you come to now can be gradually implemented, giving your work greater meaning and purpose than it currently has.

Physical health is a little more sensitive than usual now. Try to maintain regular exercise habits but do not over-exert yourself and get plenty of rest.

27 Aug 2018 (26 Aug 2018 to 29 Dec 2018)

Financial or business affairs are favored at this time and you may meet a benefactor through friends or in a social atmosphere. You are likely to get both the financial backing and the emotional support you need to succeed.

On a personal level, intimate relationships are intensified. Either you or your partner want a deeper union.

6 Sep 2018 (12 Aug 2018 to 1 Oct 2018)

Your daily life is steady and stable, although not particularly exciting or unusual at this time. This is an excellent time to make steady, practical progress in your life. You can make great strides in paying off any debts that you may have and in gaining financial and material security. This is a good time for making long-term investments or gaining training that will provide you with practical, marketable skills. Patient, industrious, and responsible activity brings long-term, practical benefits at this time.

9 Sep 2018 (8 Sep 2018 to 13 Oct 2018)

Partnerships, marriage, and your close one-to-one relationships engage much of your attention now and you are called upon to cooperate and perhaps to relinquish some of your own personal interests for the sake of harmony and mutual benefit. The emphasis is on "we" rather than "me". You will not wish to go it alone and will seek the companionship and counsel of others.

If you are having difficulties in some area of your life, now is the time to seek the advice of a counselor or consultant, someone with an objective point of view.

13 Sep 2018 (5 Jun 2018 to 12 Oct 2018)

Release from restrictive circumstances and pressures is the key issue of this time period. Obligations and responsibilities are not so demanding now, and you are able to enjoy a greater level of freedom in your daily life. A loan or mortgage may be paid off, a domineering person in your work place may leave, or a deadline for a project may be pushed back or the project may be completed.

The release from restrictions is also evident in changes in yourself as well as changes in your external situation. Any principles and ethics that you have been adhering to rigidly and dogmatically are likely to loosen up. You become more flexible and responsive to life. You may be too proud to admit that some of your cherished, long-term principles do not seem as important to you now, but it is important to swallow pride and let yourself grow and adapt to new ideas, interests, and attitudes. This time period can be compared to a snake shedding its skin; it is a natural process of letting the old habits and attitudes die away and letting new ones replace them. The process is relatively painless at this time, but you will inhibit the process if you are afraid of anything new and unfamiliar.

If you have technical expertise in some area, you will find that you are able to work with greater freedom of expression now. Rather than follow the rules and procedures as usual, you now introduce greater variety of styles and more originality into your work. For example, musicians and artists during this time period will experiment with different styles and approaches. A jazz musician, for example, may start working with classical music or vice versa. New "hybrids" of these various styles can coalesce into a refreshing, new approach. This new creative expression is largely due to the fact that you are now less bound to your old habits and ways of doing things, and you are more flexible and adaptable and more responsive to different ideas.

14 Sep 2018 (7 Sep 2018 to 20 Sep 2018)

You are apt to feel overextended, coping with an increase in the family, company in your home, or even an abundance of pleasant opportunities which you are unable to resist. If your life is too quiet or predictable you will be restless, craving some fun or expansion. You also spend money freely, even extravagantly, at this time and you may later regret splurging. Or you may not choose to spend for pleasure but you find your expenses for children or for home improvement will exceed your expectations.

15 Sep 2018 (14 Sep 2018 to 3 Oct 2018)

At this time you need and seek out the opinions, advice, and counsel of others, realizing that an objective or opposing point of view helps you clarify your own thoughts. You may find others playing devil's advocate in your discussions.

Talking with your mate, business partner, or other close associates is likely to be helpful now, and you may be able to negotiate some agreement or come to some resolution of a problem you've been having. You're likely to be more fair and detached at this time.

18 Sep 2018 18:00 (18 Sep 2018 to 19 Sep 2018)

This is a good time to travel, especially to places you've never experienced before, where you will be exposed to new ideas and different ways of looking at the world. Studying new concepts is also favored; your ability to understand abstract ideas and your desire to grow intellectually is strong now. Anything that broadens your world appeals to you at this time. You are interested in the big picture and have less attention and interest in details.

19 Sep 2018 (12 Aug 2018 to 9 Nov 2018)

Deep forces in the collective are at work, which you may experience as a subtle dissolution or disintegration of beliefs, attitudes, and attachments. These changes are profound, yet rather gradual. Nevertheless, adjustments and resistance to relinquishing the old can be stressful. Spiritual renewal through inner exploration, service, and a concern for external values is the most positive possibility at this time. If you are not so inclined, however, this can be a distressing period during which a subtle, chronic unease or disease plagues you.

19 Sep 2018 12:00 (19 Sep 2018 to 20 Sep 2018)

Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted now, either by "freak" accidents beyond your control or by your own impatience with the status quo. Sudden unexpected events and breaking free of confining situations and relationships are very likely.

19 Sep 2018 13:00 (15 Sep 2018 to 22 Sep 2018)

You seesaw between caution and impatience, which generates a great deal of stress and inner anguish. You may blame your feelings of oppression and barely contained hostility on an unjust situation, a corrupt society, or your childhood conditioning (any or all of which may be valid) but it is your choices and your own internal struggles which are the real issue at present. If you are feeling drained and discouraged at the end of the day, see how you can readjust your attitude. Right now, trying to do battle with the outside world will be like banging your head against a brick wall!

20 Sep 2018 6:00 (19 Sep 2018 to 21 Sep 2018)

Flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many directions at once and will tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. Positively, you may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful.

22 Sep 2018 18:00 (22 Sep 2018 to 23 Sep 2018)

Misunderstandings with a friend or someone you are usually in harmony with are likely to arise now, especially if you feel you are being taken for granted. You are more acutely aware of differences in style, taste, or values. You will want your personal preferences to be appreciated and taken into account.

23 Sep 2018 (21 Sep 2018 to 9 Feb 2019)

This is a time when the big questions of life occupy your attention and you may be drawn to study philosophy, religion, metaphysics, or other areas which open up new worlds for you. Mind-expanding studies or travel are likely, and foreign cultures have a strong appeal to you now. A pilgrimage or journey may be on the agenda.

24 Sep 2018 5:00 (23 Sep 2018 to 25 Sep 2018)

Right now, you are prone to feel vaguely dissatisfied with your personal life, especially the romantic side of it. In social situations, there is an uneasiness, clumsiness, or perhaps some sort of minor embarrassment or faux pas on your part. If you do artistic or creative work, you may be more critical of it than usual, feel that it is not well received or appreciated, or simply feel a little dry and uninspired. Without realizing it, you are probably censoring yourself. Accepting imperfection and being patient in both the creative and the romantic aspects of your life will be necessary.

24 Sep 2018 (18 Aug 2018 to 20 Feb 2019)

During this time period you will lose your enthusiasm for some of the things that were exciting to you before. Your old favorite music or favorite places to visit may not be as exciting to you. You may feel uninspired by your usual routine on Sunday mornings, whether that is sleeping in late, going to church, golfing, or anything else. You need to make some adjustments in your values, your ideals, and spiritual aspirations. Making radical changes at this time, however, may lead you to something less suitable to you then your old ways. You have to make some subtle changes that will open new doors for you and advance you to a more mature sensitivity and appreciation of life.

29 Sep 2018 4:00 (29 Sep 2018 to 30 Sep 2018)

An incident involving miscommunications, missed messages, or missed meetings which causes a change of plans is likely. Co-workers, secretaries, receptionists, and other people you may normally take for granted, but who keep the flow of your life running smoothly, may be unaccountably inconsistent or simply keep you at bay. You may also get a bit of news that you will wish you hadn't. Try to take these minor annoyances and irritations in stride.

30 Sep 2018 13:00 (29 Sep 2018 to 1 Oct 2018)

Your thoughts are dreamy, fantastic, and faraway right now. Your imagination and intuition is heightened, which benefits any creative or artistic work you may do. However, your practical reasoning ability and your ability to focus on the here and now are diminished. Your judgment regarding concrete matters is a bit fuzzy at this time, so you may wish to delay making important decisions.

30 Sep 2018 15:00 (30 Sep 2018 to 1 Oct 2018)

You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind the scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy, mystery, and supernatural stories.

1 Oct 2018 0:00 (30 Sep 2018 to 1 Oct 2018)

Your mind is on accomplishment and action, and there is a competitive edge in your speech or manners. You may be brusque, even rude, especially with people who are taking up your time unnecessarily. Be careful while running errands, particularly in traffic. Your sense of timing is a bit off and combined with your impatience, you could have an unfortunate run-in.

1 Oct 2018 2:00 (1 Oct 2018 to 2 Oct 2018)

Conversations and sharing plans and ideas with others are very fruitful now. You understand what others are telling you, and you make yourself clearly understood also. This is a favorable time for getting your message across to others via writing, speaking, or advertising.

2 Oct 2018 1:00 (1 Oct 2018 to 3 Oct 2018)

This is a time when short trips, excursions, errands, etc. are interfered with. You will have to adjust your plans or appointments to accommodate an inconvenience. You may also have to re-examine some matter you believed to have already been concluded and resolved. Negotiations are apt to be strained and awkward, although direct confrontation is unlikely.

3 Oct 2018 5:00 (3 Oct 2018 to 4 Oct 2018)

At this time you have important discussions with women and with people you are (or once were) very close to. You may wish to visit, write, or make a telephone call to someone from your past. Connecting with your roots is the theme now, with an emphasis on seeing the past objectively. Memories and old feelings surface very clearly now.

3 Oct 2018 6:00 (3 Oct 2018 to 4 Oct 2018)

Making decisions or long-range plans is favored now. Your judgment is sound. Making worthwhile professional contacts, reaching out to others who can help you in your work, and taking care of business in an orderly, clear way are also likely.

3 Oct 2018 (2 Oct 2018 to 24 Oct 2018)

Communication and negotiations regarding joint finances, shared assets and investments, and property or anything else you own in common with another person, are likely now. It is a good time to get such affairs in order. Discussions about death are also likely to arise, both over legalities (wills, inheritances, and so on), and the more emotional, personal aspects of it.

5 Oct 2018 16:00 (5 Oct 2018 to 6 Oct 2018)

At this time you may feel out of your element or out of sync with yourself or your surroundings. Interference from others requires adjustment and perhaps sacrifice on your part. What you have to offer or want to do doesn't mesh well with what seems to be necessary. While not a full blown crisis, it is a time of strain and tension, which can be somewhat debilitating to your health. A partial retreat in order not to deplete yourself and your strength is beneficial right now. You may be upstaged by other people or events which occur now.

6 Oct 2018 2:00 (5 Oct 2018 to 7 Oct 2018)

Your mind is on bigger issues and long-range plans. You are optimistic and enthusiastic about your ideas, but disinclined to read the fine print or study all the facts, which can result in an error in judgment. Try not to be lax about important details.

7 Oct 2018 19:00 (7 Oct 2018 to 8 Oct 2018)

You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.

7 Oct 2018 23:00 (7 Oct 2018 to 8 Oct 2018)

You feel more lackadaisical now, less focused on mundane tasks, and possibly less energetic as well. Your imagination and fantasy life is very active and you can dream up some very creative ideas. Negatively, you tend to dissipate your energy or to avoid the real world.

8 Oct 2018 3:00 (7 Oct 2018 to 9 Oct 2018)

There are opportunities for deep sharing and powerful, meaningful contacts with others, especially people who share common goals or ideals. An opportunity for a leadership role is also likely.

8 Oct 2018 18:00 (7 Oct 2018 to 9 Oct 2018)

You are more prone to vexation and aggravation right now, especially in traffic or in some area of your life that you are trying to get ahead in. Accidents due to trying to force a situation, ignoring safety precautions, hurrying, or anger need to be guarded against. You are apt to feel that you have no outlets or means of expressing your anger or aggressive impulses, and right now that is probably true. Standing your ground and insisting upon your rights or your position only leads to unnecessary friction and bad blood, with no clear winner or loser emerging. Either transcending or letting go of your frustration is really the only way out at this time.

8 Oct 2018 22:00 (7 Oct 2018 to 9 Oct 2018)

If you are a writer, teacher or student or are involved in any intellectual work, this is a positive time for you: ideas flow and it is easier than usual to express your thoughts. Also, this is a good time for buying, selling, negotiating, and communications of all kinds.

9 Oct 2018 (4 Oct 2018 to 14 Oct 2018)

Socializing and having a good time with others is highlighted now. You may vacation or travel with a friend. You may also meet people of importance or influence. This astrological influence is not particularly strong and is likely to represent casual events of a pleasant nature shared with others, but not of critical importance to you.

10 Oct 2018 13:00 (9 Oct 2018 to 11 Oct 2018)

At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of expediency. That is, it will be less strain to step aside than to tangle with the opposition. You may be humbled now, see the flaws in your course of action or your attitude towards a situation, and remedy some of your errors. If you are unwilling to do this, a general sense of static or dissonance both within and without is likely.

10 Oct 2018 17:00 (10 Oct 2018 to 11 Oct 2018)

You are very congenial and cooperative now and more interested in the similarities than in the differences between yourself and others. This is a very good time to let people know you care about them: send a card, write a note of appreciation or even a love letter! You may also want to buy something beautiful, pleasing, and frivolous which simply makes you feel good.

10 Oct 2018 (11 Sep 2018 to 4 Nov 2018)

This is a very pleasant period of your life, with many enjoyable social gatherings, entertainments, parties, and festivities. You find it much easier than usual to smile and extend good will towards others. Don't hold back your feelings; use this time to develop the habit of a positive, loving, optimistic attitude towards life. This is an excellent time for dancing and singing with others. If you are too shy to sing with others or openly share with others in other ways, now is a good time to break down this timidity and rigidity. This astrological influence is not extremely powerful, so don't sit back and wait for all of these things to happen of their own accord. The opportunity and impetus for these changes is definitely there, but it is up to you to bring out the best that is possible.

Your love relationships are harmonious and fulfilling now. If you are not currently involved in a love relationship, but would like to be, then this may very well be the time when your "love drought" ends. Don't become too narrowly focused on this possibility, however. This is an excellent time for meeting people of many different life styles and forming many different kinds of friendships and acquaintances. These relationships are just as rewarding and important as the closer and more romantic ones, for one of the benefits of this astrological influence is that it provides the opportunity and ability to share close feelings with people of many different walks of life.

11 Oct 2018 8:00 (11 Oct 2018 to 12 Oct 2018)

Your mind is serious and you are able to concentrate on work that requires patience, attention to detail, and precision. Practical concerns dominate. It is a good time to learn practical skills, do your taxes, organize your files, and take care of business. You'll want to avoid light social conversation or trivialities that distract you from your work.

12 Oct 2018 12:00 (11 Oct 2018 to 13 Oct 2018)

Your feelings, emotional needs, and desires for closeness and a sense of belonging come to the fore now. You give your home, personal relationships, and inner life more attention. Problems you may have been avoiding in these areas are brought into focus.

12 Oct 2018 13:00 (11 Oct 2018 to 13 Oct 2018)

Your long-range goals, life direction, or career aims come into focus now. You gain clarity or a stronger sense of purpose, which energizes your efforts to get ahead or move toward what you really want.

Recognition or support from your superiors or others who are in a position to assist you is likely now, especially if you take some initiative.

13 Oct 2018 (12 Oct 2018 to 13 Nov 2018)

Joint financial affairs and investments are likely to be an issue at this time, and it is a good time to clarify each party's expectations and to take care of legal business, insurance, wills, and so on.

On a personal level, there is a desire to intensify the level of intimacy and honesty in your closest relationships and to clear away anything which is impeding the deeper union you seek.

17 Oct 2018 5:00 (17 Oct 2018 to 18 Oct 2018)

You are optimistic and possibly extravagant now. You are less cautious than usual, feeling that nothing can possibly go wrong. If you are inclined to overindulge, overspend, or go to excesses in any manner, this tendency is exaggerated at this time.

However, you also aim higher than usual and a very promising opportunity or contact can also occur.

18 Oct 2018 6:00 (17 Oct 2018 to 19 Oct 2018)

You are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make a decision or come to an agreement, negotiate, exchange your views with others, or present your case. If you are in a profession dealing with words, ideas, or communication, this is a very productive time for you. Ideas flow, and you express your thoughts well.

19 Oct 2018 22:00 (19 Oct 2018 to 20 Oct 2018)

It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers now, and you are impatient with people who avoid looking candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any problem or situation. You tend to force your views on other people now. Also, you can become obsessed with an idea or problem until you have figured it out.

19 Oct 2018 23:00 (17 Oct 2018 to 21 Oct 2018)

You do not feel very sharp, competitive, or aggressive at this time. Feelings of relaxation, receptivity, passivity, or aimlessness are likely and you tend to avoid stressful confrontations or situations that demand too much of you. Goals and desires that normally seem so important - especially ones in which you are pushing your own interests - do not matter quite as much now. Your imagination is stimulated, and you need activities and entertainments that are colorful, out of the ordinary, and definitely not mundane.

19 Oct 2018 23:00 (19 Oct 2018 to 20 Oct 2018)

You have a low tolerance for boredom and following rules today and you make some creative changes and discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things.

You don't want to follow anybody else's lead at this time, but fortunately you are able find ways to be yourself and even be a little "crazy" without offending or upsetting others. This is a dynamic and exciting period. Take advantage of any unusual offers or opportunities.

20 Oct 2018 5:00 (18 Oct 2018 to 22 Oct 2018)

Your personal ambitions and drive to assert yourself and make an impact on the world meet with considerable opposition now. Other people or external forces over which you have no control seem to subtly undermine your efforts - or try to overpower you altogether. You need to stand up for yourself, perhaps in a David-and-Goliath type of situation. If you have been unscrupulous or overly egotistical and selfish in your pursuits, you are likely to get your comeuppance now.

20 Oct 2018 8:00 (19 Oct 2018 to 21 Oct 2018)

This is a good time to assert your own needs and desires, to communicate to others what you really want. You are sharp, clear, decisive, and articulate. You can't stand being idle now; you are ready for challenging, intellectual activities and attacking difficult problems on the job.

20 Oct 2018 11:00 (19 Oct 2018 to 21 Oct 2018)

Intellectual disagreements or differences of opinion and viewpoints arise now. You may have to speak your mind in a way that challenges or unnerves someone else. However, your mind is very active and sharp, and your reasoning power is good, so this is a good time to do mental work.

21 Oct 2018 14:00 (21 Oct 2018 to 22 Oct 2018)

Communications are excellent now. You come across clearly and present yourself articulately. Public speaking, interviews, and other transactions with the public are favored. Conversations you have at this time go smoothly, and an agreement can be reached.

21 Oct 2018 18:00 (19 Oct 2018 to 23 Oct 2018)

This is not the best time to schedule any activity that calls for tact, diplomacy, or caution, as you are inclined to be extremely straightforward, direct, and to the point in all of your interactions. You say exactly what you think, and in fact are even inclined to be verbally aggressive, pushy, or perhaps sarcastic. Your mind is very sharp now, so this is a good time to "attack" intellectual or mental work.

22 Oct 2018 (20 Oct 2018 to 12 Dec 2018)

At this time, you're likely to feel that you cannot make your desires or influence felt, and that things go awry when you try to assert yourself, make an impact, or get things done in a forthright way. Retreating from confrontation and allowing matters to take their own course may well be the best path now. Though not the most auspicious time to act on your own behalf, this is a good time to do things that benefit others. Selfless work is likely to be the most satisfying avenue for you now.

22 Oct 2018 23:00 (22 Oct 2018 to 23 Oct 2018)

Your sense of perspective and proportion is a bit skewed at the moment. Small problems loom large and details and other minor matters consume a lot of attention and focus. You are apt to be mentally restless, scattered, unable to concentrate on the immediate task at hand, absorbed in something related to the past. A somewhat disconcerting, but only too familiar, interaction with a parent, child, or other family member is likely. Be aware that you may be too stuck in your own point of view or self protectiveness to really hear what they are trying to convey.

23 Oct 2018 (18 Oct 2018 to 28 Oct 2018)

Unusual ventures, harebrained schemes, unexpected and serendipitous events which create the need for considerable adjustment on your part are indicated now. Whatever agenda you had planned is apt to be spontaneously disregarded for what may well be a better alternative. However, you are prone to be more than a little reckless now, so be certain you are not jeopardizing those areas of your life which are your support structure and which in fact enable you to experiment and do some of the wilder things you want to do.

You may play the fool or the iconoclastic upstart in your environment, providing an opportunity for others to be more truthful, open, or creative. Be aware, however, that you could also be a scapegoat in that role.

24 Oct 2018 (23 Oct 2018 to 28 Dec 2018)

This is a good time to plan or take a journey to a distant land. Travel and exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking about the world interest you now. You may meet and learn from someone from another culture or with vastly different beliefs and experiences than your own. Philosophical discussions or studies are also on the agenda. You're thinking about the "big picture" rather than the mundane circumstances and details of your life.

24 Oct 2018 14:00 (23 Oct 2018 to 25 Oct 2018)

Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people, and your artistic efforts flourish.

25 Oct 2018 12:00 (25 Oct 2018 to 26 Oct 2018)

Your ability to concentrate and focus on your work is very good now. This is a time to attend to details, take care of practical business, and to make your life more stable and secure. It would be beneficial to consult advisors on investments and long-range plans and to put your affairs in order. Eliminating waste and inefficiency is important to you now.

26 Oct 2018 9:00 (25 Oct 2018 to 27 Oct 2018)

You are optimistic, hopeful, and forward-looking at this time. You can see connections and possibilities you may have overlooked before. Now is a time for communicating your enthusiasm, sharing your plans and dreams, and also being more receptive to others' thoughts and points of view. Contracts, negotiations, and business dealings of all kinds are favored now.

28 Oct 2018 8:00 (26 Oct 2018 to 30 Oct 2018)

You easily become fired up emotionally at this time, especially about people, places, or causes you have a strong attachment to from the past, such as your alma mater or your home town. You care more passionately and respond instinctively and emotionally to whatever happens to you at this time. Also, you are energized and invigorated now and eager to be involved in projects that benefit your children, family, or home.

28 Oct 2018 9:00 (26 Oct 2018 to 30 Oct 2018)

You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you respect and can depend upon - your oldest, true-blue friends. Also, reaching out to an older relative or another mature, experienced person can mean a lot to you and be mutually beneficial now.

28 Oct 2018 10:00 (26 Oct 2018 to 30 Oct 2018)

Working energetically with a clear objective in mind, advancing your own professional goals, and enlisting others' support for your projects by acting as a leader are key issues now. Your superiors and others in authority respond favorably to your confidence and your willingness to take a risk or attack a problem in a new way.

28 Oct 2018 11:00 (27 Oct 2018 to 29 Oct 2018)

You tend to be tense, "wired", on edge, a bit nervous or jumpy, and you will need to take a little time to breathe deeply and settle yourself. The pace of the day may make this difficult, however. You are apt to be too quick to respond or respond inappropriately to questions, tests, quizzes, etc. If you consciously slow down, you will do a lot better.

29 Oct 2018 23:00 (28 Oct 2018 to 31 Oct 2018)

Contentment, emotional well-being, and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you relax and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this influence, you are unlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.

1 Nov 2018 2:00 (31 Oct 2018 to 2 Nov 2018)

You are more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships, and you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now.

1 Nov 2018 21:00 (1 Nov 2018 to 2 Nov 2018)

Your thinking is rather gloomy and pessimistic at this time. You see the superficiality, the flaws, and the foolishness or impracticality in others' plans. Also, communicating with others is difficult now, and people resist what you are saying. You feel more inhibited and uncommunicative, and you sense that others are not receptive. Frustrating conversations and the feeling that you are coming across negatively are possible now, so you are inclined simply to keep your thoughts to yourself.

4 Nov 2018 20:00 (4 Nov 2018 to 5 Nov 2018)

Confidence and inner harmony prevail. You can move forward with creative projects and express yourself more easily and comfortably now. Your efforts are well received at this time.

7 Nov 2018 6:00 (6 Nov 2018 to 8 Nov 2018)

Underlying or previously hidden aspects of a situation come to light now.

The misuse of personal power, dominating or manipulating others, and the subtle ways you try to control situations or other people are issues. The tyrant in you comes out, or you find yourself dealing with the more difficult, dark, tyrannical side in other people.

Also, this can be a time when you are forced to confront and deal with something which is no longer working - from old, outworn possessions to an unhealthy relationship or a deeply ingrained, self-defeating attitude.

7 Nov 2018 21:00 (6 Nov 2018 to 8 Nov 2018)

You have an abundance of physical energy and self-confidence right now and can take on new projects and challenges with ease. You feel bolder and less dependent on others' affirmation and approval.

Taking a strong stand or striking out on your own in some manner is likely to work out well for you.

8 Nov 2018 1:00 (8 Nov 2018 to 9 Nov 2018)

A fast pace, with many letters, phone calls, errands, meetings, or discussions, is on the agenda. You may feel mentally restless, impatient, and overly eager to get your own ideas across. Also, a situation may arise which requires you to say what is on your mind, to make a decision, or to clearly voice your personal opinion on some issue.

8 Nov 2018 (8 Jul 2018 to 17 Dec 2018)

Emotional upheaval and irrational, compulsive feelings are key issues during this time period. Obsessive and compulsive behavior can arise now. For example, some people will go on an eating binge and put on a lot of weight and others will become loud, boisterous, and belligerent about their political or religious views. You may suddenly feel jealous of someone close to you, or you may feel guilty about decisions and actions that occurred long ago. The feelings that arise depend on your own experiences and interests because they are triggered by events and interests of a very personal nature, perhaps that go back to your early childhood. You also sometimes feel gripped by feelings and emotions that you never thought you were capable of having! The emotions vary but most people will experience jealousy, emotional insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy or anger, feelings of deep attachment or dependency on another person, and strong maternal or paternal feelings.

Upon experiencing the first wave of these feelings, you are likely to try to ignore the feelings. Then you will find that the feelings are too strong to ignore, but you may still try to hide them from others. Eventually, you will discover that you are gripped with feelings that will not go away and cannot be hidden. You will have to deal with these feelings in one way or another. Avoid the temptation to keep trying to hide your feelings; they will only become more intense and be even more disruptive when you finally deal with them. You certainly do not need to make a public display of your emotions and it is perfectly reasonable to hide feelings from others in a public situation, but you must find time by yourself or with close ones to recognize and express these feelings.

Handling these feelings in the best way is an art that requires delicate sensitivity. It is good to release the feelings, but not wallow in them. For example, you might feel like crying or you might feel very jealous or angry at someone, for no apparent reason. If the feeling becomes very strong, then it is best to express the energy in some form, whether it be allowing yourself to cry, letting the other person know that you are feeling jealous, or playing a dynamic sport to release pent up frustrations. After the energy release, try to analyze the situation and discover the source of the problem. Talking to someone else may help your analysis. Very often the current problems are directly caused by deeply ingrained feelings that started in early life, often in relationships to parents, brothers, or sisters. If handled successfully, you can release emotional blockages that you have been carrying around your whole life, and consequently your overall disposition and mood, and attitude towards life is greatly enhanced.

Take note of any situation where your response to something is out of proportion. You may become very irritated at someone over a relatively minor issue, or you may become zealously impassioned about some issue or idea that is actually relatively minor. These exaggerated emotional responses are caused by your own personal emotional experiences and confusion which you are not willing to directly confront so you project them on to other people or events. Also, various biases and prejudices surface now. Even if you consider yourself to be very liberal and unbiased, you may find yourself making negative, critical remarks about certain organizations, religions, professions, groups, or personality types. Again, these prejudices arise from deeply ingrained emotional blockages in yourself. This is the time to confront these problems, and extricate these "weeds" from your emotional nature.

8 Nov 2018 14:00 (5 Nov 2018 to 12 Nov 2018)

Unexpected pleasures, new friends, or a more playful, adventurous attitude in your relationships make this time period stimulating and delightful. You want a break from your usual routine and, because you are willing to experiment and to be spontaneous, you are likely to experience a refreshing change of pace. A new romance or a revitalization of a current one is very likely.

9 Nov 2018 16:00 (8 Nov 2018 to 10 Nov 2018)

You are in harmony with the people in your immediate environment. There is a sense of ease and of flowing with, rather than fighting against or resisting, what is going on around you. Therefore, you have more energy and more fun at this time.

Now is a good time to make a presentation, go for an interview, or meet the public in some way; the response is positive.

10 Nov 2018 4:00 (10 Nov 2018 to 11 Nov 2018)

Increased physical courage and a strong sense of adventure combine to make this a very interesting time. You need to do something innovative, daring, unusual, liberating, exciting, and challenging. You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation. If you have an inventive streak, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.

11 Nov 2018 14:00 (10 Nov 2018 to 12 Nov 2018)

You are likely to feel vexed, vaguely dissatisfied, or out of touch with yourself, as if you don't know what you want but are fairly certain you don't have it. Unusual food cravings, desires and moods which are distracting or at least tangential to what you would prefer to be focused upon, and/or a strong pull toward your past which interferes with your present, all are quite likely now. You have to strike a balance between your emotional needs and yearnings and your daily life.

13 Nov 2018 0:00 (11 Nov 2018 to 15 Nov 2018)

There is much activity; you move rapidly from one thing to another and a hectic, somewhat stressful pace is likely. Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda. A minor but rather tense confrontation is likely.

13 Nov 2018 (12 Nov 2018 to 11 Dec 2018)

This is a time to lift yourself out of your usual mundane concerns in order to get a larger perspective on your life. You seek new vistas and broader horizons through traveling, studying, or reading about foreign cultures or by seeking out people with greater experience, insight, and knowledge than your own. A teacher or mentor may be particularly important to you now.

13 Nov 2018 (8 Nov 2018 to 17 Nov 2018)

Work and other responsibilities are particularly irksome to you at this time. You feel like it is "play time" and you want to get out, laugh, play, and sing. Parties and social gatherings also appeal to you now, and you enjoy meeting new people. You are in a festive mood, and your happy mood is contagious; others join in the fun with you. This is a wonderful time to have a party, engage in team sports, or vacation. Hard work and concentrated effort are difficult for you now, and productivity at work is likely to decrease, particularly if your line of work requires concentrated effort.

You have little control of your emotions at this time. You will spend more money than you should and eat more than you should. But you will enjoy it! Hopefully, you do not go overboard to the extent that you seriously regret your purchases and excesses afterward.

One thing that can rub you the wrong way right now is restrictions and responsibilities. If your spouse, family member, or close friend makes a lot of demands on you, then you will feel exceedingly uncomfortable and find it hard to understand why they just can't drop their concerns and have some fun.

16 Nov 2018 4:00 (16 Nov 2018 to 17 Nov 2018)

Agreements, contracts, and joining your efforts with others will work out very much to your advantage now. A friend or person in authority may offer help or present an opportunity which will benefit you now or in the future. Also, you will reap rewards later for the generosity and aid you extend to others at this time.

17 Nov 2018 (13 Nov 2018 to 22 Nov 2018)

Significant changes and opportunities face you at this time but making the correct decision about what to do is not easy. This is a period of critical decisions and transition. A major change in your life can occur now (new job, relocating, ending a long-term relationship or beginning a new one, etc.). In fact, it is not unusual for several important changes of this nature to be occurring. Unfortunately, you find it difficult to decide whether to go along with the new opportunities or even push harder to make changes occur, or whether to try to maintain the old, familiar life style, routines, and surroundings.

One side of you is impatient to make some major changes. You are tired of the same old routine and life style. You want to break free and get things really moving. You feel there is much more to life, and you are not growing and living as fully as you ought to be. The other side of you is wary of the changes; they may just be pipe dreams and simply lead to considerable stress and disappointment. Underlying all this is the nagging question of what you really value and whether the new opportunities are more worthwhile than your current involvements. Unfortunately, no one can make the decisions for you, and you have to sort things out for yourself.

Clearly, YOU MUST MAKE SOME CHANGES. Letting things remain as they are will lead to stagnation. On the other hand, you must be careful that the changes you make will bring the THINGS THAT YOU REALLY WANT. For example, if you accept a new job only because it brings more money, but you must sacrifice other benefits of your current life style, then you may find afterward that the increase in income was not worth the sacrifices. If you are not honest with yourself or if you place too much value on things that are really of secondary importance, then you will make the wrong decision.

Another problem for you now is how to meet all of your obligations while having time to do the things you want. Your responsibilities are probably similar to those of most people: to family members, to pay the bills, etc. At this critical time you can find new ways to meet these obligations while allowing yourself more time to do the things you want to do. At the least, you will find that you can rearrange your life and make some significant changes in your daily routine, which are big steps towards leading a more fulfilling life. You may also decide that a more radical change in life style is warranted (new job, relocation, etc.). It is up to you to decide what is really important and how to best balance all aspects of your life. If you are creative, honest with yourself, and willing to go through some adjustments, you will come out much better when this astrological influence is over.

Underlying the changes in your life and the decisions you must make is a change in your values and attitudes towards life. You are now able to see your life from a broader perspective and you seek greater meaningfulness in your life.

17 Nov 2018 17:00 (16 Nov 2018 to 19 Nov 2018)

Strong sexual feelings and romantic passions are stimulated now, and the urge to be with your love partner is compelling. If you are not currently in a relationship, you are likely to be bold and to make the first move toward someone you are attracted to. Artistic and creative expression is also favored now.

18 Nov 2018 22:00 (18 Nov 2018 to 19 Nov 2018)

Nervous tension, impatience, uneven or erratic rhythms, and/or a disruption of your usual pace can make this time very challenging. You are apt to deal with some recalcitrant people or become that way yourself. Beware of burning bridges behind you in your heightened impatience or restless intolerance of anything that thwarts you now.

19 Nov 2018 5:00 (17 Nov 2018 to 20 Nov 2018)

A sense of failure, self-doubt, or inability to effectively compete and assert your own will may typify this time period. Stifled anger and resentment over the frustrations and obstacles you confront now may further complicate matters. This is not a good time to begin a new venture, ask for a promotion, or try to expand your activities in any way. Patience and perseverance are required of you now. Be willing to wait. Your problems and inadequacies seem more real and insurmountable than they actually are, so try not to become too discouraged.

20 Nov 2018 18:00 (18 Nov 2018 to 22 Nov 2018)

This astrological influence (Mer Sqr Sun) also occurred on 13 Nov 2018 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

23 Nov 2018 11:00 (22 Nov 2018 to 24 Nov 2018)

Your desire for love and affection, as well as beauty and pleasure, is strong now and you act on feelings and creative impulses more readily than usual. If you are not happy with some aspect of your personal life, these issues arise at this time and there may be disagreements or tension in a close relationship.

24 Nov 2018 9:00 (24 Nov 2018 to 25 Nov 2018)

This is a time of considerable frustration and your desires or efforts appear to be thwarted or at least delayed. Relationships with men and people in authority may be particularly uncomfortable. Also, you have more self-doubt than usual; your mood is somber and rather self-critical. This is a good time to take stock of your life, to see how you are limiting and holding yourself back, and to determine your next steps. But do not attempt to press forward now, and don't take whatever setbacks you experience too much too heart.

24 Nov 2018 13:00 (20 Nov 2018 to 27 Nov 2018)

This astrological influence (Ven Trine Ura) also occurred on 8 Nov 2018 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

29 Nov 2018 16:00 (28 Nov 2018 to 30 Nov 2018)

This astrological influence (Mer Sqr Sat) also occurred on 1 Nov 2018 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

30 Nov 2018 11:00 (30 Nov 2018 to 1 Dec 2018)

This astrological influence (Mer Sqr Ven) also occurred on 1 Nov 2018 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

4 Dec 2018 14:00 (4 Dec 2018 to 5 Dec 2018)

You may feel temporarily blocked now. Resistance and challenges from others or from outside situations suggest that this is not a good time to try to force your will and desires upon the world, as friction is the only likely result. Relations with men can be especially tense.

4 Dec 2018 15:00 (2 Dec 2018 to 6 Dec 2018)

Contentment, emotional well-being, and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you relax and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this influence, you are unlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.

5 Dec 2018 11:00 (3 Dec 2018 to 7 Dec 2018)

You experience a burst of energy and are more vigorous, bold, assertive, and impatient at this time. You feel ambitious and capable of doing a lot and meeting challenges successfully. However, if your will is blocked, you become quite angry now. You are less willing to accommodate others and meet people halfway. Your ego-drive and competitiveness are very strong.

6 Dec 2018 4:00 (6 Dec 2018 to 7 Dec 2018)

You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you respect and can depend upon - your oldest, true-blue friends. Also, reaching out to an older relative or another mature, experienced person can mean a lot to you and be mutually beneficial now.

6 Dec 2018 20:00 (6 Dec 2018 to 7 Dec 2018)

Today you feel less competitive and ambitious about practical and mundane matters. The world of imagination, fantasy, art, music, or mysticism is very appealing to you now, and if you have talent in any of these areas, this can be a creative and fruitful time for you. However, the negative possibilities for you now are being undisciplined, slack, indefinite, or wasting time and energy.

6 Dec 2018 23:00 (6 Dec 2018 to 7 Dec 2018)

This is an excellent time to eliminate whatever is unnecessary and outworn in your life from clutter and disorder in your environment to an unhealthy relationship or even a long-held attitude or belief which keeps you from going after what you really want in life.

You are also more perceptive than usual. You see other people's true colors more clearly and you may discover a secret or the hidden aspect of some situation.

Something lost, hidden, or forgotten may come to light.

7 Dec 2018

You tend to be tense, "wired", on edge, a bit nervous or jumpy, and you will need to take a little time to breathe deeply and settle yourself. The pace of the day may make this difficult, however. You are apt to be too quick to respond or respond inappropriately to questions, tests, quizzes, etc. If you consciously slow down, you will do a lot better.

7 Dec 2018 14:00 (6 Dec 2018 to 8 Dec 2018)

You know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything that gets in your way! You are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you need to do by yourself rather than with others. Accidents, mistakes made in haste, or ego conflicts may occur due to your impatience and willfulness. Positively, physical energy is high and you could accomplish a great deal.

7 Dec 2018 18:00 (6 Dec 2018 to 8 Dec 2018)

This is a time when you express yourself very clearly, and conversations, negotiations, and communications of all kinds are cordial and successful. Expect a rapid pace with numerous transactions, letters, phone calls, or errands requiring mental clarity.

8 Dec 2018 23:00 (7 Dec 2018 to 10 Dec 2018)

You seesaw between decisive, forceful action and passive surrender. This ambivalence makes you much less effective than you would be at other times. Emotions and dreams are apt to be rather turbulent, filled with strange restlessness or discontent. Try not to demand too much of yourself at this time. You are prone to infection and, on an emotional level, to getting discouraged.

9 Dec 2018 4:00 (7 Dec 2018 to 10 Dec 2018)

You are willfully resistant to any outside pressure, manipulation, or authority at this time. A fateful encounter with an adversary, one that can neither be avoided nor ignored, is indicated. You seesaw between taking forthright, direct action and using more covert, subtle methods. A desire to break down, destroy, or overthrow existing conditions is also a part of the picture. Be careful with sharp instruments or glass.

9 Dec 2018 8:00 (8 Dec 2018 to 10 Dec 2018)

You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with the intentions and desires of those you work or live with.

Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. This is not a time to force issues.

10 Dec 2018 3:00 (10 Dec 2018 to 11 Dec 2018)

Your desire to make a fresh start, to take the initiative and strike out on your own, is a powerful drive right now. Your physical energy, will, and courage are intensified. Unless you channel your abundant energy into decisive action or vigorous work, accidents, anger, and irritability are likely at this time.

11 Dec 2018 6:00 (10 Dec 2018 to 12 Dec 2018)

At this time you enjoy emotional satisfaction and harmony in your home life. Relationships with women run smoothly. If you have a solid emotional base in your life, you will receive the benefits of that. If not, this is a good time to begin making connections with people and also to discover what gives real emotional nourishment and fulfillment.

11 Dec 2018 7:00 (10 Dec 2018 to 12 Dec 2018)

Your career, reputation, and most important personal goals receive a boost now, primarily through your own initiative and willingness to assert yourself. You feel a surge of positive energy.

Superiors or people in authority will also notice you now and can help you immensely, enabling you to fulfill something you are striving for. Public recognition for your work or your unique personal contribution to the world is very possible.

11 Dec 2018 (10 Dec 2018 to 7 Jan 2019)

Your career, reputation, role in the community, and contribution to the world are very important to you at this time, and you can make significant gains regarding your ambitions. Recognition for your efforts and receiving credit for your accomplishments are likely now, if you've "done your homework". This is an excellent time to ask for a promotion, or to engage the support of those in positions of higher authority.

12 Dec 2018 20:00 (11 Dec 2018 to 14 Dec 2018)

You come across assertively, competitively, and energetically now, so much so that you may arouse others' animosity. You don't want to slow down or accommodate other people's needs and resent it hotly if your own desires have to take a back seat to others' will and wishes.

This is a time for positive, decisive action on your part, forging ahead, taking the initiative. Try not to do so in a completely insensitive, arrogant manner as this will almost certainly work against you.

12 Dec 2018 (11 Dec 2018 to 30 Jan 2019)

You are decisive and forthright and your energy level is high. You appear rather headstrong and most people will stay out of your way, or let you take the lead. You aren't very patient or conciliatory now and won't avoid a confrontation. You may even provoke them in an unnecessarily forceful or inconsiderate manner. Now is the time to act, but try not to be foolhardy or step on too many toes.

14 Dec 2018 6:00 (14 Dec 2018 to 15 Dec 2018)

This astrological influence (Mer Sqr Ven) also occurred on 30 Nov 2018 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

15 Dec 2018 6:00 (14 Dec 2018 to 16 Dec 2018)

This astrological influence (Mer Sqr Sat) also occurred on 29 Nov 2018 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

15 Dec 2018 20:00 (14 Dec 2018 to 17 Dec 2018)

At this time your efforts to get ahead and advance your own interests are likely to be met with resistance or animosity. You seem overeager, pushy, inconsiderate, or too narrowly focused on your own objectives, so that you alienate the people who could help you. Try to do as much as you can on your own without trying to force others to agree with you or join you.

18 Dec 2018 12:00 (18 Dec 2018 to 19 Dec 2018)

Relationships go awry or at least take an unexpected turn. The need for more freedom, independence, or novelty on your part, or on the part of someone close to you, may disrupt the status quo in an important relationship. You may also come into contact with someone who is very different from yourself and who challenges, surprises, or upsets you. Expect the unexpected in your relationships!

19 Dec 2018 23:00 (18 Dec 2018 to 21 Dec 2018)

Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. This is not a time to push yourself or to be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Cooperative, harmonious personal and professional relationships are more important to you at this time. You feel like socializing and being friendly.

22 Dec 2018 17:00 (22 Dec 2018 to 23 Dec 2018)

Hidden passions, fears, jealousies, longings, desires, or needs surface in you now and can stir up trouble in your closest relationships. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close relationship, to be emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionally-laden situation. Positively, a relationship can be deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal yourself completely to your loved one.

22 Dec 2018 18:00 (21 Dec 2018 to 24 Dec 2018)

Doors open and new opportunities for personal and professional growth present themselves. Any initiative or action you feel inclined to take at this time is likely to lead to a positive outcome for you. Partnerships or joining with others for mutual benefit is favored. Your energy level is high; this is a good time for athletics, especially team sports.

23 Dec 2018 0:00 (22 Dec 2018 to 23 Dec 2018)

Your relationships are especially affectionate and friendly at this time, and you may benefit socially or materially through an opportunity offered to you by a friend. This is a good time for parties, social gatherings, and other pleasurable activities.

23 Dec 2018 10:00 (22 Dec 2018 to 24 Dec 2018)

You feel quite amorous and affectionate now and will very much want to share this time with someone you love or at least with congenial company. Your creative or artistic inclinations are also stimulated, and your work in these areas will be especially satisfying and successful at this time.

23 Dec 2018 14:00 (22 Dec 2018 to 24 Dec 2018)

Your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns you have in your personal relationships. Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily now. You readily discuss your personal needs and desires. Also, you are more aware of beauty and may want to rearrange your decor or buy something to beautify your surroundings.

23 Dec 2018 20:00 (23 Dec 2018 to 24 Dec 2018)

There is much activity; you move rapidly from one thing to another and a hectic, somewhat stressful pace is likely. Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda. A minor but rather tense confrontation is likely.

23 Dec 2018 22:00 (22 Dec 2018 to 24 Dec 2018)

Today it is easy for you to concentrate on your work, to eliminate what is superfluous or distracting you from what you really need to do. You have the self-control and discipline to apply yourself to tasks that you may have been avoiding. You want to put your affairs in order and have a greater tolerance for tedium than usual. This is a good time to tackle mundane chores and practical business.

25 Dec 2018 9:00 (24 Dec 2018 to 26 Dec 2018)

At this time you are inclined to invest your time and money into making your environment more beautiful and comfortable. You may also wish to enhance your personal appearance in some way, such as getting a new hair style or purchasing clothing, cosmetics, and the like. Social gatherings are also very positive for you now.

25 Dec 2018 12:00 (24 Dec 2018 to 26 Dec 2018)

Your ability to concentrate on mundane concerns and problems diminishes now. The world of imagination, fantasy, entertainment, or art holds more attraction for you. Go to a movie with a friend (or write your own!). Also, your psychic sensitivity and intuition are heightened at this time. You are more impressionable and open, but somewhat less precise and clear mentally.

25 Dec 2018 15:00 (24 Dec 2018 to 26 Dec 2018)

There is great depth to your conversations. You find yourself revealing secrets or very private matters, and also asking very penetrating questions of others. Superficial answers don't satisfy you now. This is an excellent time to investigate a complex problem or mystery, look for something that has been lost or hidden, and also to learn more about your own inner depths.

26 Dec 2018 2:00 (26 Dec 2018 to 27 Dec 2018)

Errors made in haste, speaking too forcefully, sharp words spoken on impulse, or accidents occurring due to restlessness and impatience are all possible at this time.

You feel that you have to fight for what you want or believe in, and you are very clear, decisive, and convincing right now, but you also tend to stir up more controversy or competitive feelings than is really necessary.

26 Dec 2018 5:00 (26 Dec 2018 to 27 Dec 2018)

A nonstop flow of communication between yourself and the people in your immediate environment is likely today. You may engage in interesting and informative discussions or fritter your time away in inconsequential chatter and gossip. Mental curiosity or restlessness may also impel you to take a short trip or visit.

26 Dec 2018 21:00 (25 Dec 2018 to 28 Dec 2018)

Rebelliousness, recklessness, impatience, a sudden burst of anger or your need to break free from rules and restrictions may create a lot of disruption in your life right now. Also, you can't seem to settle down or focus on one task for any length of time. Though you are unusually energetic, it is hard for you to get anything done. You tend to fly off the handle and to scatter your forces. You are happiest now when you do something creative and daring, and that doesn't require cooperating or conforming to others' wishes and needs.

27 Dec 2018 8:00 (26 Dec 2018 to 28 Dec 2018)

You will be alert and on your toes now. The pace is likely to be fast, even hectic. You are restless and eager to meet others halfway, to converse, exchange information, and make connections. Nervousness or irritability due to aggravations and the stress of increased demands at work is possible.

27 Dec 2018 11:00 (26 Dec 2018 to 28 Dec 2018)

You may not feel very social, but friends or social commitments pull you away from home. Alternately, you may want to go out and enjoy some time with your friends or do some light socializing, but you are needed more at home right now. There is an uneasy balance between your loyalty to your family versus your friends or other pleasurable interests. It is an either/or situation and probably something has to be sacrificed temporarily.

28 Dec 2018 17:00 (28 Dec 2018 to 29 Dec 2018)

It is easy for you to talk about your feelings now and also to listen sensitively to not only what others are saying but also what they are feeling. This is an excellent time to discuss your feelings and clear the air of any grievances you may be holding on to from the past. Your communication with women is especially good at this time.

28 Dec 2018 18:00 (28 Dec 2018 to 29 Dec 2018)

At this time you are objective and can make some clear decisions about where you are headed or what the next step to achieve your important personal goals should be. Your judgment is sound at this time. You may have an important professional conference or a conversation about your career. This is an excellent time to seek out your superiors or those in a position to help you advance.

28 Dec 2018 (27 Dec 2018 to 16 Jan 2019)

Career planning strategies or thinking of concrete ways to make your dreams into realities as well as sharing your thoughts on these matters with a few significant others should be very fruitful now. It is a good time to communicate with someone in a position to help you achieve your aspirations.

29 Dec 2018 (27 Dec 2018 to 25 Jan 2019)

At this time you are attracted to foreign cultures and art forms and to people and experiences that are different from anything you've encountered in the past. The exotic and unknown have much more appeal to you than the familiar. This is an excellent time for a vacation, particularly if you can travel to someplace you've never been before.

Also, sharing and comparing your spiritual, religious, or philosophical interests with a friend or loved one may open up a whole new dimension of your relationship.

1 Jan 2019 6:00 (1 Jan 2019 to 2 Jan 2019)

Both friendship and material benefits may well come to you at this time. You feel very sociable and gregarious and seek conviviality, especially with people who really know how to have a good time. Charitable and philanthropic impulses are stronger now, also, and should be followed with positive action on your part.

2 Jan 2019 19:00 (2 Jan 2019 to 3 Jan 2019)

This time is filled with stimulating discussions about controversial topics, unusual or offbeat ideas, or "crazy" schemes. The tempo of your life increases and may leave you feeling frazzled. Because you are quite restless, you may do or say things in haste that you will regret later.

3 Jan 2019 2:00 (3 Jan 2019 to 4 Jan 2019)

Friendships and cooperative endeavors flourish now. You achieve a harmonious balance of giving and receiving and of talking and listening, and any social or joint activity will benefit.

3 Jan 2019 (30 Dec 2018 to 8 Jan 2019)

Daily chores and details are annoying to you now. Your eye is on greener pastures. Suddenly you feel dissatisfied with your lot in life or with possessions or people that did not bother you before.

Your aspirations soar during this time period. This can spur you to discover ways of improving your life and career. You are also more willing to take risks and speculate. Your luck is better than usual now, but your inclination to be overly optimistic is even greater! Consequently, you are likely to overshoot the mark, push for what you want too hard, and be seen by others as being rather arrogant and self-centered.

In short, you should certainly spread your wings during this time period and seek out new opportunities for growth and advancement, but try to curb wild and unrealistic ideas of what benefits can accrue. With a little care and attention to detail, you can, indeed, help turn the corner, bringing yourself a step closer to your goals.

4 Jan 2019 1:00 (3 Jan 2019 to 5 Jan 2019)

You find it stressful to balance needs for freedom and independence with needs for love and intimate companionship. You really behave quite oddly or aloof right now which will put others off considerably thus affording you the space you need, but at a cost. You are also attracted to the exotic, offbeat, unusual, or bizarre at this time. People or things which might offend your senses at other times now arouse your appreciation and interest. This will not be a boring time if you can help it! But it is apt to be a tense time if you are in a close, bonded relationship.

4 Jan 2019 3:00 (2 Jan 2019 to 5 Jan 2019)

You seesaw between caution and impatience, which generates a great deal of stress and inner anguish. You may blame your feelings of oppression and barely contained hostility on an unjust situation, a corrupt society, or your childhood conditioning (any or all of which may be valid) but it is your choices and your own internal struggles which are the real issue at present. If you are feeling drained and discouraged at the end of the day, see how you can readjust your attitude. Right now, trying to do battle with the outside world will be like banging your head against a brick wall!

5 Jan 2019 7:00 (5 Jan 2019 to 6 Jan 2019)

Confusion, inability to focus on mundane tasks, poor understanding or miscommunication between yourself and others, and the desire to evade real responsibilities and challenges are negative potentials for you now. You are more sensitive, impressionable, dreamy, or idealistic at this time also.

5 Jan 2019 10:00 (5 Jan 2019 to 6 Jan 2019)

Past mistakes, infringements, or secrets come back to haunt you now, but you may feel that your hands are tied in any attempt to rectify these matters. Areas or relationships in which you have misused authority and control cause distress at this time. While direct action to resolve or balance these problems may not be possible, you must be aware of what is going on, lest an unconscious collusion on your part contributes to the situation. Avoid either the victim's or the tyrant's role.

5 Jan 2019 21:00 (5 Jan 2019 to 6 Jan 2019)

There is a friendly, cooperative, harmonious tone to the interactions you have now. It is a good time for social activities and for getting in touch with friends. You avoid heavy discussions and do not want to focus on dry, practical matters. Reading light fiction, going out to see a romantic comedy, or simply sharing a pleasant time with someone you like is more in tune with your feelings now.

6 Jan 2019 1:00 (5 Jan 2019 to 7 Jan 2019)

Your vitality and courage are strong now and you are eager to meet challenges. You can accomplish a great deal of work, especially if it involves physical effort. If you are active in sports, you will be especially competitive and vigorous now. Self-confidence is high.

6 Jan 2019 12:00 (5 Jan 2019 to 7 Jan 2019)

The emphasis is now on long-range financial planning, thinking about future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. Your ability to study quietly, to concentrate on complex mental work, and to think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual. This is a good time to organize your affairs and also to seek professional advice about your concerns.

7 Jan 2019 (6 Jan 2019 to 4 Feb 2019)

Involvement in clubs, social organizations, or any other group to which you belong is likely to be a focus at this time. You may be asked to take responsibility or even a leadership role or to contribute and participate more fully than you have in the past. You will enjoy being part of a team or group effort now. Being part of a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time.

7 Jan 2019 19:00 (7 Jan 2019 to 8 Jan 2019)

This is a time for being with people and especially giving something of yourself and your talents to others. You want to be seen and noticed. You receive appreciation and a positive response and possibly an opportunity or personal contact which will be quite beneficial.

8 Jan 2019 13:00 (7 Jan 2019 to 9 Jan 2019)

What occurs now makes you more aware of what you need, feel, and want in your relationships. If you are unhappy in your personal life, this is brought out now, and you'll need to face what is causing your dissatisfaction. Differences in personal style, tastes, and ways of expressing affection may emerge. You also feel amorous and loving and, if your personal life is going well, this is a time to really enjoy and appreciate it.

9 Jan 2019 (31 Dec 2018 to 17 Jan 2019)

Good relationships with employers, supervisors, government agencies, parents, and other authority figures assist you now. A person of authority or influence may help you in your work, you may receive recognition or a promotion, or you may sign a contract or agreement of major importance. In any case, this is a positive time when you are able to dedicate yourself to worthwhile causes and the work that is most meaningful to you. This astrological influence is not of dramatic proportions so do not expect a major change in your life, but you can expect your life to take a solid, even if modest, step in the right direction.

9 Jan 2019 10:00 (9 Jan 2019 to 10 Jan 2019)

Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now, for even when you are with others you are likely to feel separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal life are also probable now. Inadequacies and flaws in your friends or lovers are particularly bothersome to you now, and you may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for dealing with these problems. It is a time to be quiet and to look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not a pleasurable time, this can be a fruitful period in which to learn more about love and what you truly value.

9 Jan 2019 17:00 (9 Jan 2019 to 10 Jan 2019)

Tension in your home life, conflicts between work demands and personal needs, or unresolved emotional tangles are likely to arise now, necessitating adjustments and compromises on your part.

A side of you which is usually hidden or in the background is likely to emerge now, and this may be positive or negative.

13 Jan 2019 6:00 (13 Jan 2019 to 14 Jan 2019)

This is a busy time; communicating and getting in touch with others is very likely. Numerous phone calls, letters, meetings, errands, or discussions bring you into contact with others. This is a good time to brainstorm with others, share ideas, and come to a group consensus.

14 Jan 2019 6:00 (13 Jan 2019 to 15 Jan 2019)

You feel expansive, enthusiastic, and optimistic now. You want to reach out, do more and experience more. You benefit greatly from the opportunities that present themselves at this time, and a person who will be very influential and helpful to you may come into your life.

14 Jan 2019 17:00 (14 Jan 2019 to 15 Jan 2019)

Mental clarity, discrimination, and your ability to separate fact from fiction is diminished now. Miscommunications and an inability to formulate your ideas coherently are likely. Your mind wanders, and this can be a time of creative reverie or daydreaming. Avoid making binding contracts at this time.

14 Jan 2019 19:00 (14 Jan 2019 to 15 Jan 2019)

Your plans and ideas are subject to radical revisions, significant changes, and forced adjustments. Something you had counted on may suddenly disappear. You are also apt to hear a totally unsuspected side about someone or something. While possibly distressing, this news nevertheless puts pieces together for you which were missing before. Also, you may be dealing with behind-the-scene matters, subtle political maneuvers, or Machiavellian tactics.

15 Jan 2019 (9 Jan 2019 to 20 Jan 2019)

You are able to share ideals and spiritual concerns with others in a very satisfying way at this time. If there is someone that you feel does not understand "where you are coming from", you may find that you are now able to effectively communicate whatever lofty, idealistic, or abstract ideas that are important to you. In doing this, you also become clearer about your own ideals and better understand those of others as well.

This is also a good time to relax and enjoy a good movie or other entertainment or take a trip to a beautiful, unusual, or inspiring place.

15 Jan 2019 5:00 (15 Jan 2019 to 16 Jan 2019)

You are eager to discuss your thoughts and plans with others at this time and you may have a very fruitful brainstorming session, a spirited debate, or a very active meeting with others in which things really get accomplished. You are verbally assertive and can present your own plan or idea quite convincingly.

15 Jan 2019 (10 Jan 2019 to 20 Jan 2019)

You feel confident, outgoing, optimistic, and enterprising. Expansion of business and professional pursuits is likely now. The business you are involved in is likely to attract new customers, develop new products, and receive increased recognition and influence at this time. You personally also receive these same benefits, and this is a time when you could receive a significant salary raise or a more lucrative and influential job. You are able to wield considerable influence and power at this time, and you may be called upon to assume a position of leadership and social importance. The only negative possibility is that your pursuits and advancement may be aimed strictly at personal gain and recognition with little regard for its real value as a contribution to others.

16 Jan 2019 (15 Jan 2019 to 2 Feb 2019)

If you belong to any club or organization, you are likely to be involved in group discussions, planning sessions, or committees at this time. Even if you don't participate in any such group, a sense of community is important to you now, and you'll be thinking about how you can take part and contribute. You will want to socialize and talk with people you share common interests and ideals with.

16 Jan 2019 7:00 (15 Jan 2019 to 17 Jan 2019)

This is an excellent time to be out and about. There are significant opportunities to make connections, exchange information, and to learn something through a meeting or chance encounter. Letters, phone calls, and conversations that you initiate are productive at this time.

16 Jan 2019 23:00 (15 Jan 2019 to 17 Jan 2019)

Nervous tension, impatience, uneven or erratic rhythms, and/or a disruption of your usual pace can make this time very challenging. You are apt to deal with some recalcitrant people or become that way yourself. Beware of burning bridges behind you in your heightened impatience or restless intolerance of anything that thwarts you now.

17 Jan 2019 13:00 (17 Jan 2019 to 18 Jan 2019)

Emotions, prejudices, or unresolved issues from the past come up in your interactions with others now, and you may not be very objective.

This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time.

Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about, and reflecting on the past is likely.

19 Jan 2019 (13 Jan 2019 to 24 Jan 2019)

You are bold, daring, and enterprising during this time. You feel hemmed in by present circumstances and feel an uncontrollable urge to enlarge your vistas. Your restless need to accomplish more and break free of present limitations may inspire you to seek a new job, look at new places to live that offer more opportunities, increase advertising of products that you market, or peruse business opportunities in your local area.

Because you feel restless and impatient, you may make an important decision too hastily, only to regret it afterward. You should not dampen your enthusiasm or restrain your search for new vistas, but do make sure you slow down enough to investigate the details in a sober and realistic manner before committing yourself to a new venture.

Physical energy is very high now, and you enjoy vigorous activities at this time. However, be careful not to go overboard, particularly if you have a health problem or your body is not in good enough shape to handle the exertion.

19 Jan 2019 3:00 (19 Jan 2019 to 20 Jan 2019)

Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are favored.

19 Jan 2019 (14 Jan 2019 to 25 Jan 2019)

Long-distance communications and business dealings are successful now. For example, if you need to call a business or company for assistance, you will find that you are able to get through to a helpful person who can assist you. You are also able to communicate successfully with co-workers and colleagues regarding overall plans and goals of the business or trade that you are involved in.

This is a good time to advertise, publish, or engage in mass media communications for any purpose. Others respond with interest to your message, and you are able to reach a good understanding with others. You are able to rise above pettiness and distracting details in your communication with others, and you get to the broader philosophical issues or attitudes that are important.

The only bad feature of this astrological influence is that it is not very strong! It can be overpowered by other, more powerful, astrological influences so don't count on this one to be a panacea for other influences that are nastier.

20 Jan 2019 10:00 (19 Jan 2019 to 21 Jan 2019)

This is a time for making long-range plans, seeing the big picture, and thinking about what is really important to you in the long run. The trivial details and business of day-to-day living does not dominate your attention now. Reading books or articles of an inspirational nature or on subjects of personal growth and development is very fruitful now. This is also an excellent time for business functions, negotiations, and communicating with the world at large.

21 Jan 2019 5:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 22 Jan 2019)

You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also, you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way. Some selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now.

21 Jan 2019 8:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 22 Jan 2019)

You have a special magnetism and attractive power now, and you are feeling intensely loving also. Your relationships, particularly sexual or romantic ones, intensify and have a deep, compelling, urgent quality. Your inner feelings and needs for love and closeness emerge very strongly. You may also channel some of these feelings into creative or artistic work, something that evokes and expresses your deepest self.

21 Jan 2019 22:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 22 Jan 2019)

Tangles in romantic relationships are likely now. Your sexual drive is quite strong, and you may be more concerned with satisfying your own desires than in being sensitive to your partner. All interactions with people of the opposite sex are inclined to be tense right now.

22 Jan 2019 2:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 23 Jan 2019)

This is a very good time to go to the theater, an art exhibit, or social gathering. You want to see beautiful things and exchange pleasantries with others. In fact, matters of the heart are on your mind and you may want to play match-maker now.

22 Jan 2019 3:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 23 Jan 2019)

You tend to be tense, "wired", on edge, a bit nervous or jumpy, and you will need to take a little time to breathe deeply and settle yourself. The pace of the day may make this difficult, however. You are apt to be too quick to respond or respond inappropriately to questions, tests, quizzes, etc. If you consciously slow down, you will do a lot better.

22 Jan 2019 (18 Aug 2018 to 20 Feb 2019)

During this time period you will lose your enthusiasm for some of the things that were exciting to you before. Your old favorite music or favorite places to visit may not be as exciting to you. You may feel uninspired by your usual routine on Sunday mornings, whether that is sleeping in late, going to church, golfing, or anything else. You need to make some adjustments in your values, your ideals, and spiritual aspirations. Making radical changes at this time, however, may lead you to something less suitable to you then your old ways. You have to make some subtle changes that will open new doors for you and advance you to a more mature sensitivity and appreciation of life.

22 Jan 2019 9:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 23 Jan 2019)

A disappointment or sobering realization forces you to re-evaluate your course, make adjustments, and draw upon more of your resources than you had planned to. Overwork, a feeling of pressure and unease, and the weight of responsibilities may precipitate a minor health crisis. Avoid exhausting your energies at this time; lie low and do only what is truly necessary.

22 Jan 2019 18:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 24 Jan 2019)

At this time your interactions with others and with the outside world in general can be confusing, devitalizing, and discouraging. It seems that whatever you try to do goes nowhere or gets lost in a haze of misunderstanding. This is not a good time to try to toot your own horn or attempt to get personal recognition for your efforts. Taking time off, working quietly, or doing something primarily for the benefit of others without concern for personal gain is favored at this time.

22 Jan 2019 23:00 (21 Jan 2019 to 24 Jan 2019)

Getting what you really want and moving toward achieving the things which are important to you may involve surrendering something or eliminating something from your life at this time. Perhaps an attitude, a situation, or an attachment that has been impeding you is now released. You feel free to concentrate on the things that are most important to you now. Major, long-term changes can be successfully begun now - a lifestyle change or a regimen of self-improvement, for instance.

23 Jan 2019 13:00 (23 Jan 2019 to 24 Jan 2019)

You are a peacemaker now since harmony in your environment seems more important than ever. Loving relationships, giving and receiving affection, and attracting people into your life who are good for you are very likely at this time.

24 Jan 2019 3:00 (22 Jan 2019 to 25 Jan 2019)

You have a lot of mental energy and are eager to "attack" intellectual or conceptual problems. You are likely to come up with a clever solution or a very workable plan, especially if you brainstorm with others. You also tend to make up your mind very quickly and decisively now and to translate your ideas into action.

25 Jan 2019 7:00 (25 Jan 2019 to 26 Jan 2019)

You are in a mood to relax and enjoy harmonious surroundings. Your family and friends are a source of particular pleasure and satisfaction, and you may wish to treat them or pamper them in some way. Appreciation for your home and a desire to make it more beautiful or comfortable is strong now also.

25 Jan 2019 7:00 (25 Jan 2019 to 26 Jan 2019)

Your personal charm and attractiveness has a positive effect on your career, reputation, or public image. People see you as a loving and lovable person and as someone who is aware of their needs and feelings, which can benefit you at this time. Others are willing to help and cooperate with your aims. Your interest in the arts or in promoting harmony and good will between people is brought out at this time.

25 Jan 2019 (24 Jan 2019 to 18 Feb 2019)

Your career, social standing, or reputation is favored at this time, especially by making personal contact with superiors or by socializing and making friendly contacts at work. You may make a good friend or meet someone beautiful and charming through your work. Now is also a good time to enhance your public standing and to create good will with the public.

25 Jan 2019 11:00 (25 Jan 2019 to 26 Jan 2019)

Your thoughts tend to be gloomy. There may be work ahead of you because of past errors of judgment. Or you may be sobering up after a "honeymoon" period with something or someone. You also hear a bit of information that troubles you. Try to do what you can without worrying excessively or burdening yourself with the entire load of responsibility. Even if a problem cannot be solved or eradicated, it can be managed in an intelligent way.

27 Jan 2019 (10 Dec 2018 to 24 Feb 2019)

Deep forces in the collective are at work, which you may experience as a subtle dissolution or disintegration of beliefs, attitudes, and attachments. These changes are profound, yet rather gradual. Nevertheless, adjustments and resistance to relinquishing the old can be stressful. Spiritual renewal through inner exploration, service, and a concern for external values is the most positive possibility at this time. If you are not so inclined, however, this can be a distressing period during which a subtle, chronic unease or disease plagues you.

28 Jan 2019 (23 Jan 2019 to 3 Feb 2019)

Someone is likely to offer you a very promising opportunity at this time, or you may have an offer for someone else that you think will be mutually beneficial. The offer seems like a "deal" that can lead to tremendous growth and success, and yet you wonder if it is too good to be true. Because there are risks involved, it is impossible to know whether the offer will work out well, and you consequently are likely to feel uncertain what to do. In truth, there is definitely the potential for opening up new avenues for success and fulfillment, but there is also a tendency to overshoot the mark due to overoptimism and a willingness to gamble and speculate. The best course is usually to proceed with some kind of plan, but to thoroughly investigate all details as much as possible and to avoid wild speculation.

Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.

29 Jan 2019 (20 Jan 2019 to 7 Feb 2019)

This is a very trying time when doubt is cast on your most cherished ideals and lofty dreams. If you are a religious person, you may have the sobering realization of inconsistencies in your spiritual philosophy or hypocrisies within the church. Doubts about your spiritual path can bring you to a crisis and a crossroads in your thinking and attitude towards life. If you have not been taking a strong interest in metaphysical or spiritual areas, you may have a crisis regarding charitable activities or social and political ideals. Additionally, it is common for this astrological influence to bring about a general feeling of discontent with life, lack of motivation and energy, or negative attitudes and moods, without any apparent cause.

Negative feelings and low energy now can lead you to poor health habits such as getting insufficient exercise, eating junk food, smoking, or drinking to excess. Fight off these negative tendencies by taking a more active interest in spiritual, religious, idealistic, and charitable activities. For some people, a wonderful antidote for these negative tendencies is helping others with the same problem. For example, you can help people with alcohol-related problems rather than drink alcohol yourself or help drug users rather than take drugs yourself!

You are more susceptible to colds and other illnesses now, so try to maintain good health habits.

29 Jan 2019 9:00 (29 Jan 2019 to 30 Jan 2019)

At this time you are more temperamental, impassioned, and inclined to act on the dictates of emotion and desire rather than reason. Minor annoyances and others' idiosyncrasies aggravate you more than usual. You are in a fighting mood. Your relationships with your family and the women you are closest to are likely to be stormy.

29 Jan 2019 10:00 (29 Jan 2019 to 30 Jan 2019)

You can make your influence felt at this time and any efforts you make to advance your career or other important long-range goals will be very effective. Independent action, self-reliance, or taking on more of a leadership position are favored now. You have the green light!

30 Jan 2019 (21 Jan 2019 to 8 Feb 2019)

At this time you must deal with some situation which is severely restricting and difficult. It is a period of struggle in which what you are really made of is tested at a deep level. You must deal with fears or karmic patterns which may have existed for a long time. Some concrete manifestation of an inner dilemma, compulsion, or unmet need is indicated. Making a tremendous effort to master the situation will be necessary. You may discover or encounter an "enemy" who has much to teach you.

A difficult separation or a realization that you must go it alone in a deep sense is also likely. Drawing upon your inner spiritual resources or on a higher power can aid you at this time, however.

30 Jan 2019 (28 Jan 2019 to 17 Mar 2019)

If you have been passive or nonchalant about business affairs, finances, and material security, you will begin taking a more active, positive attitude toward this area of your life. Increased ambition and enterprise are likely, but arguments over money are also more frequent than usual now.

31 Jan 2019 21:00 (31 Jan 2019 to 1 Feb 2019)

You are prone to act erratically in your relationships. A sudden infatuation or an impulse to break free or make radical changes in a current relationship is likely. Also, a taste for the unusual and unconventional emerges. You may find yourself enjoying things you never thought you would like.

1 Feb 2019 20:00 (1 Feb 2019 to 2 Feb 2019)

You are inspired creatively, artistically, or spiritually at this time. Your imagination, intuition, and psychic sensitivity are high now, and you find yourself wanting to paint or listen to music, daydream, or fantasize rather than concentrate on practical matters.

1 Feb 2019 22:00 (1 Feb 2019 to 2 Feb 2019)

This can be a time for exposing and talking about hidden, intensely private, secret, or taboo subjects. Your mind is very probing and your conversations and interactions with others are intense. Pat answers and superficialities don't suffice now. You can be too intrusive or overbearing when stating your point of view.

2 Feb 2019 9:00 (2 Feb 2019 to 3 Feb 2019)

You are alert, mentally sharp and clear, and your ability to comprehend new concepts is heightened. Also, you can verbalize and articulate your ideas very well at this time. Intellectual curiosity is also high. This is a good time to make plans and strategies or begin a course of study.

2 Feb 2019 (1 Feb 2019 to 20 Feb 2019)

This is a good time for quiet study and inward reflection. Your intuition and sensitivity to the hidden, behind the scenes aspects of a situation are operating strongly now. However, you are less inclined to speak your mind or take a definite stand on important matters. A wait-and-see attitude is likely to characterize this time period.

3 Feb 2019 18:00 (2 Feb 2019 to 4 Feb 2019)

At this time you really enjoy art, theater, music, and your own inner world of fantasy. Your imagination is vivid. If you have an interest in spiritual matters, these interests come to the fore now also. The inability to be decisive and a lack of energy or drive is a negative possibility. You can be quite lazy now.

3 Feb 2019 22:00 (2 Feb 2019 to 4 Feb 2019)

You directly confront something that has been hidden, forgotten, or ignored for a long time. Unresolved issues in personal relationships are stirred up and the underlying causes of a painful or problematic aspect of a relationship may be brought to light.

Personal power and control are issues for you now, and if you take too much power (i.e. are manipulative and tyrannical) or too little power (i.e. are overly passive and easily victimized), then you will become embroiled in power struggles with others.

4 Feb 2019 9:00 (4 Feb 2019 to 5 Feb 2019)

You feel inclined to speak to others about your innermost feelings, your past, and other personal subjects, which builds closeness and trust in your relationships, especially with women. You are also a sympathetic listener, drawing out others' feelings and personal experiences.

You may hear from someone from the past or reach out to someone you have a long history with or who was once very important in your life.

4 Feb 2019 10:00 (4 Feb 2019 to 5 Feb 2019)

Making decisions or long-range plans is favored now. Your judgment is sound. Making worthwhile professional contacts, reaching out to others who can help you in your work, and taking care of business in an orderly, clear way are also likely.

4 Feb 2019 17:00 (4 Feb 2019 to 5 Feb 2019)

Communications, conversations, sending and receiving messages, and taking care of routine tasks that require mental clarity are important activities now. It is a good time to present your ideas and point of view to others, as you express your thoughts clearly, though you are not apt to listen as well. Buying, selling, or negotiating is likely to go well now.

4 Feb 2019 21:00 (4 Feb 2019 to 5 Feb 2019)

Opportunities for friendship, pleasant associations, and enjoyable social interactions occur now. Personal relationships are harmonious and rewarding. Also, financial transactions go smoothly for you and material benefits are possible at this time.

4 Feb 2019 (3 Feb 2019 to 8 Mar 2019)

Retreating from the world for awhile and spending some quiet time alone to relax and rejuvenate appeals strongly to you now. You may feel like you are at a low ebb and as if nothing is happening or you may simply not want to be "where the action is". Competitive ambitions and ego drives are on hold now.

5 Feb 2019 (27 Jan 2019 to 14 Feb 2019)

Cooperation and harmony with co-workers and colleagues is highlighted. Any club, organization, team, or group that you are a part of now will work together effectively. Teamwork and coordinated effort is indicated. Business and organizational meetings run smoothly, and the group is able to come to decisive agreements and pursue goals with a clear strategy. Discipline, self-control, and concentration are particularly emphasized, and the group is able to focus on important issues, rather than be distracted by unrelated issues.

You work well with others in groups and partnerships now, largely because you are very clear about what you want to do, are ready and willing to tackle the work that needs to be done, and are confident, well-prepared, and willing to cooperate with others.

You are able to work long hours now without the usual stress or fatigue that would accompany prolonged effort. This is a good time to concentrate on tasks and organize affairs in both your personal life and your career. Projects and business partnerships started now are likely to have a stable, long, practical, and successful life.

5 Feb 2019 5:00 (3 Feb 2019 to 6 Feb 2019)

You are highly ambitious, full of optimism and enthusiasm for new enterprises and plans. In fact, you may be foolishly overconfident and take on more challenges than you can really meet. You are inclined to take physical risks, gamble, speculate, and to act on faith and belief in yourself. This can, in fact, be a very productive time for you if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds. Beware of overexerting yourself.

5 Feb 2019 17:00 (4 Feb 2019 to 6 Feb 2019)

This is an excellent time to make decisions about your financial affairs, as your judgment is sound and reliable, though a bit conservative. Investing in beautiful things which are likely to increase in value over time (such as jewelry or fine art) is favored. You are not interested in fleeting excitement or frivolity now. Spending "quality time" with an old and trusted friend or enjoying the company of an experienced, mature person who has much of substance to give you will make you happy.

8 Feb 2019 5:00 (8 Feb 2019 to 9 Feb 2019)

Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you confidence now. This is a good time to mend fences and ameliorate problems in your home life.

8 Feb 2019 6:00 (8 Feb 2019 to 9 Feb 2019)

Your long-range goals, life direction, or career aims come into focus now. You gain clarity or a stronger sense of purpose, which energizes your efforts to get ahead or move toward what you really want.

Recognition or support from your superiors or others who are in a position to assist you is likely now, especially if you take some initiative.

8 Feb 2019 12:00 (8 Feb 2019 to 9 Feb 2019)

You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.

9 Feb 2019 (3 Feb 2019 to 15 Feb 2019)

Your mood is easygoing, agreeable, and tolerant at this time. In fact, you may feel downright lazy! Lounging around at home and relaxing or perhaps unwinding at the beach or lake appeals to you. If you are normally very high-strung, then take advantage of this time to recuperate, relax, and rejuvenate. If you normally tend to be lethargic, then try to maintain at least a modest activity level by going for walks or bicycling, for example, during this time period.

At the least, this will be a pleasant time for you. Harmonious, pleasant relationships and surroundings seem to just "fall in your lap". Otherwise, the astrological influence at work here does not promise to make this a particularly eventful time (unless, of course, other astrological influences augment this one).

9 Feb 2019 7:00 (7 Feb 2019 to 10 Feb 2019)

Physical thrills and excitement have a strong appeal for you now, and you want to do something new and out of the ordinary. You also have a lot of energy and quick reflexes. A vigorous game of racquetball or tennis or some other fast-moving competitive sport would be a good outlet for you now. Acting on your spontaneous impulses and following through on some of your more unusual or "crazy" desires will yield surprises, mostly positive.

9 Feb 2019 (3 Feb 2019 to 13 Jun 2019)

Opportunities for advancement in your profession or for achieving some important goal or aspiration are likely at this time. If you have been working diligently, this is a time of public recognition for your efforts and an enhanced reputation. On the other hand, you may begin to feel cramped in the area you are working in presently, discovering that it doesn't have enough scope in which case, you may change directions and begin a new and more promising line of endeavor. This is a good time to make such changes. You have more trust and faith that you can accomplish your dreams.

9 Feb 2019 (3 Feb 2019 to 15 Feb 2019)

A fortunate change of circumstances occurs in your work and career! You may receive a promotion, a job offer, a large contract, or salary increase. In one way or other, you step out of a situation that had become limiting and restrictive.

Don't wait for everything to fall in your lap. This is a good time to investigate new avenues for growth in career, to interview for a new job, and explore alternative solutions to finding fulfilling and satisfying employment. You may be surprised to hit upon something that is very good.

The most negative tendency of this astrological influence is to be overly optimistic and consequently overextend yourself. For example, if you have your own business, you may invest too much money in advertising and promotion, or you may invest in an expansion project that exceeds available funds. This is a good time, but do not exaggerate the possibilities and potential in the new opportunities!

Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.

11 Feb 2019 1:00 (10 Feb 2019 to 12 Feb 2019)

Thoughts of love and an appreciation of the beauty in your life comes to the fore. This is a favorable time to communicate your feelings to the ones you care about: write a love poem or send a love letter! Also your aesthetic sense is strong now; you may want to make changes in your environment to make it more harmonious and pleasurable for you.

11 Feb 2019 14:00 (11 Feb 2019 to 12 Feb 2019)

You are likely to distance yourself from others now, feeling the need to withdraw and reflect. Your thoughts are inclined to be heavy, critical, and pessimistic at this time, so it would be good to realize that you are only seeing part of the picture and perhaps seek the advice of an older, experienced person who has passed through some of the challenges you face. This can also be a time of leaving, separating from friends, and choosing a new way.

14 Feb 2019 16:00 (14 Feb 2019 to 15 Feb 2019)

Opportunities for friendship, cooperation, love, and shared happiness arise. The warmth and good will you generate now is likely to be a benefit to you both now and later on. You feel especially friendly and sociable.

14 Feb 2019 (14 Jan 2019 to 13 Mar 2019)

Your attitude towards your work goes through some big ups and downs at this time. You become dissatisfied with modest and mediocre progress. Your imagination gets fired up and you dream of grandiose accomplishments. Your current state of affairs seems too modest and limiting. You tend to vacillate between feelings of exuberance and optimism about new ideas on how to reach your dreams and feelings of withdrawal and hopelessness when the obstacles to attaining your dreams seem insurmountable.

Actually this is an excellent time for gaining new perspectives on how to accomplish goals, but not a good time for achieving them! You tend to gamble, overlook details, and have an unrealistic view of what can be accomplished. You are prone to being talked into get-rich-quick schemes and shortcuts to success that do not work.

Your ambitions become more idealistic now. You may become very discontented with your work and not know why you have lost your enthusiasm. The hidden reason is that subconsciously you are beginning to feel the need to be motivated by more altruistic, less personally focused values. Now is the time to begin thinking more about the quality of the service that you provide to others rather than on the personal gain that you receive. The realizations that you come to now can be gradually implemented, giving your work greater meaning and purpose than it currently has.

Physical health is a little more sensitive than usual now. Try to maintain regular exercise habits but do not over-exert yourself and get plenty of rest.

15 Feb 2019 12:00 (14 Feb 2019 to 16 Feb 2019)

You have a low tolerance for boredom and following rules today and you make some creative changes and discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things.

You don't want to follow anybody else's lead at this time, but fortunately you are able find ways to be yourself and even be a little "crazy" without offending or upsetting others. This is a dynamic and exciting period. Take advantage of any unusual offers or opportunities.

16 Feb 2019 1:00 (16 Feb 2019 to 17 Feb 2019)

Friendships and love relationships are favored as you are openly affectionate, warm, and also quite responsive to loving gestures from others. It's not enough for you to simply feel loving toward another; at this time you really want to express it and show it physically. An opportunity for a new romance or friendship is likely to surface now and work out quite nicely for you.

16 Feb 2019 15:00 (16 Feb 2019 to 17 Feb 2019)

Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active and creative, however, and so is your yearning for something beautiful. The artist in you emerges, and your creations please and inspire you.

16 Feb 2019 18:00 (16 Feb 2019 to 17 Feb 2019)

Fateful encounters which are not altogether pleasant are indicated. If you are in an established intimate relationship, it is apt to be rough sailing right now. Ultimatums, bringing up past pain and unresolved issues, jealousy, or unusual neediness or possessiveness may all be part of the scenario, and what makes all of this quite stressful is that most of it is not blatant but subtle and insidious. Indiscretion and poor judgment in matters of the heart need to be guarded against.

17 Feb 2019 7:00 (16 Feb 2019 to 18 Feb 2019)

Romance and flirtations are likely now. You are feeling warm, expressive, and lively. Loving feelings flow between you and the people you meet, especially those of the opposite sex. Friendships are also strengthened at this time. Also, your creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now.

17 Feb 2019 9:00 (16 Feb 2019 to 18 Feb 2019)

You make yourself perfectly clear at this time, coming across in a very direct, articulate manner. Your honesty and willingness to communicate openly impresses others. This is a good time to give a speech, present your ideas publicly, or simply express your viewpoint to the people who matter the most in your life. If you are in a profession dealing with words, ideas, or communications, this is a very positive and fruitful time for you.

17 Feb 2019 11:00 (15 Feb 2019 to 18 Feb 2019)

Your concentration is excellent now and you are serious about your work. You want to focus on real accomplishment and avoid frivolity and distractions. You may fruitfully tackle difficult, disagreeable tasks or work that usually frustrates you, for your patience and ability to do painstaking work is brought out now. Self-control and self-discipline are required of you at this time but, fortunately, they yield positive results in the long run.

18 Feb 2019 (17 Feb 2019 to 14 Mar 2019)

Meeting with people who share common ideals or purposes, either on a professional or personal level, will be very successful now. You have a friendly, cooperative attitude that will help such gatherings flow smoothly.

You need and want to socialize now. Parties or other gala events are favored. Getting together with a group of friends to play music or sing would be very satisfying.

18 Feb 2019 (16 Feb 2019 to 15 Jul 2019)

This is a time of greater involvement in political or social movements and groups which are organized around a common cause or ideal.

Commitments and loyalties to your friends and your community may impel you to get involved in a more concrete way, perhaps taking on more responsibilities than you have in the past. At the same time, you feel less sociable than usual and avoid groups or occasions to get together with people if you think that there is no real purpose in it.

22 Feb 2019 (12 Feb 2019 to 6 Mar 2019)

Relationships with others are harmonious and stable now. Someone older than yourself, more experienced, or in a position of authority is likely to assist you now in the things that are important to you. Government agencies and businesses also respond positively to issues and ideas that concern you. This is a good time for any communications with authorities or persons of social prominence. You are feeling confident and the serious-mindedness and maturity of your communications is appreciated by others.

You have a greater rapport with others now, especially on issues that deeply concern you. Others seem less superficial and irresponsible to you, and you feel greater respect for them. Actually, others haven't changed as much as it would appear; you are better able to communicate with others and see the more mature side of their personalities.

Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.