
1. Chinese Astrology Profile



Like our own western astrology, Chinese astrology uses twelve different signs or symbols to define twelve basic categories of human being. Similarly to western astrology, the Chinese system uses a person's birth date as the basis for his sign, so in some ways the two systems are alike. Now, let's have a look at how they differ.

Our own astrological signs are monthly. Each of our signs has a different heaven-inspired mythological name and corresponds to a period equivalent to a single Sun cycle. If you were born in the Sun cycle period labeled Aquarius, then in western astrological terms you are an Aquarian. Chinese zodiacal signs are yearly. Each Chinese sign has a different animal name and corresponds to a period equivalent to an entire Chinese calendar year. If you were born in a yearlong period which the Chinese label the Dragon Year, then in Chinese astrological terms you are a Dragon. Simple? Yes.

Chinese astrology is so simple that you need only know the year of your birth to find out which of the twelve signs is yours. But there is one tricky aspect to consider. The Chinese New Year falls on a different date every year. This holiday can occur as early as mid-January or not until late February. If you were born in either January or February, that is, if you are either Capricorn or Aquarius in western astrology, you need to know whether you were born before or after the Chinese New Year. This interpretation has calculated that information for you.

The Chinese animal symbols are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. These animals always appear in the same order. Since the beginning of recorded Chinese time, 2637 B.C., the animal sequence has recurred faithfully every twelve years. It always begins with the Rat and ends with the Pig. And to make things even more convenient for us Twentieth-Century Westerners, 1900 was a Rat year. That means that the next Rat year was 1912 and 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984 were all Rat years. Anybody born in any of these years is a Rat.

Chinese astrology, in one form or another, was widely used all over the Orient from the fortieth century B.C. It became especially popular between 2953 and 2838 B.C. under the Emperor Fu Hsi and again under Shen Nung, who was born in the twenty-eighth century B.C. The zodiacal system and its philosophies as we know them today were codified by Ta Nao, an able minister of Emperor Huang Ti, born about 2704 B.C. It was made official in 2637 B.C. and was formally inaugurated, as were other historical events, at the sixtieth anniversary of the same popular Emperor Huang Ti's accession to the throne. For forty-six centuries thereafter, this system was used as the national standard and touched on all state affairs in China.

People born in Pig years are all somewhat naive and hate to say no; Rats are aggressive and talkative; Dogs loyal and ardent, Snakes altruistic and attractive; Dragons healthy and noisy; Horses independent and pragmatic; Goats dependent and creative and have no sense of time; Oxen slow and eloquent; Tigers rash and magnetic; Cats flee conflict and love tradition; Monkeys are entertaining and give lots of presents; Roosters are resourceful and bossy and adore clothes.


Yin and Yang are the two main opposite but equal Chinese philosophical forces. The power of Yin is sometimes interpreted as passive, female, docile, receptive and society-oriented. Conversely, the Yang energy is said to be aggressive, male and socially indifferent. To the Chinese, everything in life is either Yin or Yang, and the trick to achieving harmony is knowing how to balance Yin and Yang so they operate in synergy rather than clash.

According to Chinese thought, any circumstance in the universe - a rainstorm, a night of love, a child taking its first steps, a wobbly bedstead, a frantic phone call, a dish of steaming pasta, a traffic accident, a dancing bride and groom or a washing-line in the sunlight - is the direct result of an energy balance or imbalance between Yin and Yang.


To allow for movement to occur and bring about change, Chinese philosophy calls upon the five elements as agents of change and reaction. Change, the Chinese think, derives from the influence of the five main elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water - on the basic Yin or Yang energies. Like in the old rock, paper, scissors game, each of these five Chinese elements has the ability to control and/or destroy the previous element, and is capable of producing the element that directly follows it. In the regenerative cycle of the elements, Water engenders Wood. Wood begets Fire. Fire burns to Earth. Earth creates Metal and Metal gives way to Water.

Wood is characterized by the color green. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. Wood's influence affects the liver, the gallbladder and, by extension, the digestion. Wood needs moisture to thrive. Its two opposite yet equally emotional forces are rage and altruism. The Wood person will be expansive, outgoing and socially conscious.

Wood, in its turn, can create and nourish Fire. Fire's signatory color is red. Fire is hot weather, satisfaction of nature, aridity and dust. The tongue and the small intestine are the centers of attention in the Fire person's body. Fire makes heat, which either warms or burns. The Fire person must constantly seek to balance a tendency to explode and possibly destroy, against a desire to create coziness and warmth. Passionate by nature, this impatient, ebullient person must strive to keep his flame under control.

Earth is created from the ashes of the Fire. Now we are in the soothingly satisfying late summer cycle. Earth's favorite color is yellow, which represents the equanimity between beginnings and. endings. The weather of Earth is mild or temperate. In the human body, Earth influences spleen, pancreas and mouth. Earth's two opposite but equal forces which need to be kept in constant balance are enhancing and smothering. On the one hand Earth gives care and allows for growth and improvement. On the other, Earth buries roots and snuffs out breath. Earth people are gifted for fairness and have the ability to commit themselves to protracted projects and complete Herculean tasks with ease. They must struggle against a penchant for worry.

The Earth grows Metal in her veins. Metal says white and autumn. Metal is cool, crisp weather. Metal's effect on the body centers in the lungs and respiratory system. It only secondarily rules the large intestine and the nose. Metal people like to communicate. They need to keep discord and harmony in constant balance. Metal signifies the onset of winter. Its influence can sometimes add sadness or gloom to an astrological chart. Two of Metal's emotional forces are melancholy and romance. I see Metal as Wagnerian. Metal people must guard against a tendency to wallow in nostalgia.

Lastly, Metal begets Water - groundwater trickling its way through layers of the Earth's core. Water's color is blue. Its season is full-blown winter. Water is always moving, fluid, and mutational. In our bodies, water's influence affects our plumbing systems, the kidneys and the bladder. The ear, too, comes under the spell of Water. Hence people born in Water-ruled years are frequently musical. They pick up on everything. Be it good or bad, they never miss a vibe. Water-ruled creatures are always very sensitive and sometimes even mentally fragile. The downside of Water's influence, then, is a stressful nervousness. To balance that fidgety, squeamish, overly sensitive side, Water endows its subjects with the noblest quality of all, kindness and sympathy. Sometimes too permeable, the Water-ruled must take precautions against drowning in the chagrin of those they see as less fortunate than themselves.

So, the five elements cause the commotion and are responsible for creating and maintaining both balance and imbalance - for moving things around and making life interesting. These purveyors of change can be controlled or not, depending on how one manages them.

Each animal year of the Chinese zodiac has been assigned one of the five elements. The elements each turn up twice in the cycle going away for another ten years. The five elements are always presented in the above order. Once we know this, we can understand how the elements directly affect us and pertain to individual characters.

The elements work by governing each animal sign once through the sixty-year "century" You will not come across a Water Horse more than once in sixty years. This fact alone accounts for sixty different basic character or destiny types. Further, when a learned Chinese astrologer draws up a chart for an individual person according to the Chinese astrological system, he takes into consideration the month and the season, the time of day and the type of weather on the day of birth as well as certain astral configurations at the moment of birth. In all, good Chinese astrologers deal with a base of no less than 512,640 different possible personality charts. This means that only two people in a million stand a chance of being born with identical destinies.


You are full of fun and games and enjoy being with people you like. You, however, despise confinement. Your need for freedom and craving for motion, your insatiable thirst for the novel and outrageous, your hunger for mental challenge, passion for full-swing elbow-room latitude, and your remarkable ability to adapt to any new circumstance in seconds (and often only for seconds) all make you both incapable and unwilling to accept and repression or restriction. You refuse to be caged. Not that you are greedy for space, nor do you demand lavish or vast homes, but you must be left alone to be independent.

Whatever havoc you may wreak on your fellows, one thing is certain: the word Monkey does not rhyme with Donkey. You are a wily, clever person and are renowned for your extraordinary problem-solving talents. Give you a baffling issue to settle, a negotiation to handle or a filthy hundred-year-old attic to clean and, providing you are not held to a deadline or forced in any way, you'll set straight to work, heaving things and ideas here and there, darting your attention everywhere at once and applying your nimble intelligence to every nuance of the issue. Then you come up with the single most ingenious answer ever.

Although you yourself are often a neurotic's neurotic, you are able to help others solve their emotional and mental problems. Advice and good counsel are your strong suit. You know how to listen closely and work out solutions at the same time. Even you, are amazed at the originality you apply in formulating answers to our weightiest problems. You often come out the winner, especially if the fight is hard. No rules need apply. The game is about how to win with one's wits. Not with one's might.

Most of your neurotic behavior stems from a habit of repeating comfortable patterns in emotional situations. Perhaps you learned how to deflect intimacy at a very young age. You somehow cling to that method of avoiding close contact and are loath to give it up. Even when advised to do so in therapy, you tend to resist changes in your neurotic patterns. You either don't want to see yourself mirrored or you can't. If your mother was alcoholic, you may choose alcoholic girlfriends and go through life wondering why - and complaining about it. "Why is Mary so crazy? She never shows up." You whine. You know that Mary drinks and you also know that she is famous for being late or absent when needed. Yet, you don't really want to admit the truth about Mary because you might have to abandon her and you don't care to break the pattern started when you were so very young. Monkeys often need years of therapy to break bad habits and shed neuroses.

Aside from and along with your problem-solving gifts, you are enthralled by the sound of your own chatter. You talk a lot. You are never boring, but you can be unnecessarily long-winded. Your bedtime speech to a child may become a full scale lecture on metaphysics or golf.

As a natural teacher, you have opinions on everything from politics to lawn sprinklers. Yet, as you are essentially tolerant, you are unusually respectful of the opinions of others. You adore a spirited conversation and worship background noise. Just for company you'll turn on a portable radio in church, flip a few TV channels during your own wedding, switch on the news at the most solemn point in a love spat. And in planes, trains or even bomb shelters, you are sure to engage strangers in spontaneous chitchat. You could chat up a corpse.

You always have a joke, an anecdote, or a yarn to share with any audience you can corner for long enough to tell it. You are not as eloquent as the Ox, and are less persuasive than the Horse, but you need to be amusing and instructive. Most of all, you need to please your public, which makes you one of the Chinese zodiac's best hosts.

Give you a potentially dull situation and you'll turn it into a Broadway production. And better yet, you'll pay for it. You are notoriously generous when it comes to spending money on others. You can't resist watching people's eyes light up when you give them a present, find them a special treat, or locate just the right holiday spot for them. When challenged to please someone, you are led into some rich temptations.

Because of your curiosity, you think everything is worth knowing about. For one so active and mobile, you have remarkable perseverance when it comes to studying and gathering information. You can plough through tomes for fact-finding purposes or sit for hours poring over charts, tables and relief maps. Many learned geniuses were born in Monkey years.

You are hard to describe. You nearly always show a strangely harmonious mixture of contradictory strengths and faults. You are sometimes exasperatingly childlike, yet surprisingly sophisticated, adult and practically unshockable. One skill you are usually not gifted for is the learning of foreign languages. You can only get so far with all that memorization and mimicry and then you stall out and begin using hand signals to talk to people from other cultures.

As a friend, you are both loyal and devoted, yet as a lover you can be flighty and faithless. Sometimes you gossip, meddle and pry. Other times a safecracker can't get you to spill so much as one bean.

You have no time for prejudice or outdated social custom. Snobbery bores you and the word racism doesn't exist for you. You are a truly fair and equitable person. Yet if you feel trapped or cornered, or even personally justified, you can surprise even yourself by committing an isolated survivalist act of unreason and injustice.

As you don't take kindly to repression, you have no time for conflict with authority. You rarely get nabbed for bending laws. You are supple of mind and body, and good at moving through the minefields and earthquakes of life without ever feeling so much as an aftershock. As much as true disaster stalks the very paw prints of Tigers and tracks the wake of the Dragon's fire, it avoids you.

You are talented for both ruse and hypocrisy. Call it diplomacy if you will, it's still a form of deception. You owe much of your social success to your ability to nod and smile while fools spew inanities into your ears. You don't always respect the opinions of others, but you enjoy a rare talent for maintaining an agreeable countenance in the face of discord. Because you can fool your audience with clever double talk, you often prevail. Unafraid of subterfuge and not burdened by petty moralities, you are a canny piece of work. You are clever and sometimes unscrupulously cagey. But it's more than that. You are not just a rebel or a renegade. You are satisfied to be truly marginal. Society doesn't interest you. Frankly, you couldn't care less. You are oblivious, self-motivated and damnably free-spirited.

Remember those little bronze statues that schoolmistresses used to keep on their bookshelves? Three monkeys, one with a paw over his eyes, one with both paws over his ears and one with a paw clamped over his mouth. Underneath were etched the words "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." A better portrait of the Monkey character I have yet to see.


You need to eat often and have an annoying tendency to reach for and hang on to whatever is sitting in the middle of the table and has caught your fancy. No use our protesting because, in a wink, you have put the food in your mouth and devoured it.

What is it about you and food? It's simple. you have a kinky attitude toward food. If not urged or forced to seek variety in your diet, you may simply eat the same things all the time. You are not a pig. You don't stuff yourself at meals or drink and eat too much and grow obese. You just have this odd snack-and-grab-it habit that can drive normal people mad.

The Chinese say that Monkey subjects are born fragile and get stronger as they grow older. Your bones and teeth need reinforcement while you are small. Yogurt and cottage cheese should be flavored with fresh fruit and no sugar.

Very early on, you must be encouraged to eat vegetables and fruit, even between meals, and to steer clear of fatty meat. Pork and sausage should be avoided. No fats are to be served with starches such as rice or potatoes or pasta. Your digestive tract needs each element of the diet to arrive as a separate item to be dealt with on its own. A plateful of toasted bread, preferably whole-wheat, should not be slathered with butter or there will be trouble. You can eat cheese, yes, but not with bread or crackers; pasta if you will, but not with greasy sauces. Fresh tomato sauce made with olive oil is safest.

You very likely have long thin limbs, and if these are not exercised or kept supple and in shape, you will become brittle as you age. It is wise for you to engage in exercise which strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs. Squash, tennis, hiking, skiing and fencing are all good. Strenuous exercise, such as weightlifting and mountaineering, is not advised.

Your skin is usually clear in childhood, but later on allergies may plague you. Although you are spared the ravages of adolescent acne, as an adult, you may suffer from psoriasis and other nervous skin disorders such as shingles and, oddly, dandruff. You are quite nervous and this anxiety often leads to unbecoming skin disorders. For psoriasis, the best remedy is lots of exercise in the sun and plenty of vitamins A and D. Wheat germ and whole grains, bean sprouts and cold-pressed oils, all foods containing the B vitamins, should be favored in your diet. Circulatory troubles are not uncommon for you. As your blood doesn't always move around as quickly as it might, you are often ultra-sensitive to cold in your extremities and may also suffer intermittent dips in your blood pressure. Vertigo, migraines, giddiness and even fainting spells can ensue. Poor circulation can also lead to hemorrhoids, varicose veins and sometimes arrhythmic heartbeat. Nosebleeds, gum disease and tooth loss may also besiege you.

Ideally, you should live in quiet country surroundings, vary your diet, eat three square meals including phosphorus-rich foods like oysters and fish, and avoid all stimulants. Snacking? Avoid it unless you munch on an apple or grab some other fresh fruit or vegetable to stem your hunger. Above all, you should get a lot of sleep. But you hardly ever can. Even when you do sleep, you lurch around all night. Instead of riding out these insomniac episodes by getting out of bed and reading, writing or doing a crossword till you become sleepy again, you lie there twitching and tossing about, chewing off your knuckles in the dark.

You love the pulse of city life. You adore being lively and ready for action. Any advice about sleeping in tranquil surroundings is about as useful as sending a stodgy Ox to a crowded, thumping, noisy sex-filled discotheque for a rest.


Monkey with Rat

If all else fails, the two of you can go on the road as a comedy duo. Humor, games, parties, and friends! What fun you'll have! How lucky you are to have been brought together! Shared, your lives will be a never-ending roller-coaster ride. You incessantly grimace from the top of the jungle gym and have the Rat in perpetual stitches. Amid guffaws, the Rat suggests funnier, more clever antics, inciting you with ever more hysterical moves. It's a matrimonial picnic.

The sometimes repressed Rat will become a tiresome chatterbox alongside you. But you never tire of the clever Rat. It's like owning a walking radio show. Both so personable, the two of you will always be dining out or entertaining at home. You have a multitude of friends and spend little time alone. As neither is afraid of hard work, money comes easily to you.

You sometimes fib or dissimulate in order to conceal you occasional sexual promiscuity. Should you betray the ever-devoted Rat and he or she find out, the relationship will certainly become strained for a time. But divorce is rare between you. Who would want to give up life in an amusement park of joy?

Monkey with Ox

If the Ox can relinquish stubborn conformism and trust you, you can greatly improve the quality of his or her life. In return for your gift of freedom, the Ox will lend you security. Much to everyone's surprise, the Ox, usually incensed by any disturbance of routine, is fascinated by your trickiness. You, in turn, try harder to amuse and enchant your faithful mate.

Both are basically practical and project-oriented. Moreover, you can teach Oxen to step outside themselves, be willingly kind to others, and to help out the less fortunate. Charity gives the Ox a special thrill, and the Ox will be grateful to you for opening his or her eyes to the needs of the poor.

Under the covers, you spice up the Ox's humdrum technique. With your agile tutelage, the Ox can expect to learn much more than a few dancing techniques.

Monkey with Tiger

You two make eager lovers. Initially, you will leap frequently on each other's bones, accomplishing astonishing feats of extreme passion. In the long run, the ardor may die a natural death because Tigers hate to be clung to, and your innately neurotic tendencies do involve a certain amount of clinging.

The strong intellectual tug between you and the Tiger frequently keeps you together anyway. The Tiger admires your keen eye for strategy and you enjoy and applaud the Tiger's feisty wit and temerity. You give the Tiger plenty of presents and kudos. The Tiger gives you spunk and encouragement. The two of you have an easy common viewpoint and, even if you cannot keep the love flame burning, will go far together as lifelong pals.

Except. the Chinese say that the Tiger should beware. Traditionally, you are the Tiger's natural enemy. Marriage between Monkey and Tiger is not advised.

Monkey with Cat

The two of you are intellectually well matched. You both enjoy being in cultural venues, seeking out new exhibitions or museums, and learning about subjects of particular interest to one or both of you. The meeting of two like minds can be the basis of a lifetime of wedded harmony.

Emotionally, however, there will be snags. The Cat hates unexpected change and does not enjoy surprises. Discretion, for the Cat, is nine-tenths of the law. You, on the other hand, live for change and enjoy leaping about from place to place. You adore being in the limelight, amusing cronies and carrying on in public. Moreover, the Cat takes him- or herself very seriously. Not too many jokes allowed. You make fun of everything (including your mate) and think of the world as a giant silliness.

The success and longevity of this relationship depends on the degree of passion the two of you can extract from your intensely cerebral friendship. Neither expects syrupy romance and tries to maintain a cynical distance from all syrupy or sentimental notions. You may require a push from an outside source (e.g. dicey love triangle, savvy therapist, good friend etc.) to get you to surrender to the natural human impulse to love and be loved, no matter what!

Monkey with Dragon

Despite the obvious differences in your characters, you two have a lot going for you. The Dragon is bombastic and needs to be adored, yet reveres your keen intelligence and ability to see around corners. You love spectacle and invariably enjoy the show that Dragons put on. Dragons get themselves embroiled in world class problems. You are a born problem solver.

There is plenty of room for personal evolution in this couple. Impressed by the efficiency of your exceptional mind, the Dragon (atypically) will become almost dependent. He or she will let up on the accelerator from time to time and even take an occasional back seat to your brilliance. You enjoy being appreciated for your skills and talents, are not particularly interested in the number one position, and can thus allow a Dragon bask in the footlights. As a result of this clever balance, the Dragon/Monkey match becomes a strong bond, built on compromise and mutual respect.

Sex, however, may not be the strongest element that binds the two of you. Your normally healthy appetite seems moderate by comparison to the Dragon's voracious and conspicuous need for consumption of his or her mate's intimate favors.

Monkey with Snake

Auspicious beginnings encourage the two of you to join forces and operate as a team. You find wisdom and consideration in the Snake's personality. The Snake enjoys your charm and peppy energy. At first, you seem a truly complementary pair.

After a time, however, you will see that all you have in common is a taste for helping others, a charitable bent which binds you ever so loosely together. The Snake, of course, always takes off on extramarital adventures. You? Well, you couldn't care less: if affairs turn up, so much the better. If not, you can take them or leave them alone.

The Snake likes elegance and wants his or her life carefully accessorized. You are bored by the very idea of accessorizing anything, so you dress down rather than dressing up. You are spontaneous; the Snake ponderous. The Snake is romantic, you are logical. Snake is sophisticated, you are Bohemian and carefree. You love to converse, but dialogue becomes difficult because Snakes find it hard to divulge their inner feelings. Breakdowns in communications might be the death of this relationship.

Your sex life usually compensates for much of the strife between you. Although sex is not always your strongest suit, the Snake succeeds in turning you on in a big way. The complicity of elaborate sex games may ensure a basis for the two of you to consolidate your union, despite your essential differences.

Monkey with Horse

A mutual desire to stay abreast of events, mingle in society, and be part of what's happening in the outside world will constitute the initial attraction between you two. You are so versatile, imaginative and amusing that Horses have trouble resisting your charms. You feel that serious Horses need cheering up, and you are inspired to make them laugh. You also appreciate the Horse's strict sense of duty and ability to endure hard work. You love to join forces and solve problems together.

Communication may not be your friend. You are an inveterate neurotic who cherishes unhealthy behavior patterns. Although you chatter a good bit, you don't open up easily. Horses are guarded and conservative about speaking up on their own behalf. Much tension may build. You should agree (before reaching the ulcer stage) to see a therapist or counselor regularly. Otherwise, unexpressed emotions will cause the death of your union.

A brilliant sex life is in store for the two of you. You are mutually energetic and fanciful about romance. The Horse may want more sex than you do, but your fertile imagination will compensate for lack of appetite. As long as the two of you don't sit around complacently, patting each other on the back about how well your couple "works," you can create a lasting bond. Work on your couple. It will be well worth the time and money in the long run.

Monkey with Goat

A mutual lightheartedness will draw the two of you into a joyous relationship. Your energy alone can carry the couple and, because you are very generous, you will not mind being the sole provider. If you are doing well, your whole existence can consist solely of your work and the Goat's playful occupations.

The sex will be less than wonderful, though, because you aren't the same sort of sensitive lover as the Goat. He or she needs constant caresses. The Goat is romantic and sentimental, while you are a practical lover whose lovemaking resembles a healthful gymnastic more than a swooning match.

The Goat's moral dependence may become irritating to you, who long to move about freely without undue constraint. Having to stay at home, coaxing a grumpy Goat out of pessimistic moods and rousing him or her from inertia may be more than your independent soul can bear.

If the two of you have a family, it may help to hold you together. The Goat can stay securely at home while you wander free. It's a sound combination, providing you can eventually support the Goat in leisurely style.

Monkey with Monkey

You two make great companions. You both love in a hands-off fashion. Neither interferes with the other's progress by merely looking for ego-strokes. The two of you usually create a project-oriented family atmosphere wherein each member of the group has individual responsibilities and house holding belongs to everyone. Cooking and washing up, shopping and even ironing may be shared equally. Monkey #1 is never too proud to do laundry. And Monkey #2 doesn't mind changing the oil in the car. Both of you are race, creed and color blind. Sexually slanted competition doesn't exist between the two of you.

Problems (and there aren't many that two Monkeys can't solve better than one) will arise in the financial arena. Neither of you likes doing accounts, writing checks, or sending letters to protest outrageous gas and electricity bills. As a couple, you may fall behind and ruin your reputation. As both of you are work and people-oriented, you will need to hire a bookkeeper to hold your finances together.

Sex is not often the foremost consideration between two Monkeys. You both enjoy it and even prefer having sex with each other. But you are not overly preoccupied by the intensity or endurance of your sexual lives. If and when it happens, you are excited and happy. Without it, neither curls up and dies. Promiscuity might be a dot on the horizon, but dalliances are of no consequence, as you make a committed couple. You both believe in personal freedom.

Monkey with Rooster

Not much is going on sexually between the two of you. Roosters are possessive and anxious about their position in relationships. Their instinct is to anchor their prey. You need miles of rope to feel good about yourself. You have to roam amid people, jabber with others, and find solutions to ever more important problems.

Roosters are conservative thinkers, while you are all for liberation, gentler laws and personal liberty. The two of you may be constantly at odds over policy. Decisions become difficult, tensions rise, and the Rooster suffers. This is because the Rooster makes emotional scenes that can send you packing. Your partner must accept your devil-may-care side to enjoy the benefit of your humor. It's up to the Rooster to be more flexible. And that is a tall order.

So, you two are not exactly Romeo and Juliet. You are interested in sex, but you're also fascinated by life's other aspects, above all its practicalities. The Rooster is also practical and appreciates your delight in resolving concrete issues. But he or she needs softening, romancing, loving and cuddling to appreciate the joys of sex. Now it's your turn to adapt, to become more languorous and spend time petting and nuzzling. Otherwise your Rooster (God forbid!) might begin scratching around in another barnyard for sexual understanding.

Monkey with Dog

The Dog is a blazing idealist. You live for the opportune moment. You may well meet up and fall in love when engaged in a social struggle together. Each of you possesses qualities lacking in the other. Although this might make you seem perfectly matched, it takes more than dovetailing qualities to make two such impervious individualists communicate. Each of you is totally accustomed to living on his or her own personal wavelength. You have real trouble shifting gears to make yourselves understood to someone on another plane. The remedy is talk. You two nervous souls must sit and yammer for hours, days and months before you reach an understanding. The Dog will have to give up blurting nasty remarks, and you must accept being tethered for at least part of the time. Dogs need companionship. Without it, they grow sad and lonely. You need to entertain. That often means being out in the world in a party or other social situation. Take the Dog with you? He or she will become grouchy, whine and want to go for a walk. But if you stay at home, then you become the resident grump and find excuses to go out and play.

Although they can be guilty of it, Dogs don't take kindly to philandering. But you like sexual freedom. You seem carefree and the Dog seems laughably frustrated. Being of basic good intention, if you wish to stay together, the two of you can have a workable sex life together. This relationship's harmony is possible, but will not be won without effort. Imagine it can work forever. Build it. Then maintain it. The rest will follow.

Monkey with Pig

Piggy! The Pig must treat this relationship with less blind indulgence for the opposite party. You can be ruthless when necessary. The Pig's naivety is no help when it comes to dealing with your beloved, yet sometimes unscrupulous ways.

Unlike the Snake, whose intentions in the Pig's regard are plainly lethal, you mean no harm. Your two tender hearts are mightily compatible, but your thinking processes are worlds apart. The Pig must adapt to your ways or you are doomed as a couple.

As Pigs are very malleable, adaptation is not an unreasonable demand. But Piggy must be careful not to lose his or her purest ideals to your constantly expanding bag of tricks. Pigs live by intuition. You cleave to logic. If the two of you can get your mutual talents to cooperate, it will assist your union's progress. If not, there will be major rows. When angry, you are a hopping mad mini-volcano who forgets about it two minutes after the eruption. A mad Pig is fearsome, relentless, dangerous and vengeful.

You should accept and enjoy the Pig's smothering and homely charms. And the Pig should try to see how innocently you need room to wander and squander. If these concessions are made, you can have a long-lasting life together.


What the Monkey should expect from the twelve Chinese animal years:

2006, The Dog Year

Dogs don't thrill to see you cavorting through their space. They are dour and cynical. The atmosphere this year will be less than mellow. You'll experience a few financial setbacks. Commitments you believed in may crumble. People let you down. The remedy? Go back to work. Make yourself another little fortune. You did it before, and I am sure you can do it again. Buoyancy is your middle name. Don't let the Dog's critical eye dampen your


In Chinese Astrology, there are five elements: Wood Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Each governs an animal sign once throughout the sixty-year Chinese «century». There are therefore sixty different basic character types in Chinese Astrology. You were born in the year of 1981.


1860 Gustav Mahler, Annie Oakley

1920 Pope John Paul II, Gaston Le Notre, Roger Angell, Howard Cosell, Federico Fellini, Charlie Parker, Roberta Peters, Dirk Bogarde, Gene Tierney, Montgomery Clift, Ravi Shankar, Mickey Rooney, Clive Donner, Tony Randall, Viveca Lindfors, Maureen O' Hara, Anatole Broyard, Walter Matthau, Ricardo Montalban, Carol Channing, Arthur Hailey, Isaac Stern, Eileen Farrell, Tony Randall, Lana Turner, Peggy Lee, Bella Abzug, David Brinkley, Amalia Rodrigues, Bob Waterfield, Ray Bradbury, Timothy Leary, Mario Puzo, Johnny Desmond, Virginia Mayo, Stan Musial, Dave Brubeck, David Susskind, Mario Lanza

1980 Venus Williams, Jessica Simpson, Macaulay Culkin, Martina Hingis, Ashanti, Gisele Bundchen, Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys, Elijah Wood, Justin Timberlake

You are the fighter Monkey. Thanks to creative thinking and driving ambition, you are a self-made person. You usually prefer to make your way alone, working happily at a job which takes you into the loftiest realms.

You will encounter miles of obstacles along the road to finding your independent niche. But find it you will! When in doubt, you confront issues, battle with demons and fiercely attack adversaries. You often win by means of persuasion, reason, and logic. If an issue warrants it, you are unafraid to put up your fists and trounce your opponent. Your muscle is not like the stormy, fiery bravura of a Dragon, nor can you match the Ox or Rooster for perseverance and endurance. You come on wiry and hostile. You simply annihilate challengers through force of will and twist of spirit. Then you drop the cadavers in the ditch and move ahead, as feisty as ever, to challenge the next contender. You're tough, but it's a nice kind of tough.

Your personal life will never be a romantic novel. You're bent on achieving a major place in your career, making your mark on society, and forcing your creative ideas through the fusty system. You have little time for family or emotional space. As a major difference maker, you always have unusual ideas. You are neither obedient to norms nor blatantly revolutionary, but you need the thrill of achievement, advancement, and position. You want to be where the action is, and if your entourage doesn't understand, that's their problem.

Of course it is possible for you to marry and maintain a semblance of family life. You are likely to be financially secure and therefore make a good provider, but you may not be disposed to spending much time at home. You need an independent, loving and patient mate who is unafraid to take responsibility for home, family and marriage alone.

You have a sociable, gregarious personality. You talk a lot and may even (unusual for a Monkey) be able to learn foreign languages. You enjoy travel and are quite apt to expatriate early in adulthood, moving away to start again in a new place to slake your thirst for self-sovereignty. You hate criticism, do not wish to be compared to siblings and/or cousins, and deplore the existence of relatives who insist on loading your kitbag with unwanted advice. You want to be a separate, officially unallied individual. You make your own way and refuse to credit your frequent successes and financial gains to anyone else.

You are intelligent. You are argumentative and yet have a charming, winning manner. Your close relatives know just how cranky and picky you can be, and resent all the extra hugging and kudos that you receive from your multiple admirers. For you, family situations are often tense and fraught with resentments.

You can be melancholy. If you do not succeed, you may go under. All that push and shove and strategizing is so depleting and the stakes so all or nothing that you become fatigued and cannot drag yourself up to begin all over again. Your sin lies in your puffed up self-image. You can take setbacks as long as you come out of them victorious. Too many losses and you skulk away, dejected and hopeless.

When and if despair sets in, you may blame your failures on your upbringing, family, friends, or associates who were jealous of you and tried to do you in. This "poor me" attitude is that of an unevolved character who cannot accept personal shortcomings, who will not assume responsibility for breakdowns in communication, and who can only see him or herself as a victim. This approach to failure is a dead end. You must be watchful not to allow yourself to succumb to self pity.

Should you find yourself despondent, don't be too proud to try directive group therapy. Interaction in a group cannot help but benefit you. It is difficult for you to realize that you cannot always be right. Group therapy or some sort of group support will help you to learn to take hints from those around you. For once, you won't be able to talk your way out of certain truths you prefer not to face up to.

You make an excellent salesman or TV talk-show host, newscaster or disc jockey. You are so articulate and nimble-minded that you could sell fur coats to bears. Whatever the verbal challenge that arises, you meet it with equanimity and a smooth talking manner. You make strangers feel comfortable. You exude confidence and competence even when you haven't a clue.

You are hugely individualistic. This is a sign of achievement and versatility. Metal Monkeys can learn how to do almost anything. But if you experience too many failures, your mental and physical health may give out. You are afflicted with more pride than resilience. The breaking up of your brittle surface can dim your sunny demeanor. If you cannot avoid failure, (Who can?) then try to learn how to put a lid on that extra dose of pride.

Chinese Signs for Women

Males and Females behave differently. Below is the gender specific description of your Chinese sign.


The contradictory character of all Monkeys is dramatically emphasized in the female of the species. Although you prefer not to conform to type, you do. For starters, you are ever-youthful. Your limbs are usually thin and muscular. Your head is small and well shaped. You have a neatly proportioned upper body, small breasts and sturdy shoulders. If you are overweight, your plumpness ordinarily shows during childhood and early adulthood. By middle age you have started to thin down, and the older you get, the more sinew and muscle you show. You are not a likely candidate for a heart attack.

Your face is often sharply defined about the jaw line and boasts high or at least prominent cheekbones. Your forehead tends to jut out over the eyes, which are sunken rather than protruding. The lips are clear-cut and well drawn. Your nose is short and unobtrusive. Teeth are a prominent feature in a strong but never heavy jaw line.

There is nothing grand or regal about your features, and the word "pretty" doesn't do justice to your good looks. You are not just lovely to look at. You're well turned out and carry a singular air of competence and a fetching, mischievous twinkle.

You don't have trouble finding love partners because men are drawn to your spirited manner. Although you are not the most constant mistress or wife, you can be counted on to amuse your lovers, diverting them with funny stories and finely honed wit.

Your jokes are light-hearted and rarely cutting or hurtful. You seem able to pick out the silliness in any situation. You don't want to appear grumpy, stubborn or mean. You have no time for anything that impinges on fun. Your main objective is to remain young at heart, active and open-minded. You like to observe, poke fun, entertain, and sort out others' problems.

You are creative in bed. You never let your partner get bored and you are careful to maintain an atmosphere of humor and good cheer in the face of almost any wild behavior your lover thinks up. If your husband minces into the bedroom wearing high heels and a pale pink taffeta skirt, you will not shrink away in horror. You will carry on regardless.

In both home and workplace, you are a good sport and an excellent organizer. No matter how badly you are offended, you don't hold a grudge or harbor resentments. Also you can be counted on to smooth over differences and remain even-tempered.

Your foibles are curious. Here, too, paradox reigns. You're as hysterical about your own problems as you are practical about other people's. You tend to be neurotic. You often have difficulty separating emotions from facts. You fret and panic over what others might see as the least little thing. If you think it's directed at you, you can work yourself into a terrible lather over a passing remark or a whisper dropped in your presence. You hate to appear foolish.

There is another tiny female Monkey flaw. You have to be right. Because of your outrageous capacity for accuracy, your amazing visual memory and the need to seem at all times to be doing the right thing, you make an excellent editor, private secretary, script girl, bookkeeper and fact checker. Proficiency is thine.

This attention to detail can be positive, but it can also translate into an exasperating, stubborn eccentricity that bends to no persuasion and resists even the most compelling reasoning. You get up to some very oddball schemes - screwy, far-out antics that can baffle even the most baroque minds. But this eccentricity does not mean that you are flakey or off your rocker. It just goes to prove that Monkey women are indeed eccentric.

2. Your Love Life Guidance

Your Day by Day Romance

Oct 19 2020

Venus Square Moon

During the days of this aspect your psychological state probably will fluctuate from the height of superficial happiness to extreme melancholia and a sense of isolation. In reality, there are two kinds of vibrations that prevent you from maintaining an even course, but are continually tilting from one extreme to the other. It is advisable to take some time for personal reflection, thinking about your more recent affectionate or sentimental experiences, before reacting or acting without previous contemplation. Now is the time to look deeper into your real psyche, avoiding at all cost to express your feelings outwardly without having sufficiently worked out what comes from within.
If you are sensitive or affected by the reaction of a relative, a friend, a loved one or even your mate, above all control your imagination, otherwise you run the risk of making a mountain out of a mole hill. Don't evade the situations or people responsible for your sensitivity, but simply reflect on the real meaning of that experience and how to respond to it. Either way, after calming yourself and having reflected you think that your loved one has made a mistake, it is advisable to outline everything smoothly and objectively without getting too personal.
You won't go from a feeling of joy to melancholia very easily, since you are not living in a fairy tale nor in a valley of tears. Find a balance between your family responsibilities and your need for entertainment, amuse yourself and relax a while. If you are involved in a love relationship now, see to it that it will be as harmonious as possible with your family to avoid small irritations or sensitivities in the future.

Oct 20 2020

Mars Opposition Pluto

A disharmonious aspect of transiting Mars to Pluto greatly increases your vital and sensuous energies. Your desires, feelings and even passions can be quite high, which makes it necessary to control, moderate and soften these forces. You tend to express yourself with strong emotions and great psychological vigor, but on occasion could be a bit sharp or slightly explosive. Thus, you will also have to control your imagination, in order not to exaggerate or be obsessed by small details in your relationship. For example, there could be groundless jealousy with respect to your companion, or you may attempt to impose your decision on him/her. If you think that your mate has offended you, or you are hurt by something that recently happened between you, it is best to express it clearly, with respect and as soon as possible. If both of you would be accumulating concerns or susceptibilities, they would come to light quickly in the near future and would have to be discussed unnecessarily.
It is necessary to accompany the act of making love with intensive communication, before as well as during and after. Real sexuality requires a good psychic understanding between both partners so that there can be a real union. If distrust exists or one is concealing certain aspects from the other, it is very difficult to reach real ecstasy and happiness.
It is necessary that both of you share your daily decisions, so that you are not bound by commitments that previously have not been planned jointly. If each one acts on his own, then the other will feel why bother, which could increase individualism. It is an excellent time to bring to light the psychological defects of each that had been retarding the development of the relationship. It would be good to talk about what you dislike about each other as well as what each one intends to change in himself. Conversation about your behaviors, attitudes, virtues and psychological defects, as well as both of your daily experiences is the better way to strengthen your affectionate life. Sharing life together makes happier, and helping one another to better yourself establishes strong roots for the future. If each one wants to improve himself, and if each one wishes that the other improve, the sentimental relationship will be firm and very creative. Speaking about the daily problems from a constructive and positive view without a doubt generates a better vibratory and psychic atmosphere in the relationship.

Oct 21 2020

Neptune Square Moon

You now need to balance the strong flow of emotions and inner perceptions you are going to experience, many of which will be subconsciously. On occasion you will have to analyze them or find out exactly what causes your emotional changes. It is preferable to stay within reality in your sentimental and affectionate relationships or friendships. Don't excessively idealize anybody, since this could produce subsequent disillusion or disappointment. Don't accumulate susceptibilities or seek solutions by retreating into yourself and escaping reality. It is preferable to actively communicate with your loved ones, as this is the way to avoid misunderstandings, hypersensitivity and imaginative elements that don't coincide with reality.
Concerning your family relationships, it is possible that you now feel that some members of your family are not honest with you. It is better to look at the positive side of each person and try to understand the circumstances in which each one acts and decides. Don't be too concerned or influenced by the problems of others, since you now have to learn to differentiate between your responsibility and those of others. Preoccupation, speaking of problems or complaining makes it very difficult for things to improve. A better way is to think positive, to learn from experience in all annoying situations, and above all, to have great inner faith.
If you are engaged or married, you may feel tired or emotionally exhausted at times, which could make you a bit passive in your sentimental relationship. Try to relax, enjoy your relationship with your mate and express your feelings openly. Anyone can have a period of imbalance, and this is only an opportunity to understand yourself better and to see parts of yourself that until now you had not assimilated. Fluent communication is the key to surpass susceptibility or hypersensitivity. Now any irritating situation with your mate will affect your inner sensibility more, and because of this, your communication has to be quiet, calm, immediate and full of confidence. Thus, little by little your flow of psychic energy will take a more active and creative slant.
There will be strong emotions between you and your mate, and you will discover aspects of your own subconscious as well as feelings of your companion that up until now you had not been able to perceive. If you are not involved with anyone, it is advisable to be calm and relaxed and try to see people as they really are. It could be dangerous to idealize or put on a pedestal the first person you meet and is preferable to allow the relationship to mature before you completely trust them, and above all, base your relationship on an intensive communication. Don't look for someone to solve your own problems, since an affectionate relationship is strengthened when each one is more positive and gives the best of himself. It is preferable to think and feel positive before speaking about problems, complaining or feeling ashamed. If you are realistic, you will be able to tell if a person is compatible with you or if he/she is likely to cause problems and suffering for you.

Oct 23 2020

Sun Square Venus

A disharmonious aspect of transiting Sun to Venus brings an increase in your sensuous vital energy, which can incline you to certain excesses. For example, you now could feel a great desire for amusement and expansion, and may even want to escape from your daily grind going to a dance with your mate, dining out, going to a club, or preparing an exceptional weekend. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with it in general, unless these kind of activities are carried to excess. It isn't so much the fact of wanting to live well, but rather to control yourself and stay within your means. If you are not careful, the following weeks could be a narrow squeeze of money, since you over spent on details, gifts or outings to such a degree that you actually are left without anything in the budget for the rest of the month. Don't give so much importance to the size or quantity of your entertainments, since a simple gift in a given moment can have great sentimental value.
Avoid an egocentric, superior and arrogant attitude toward your mate. Perhaps now you are very proud of something you have obtained on a social or professional level, or even are proud of your own companion, but you should never have a capricious or egocentric attitude. Learn to control your abundant energy and you will find that with simplicity, sincerity and nobility big improvements are brought about in your partnership. Learn to speak but also listen, give advice and also think about the advice given to you, in fact, learn to find the right balance between you and your loved one. Neither of you should impose your points of view on the other, but share the decisions and enjoy the responsibilities that both of you have every day. Don't ever think that you are going faster than your companion, since it is necessary that both of you go hand in hand, jointly experiencing the new encounters that are opened to you each day.
At this time you may also be especially proud of your mate and may want to show him/her off socially so that everyone can see that you are the "perfect couple". Although this is not negative in general, it isn't bad either to be unnoticed from time to time and to intermingle with others without creating so much attention. It may boost your ego when others remark about you, but it also has it's disadvantages since, whether you like it or not, there always will be a certain amount of criticism.

Oct 25 2020

Jupiter Square Pluto

This astrological aspect generates an increase in your total vital energy and will especially affect your state of sensuality and sentimental depth. Because of this, it is advisable to be prudent in everything related to your sexual life and intimate relationships. Don't go to extremes nor adopt obsessive attitudes. Up to a certain point this wealth of vital and sensuous energy could be found a bit unrefined or unpolished. That is to say, you will have intense emotions, have a great need to experience, are attractive, sensuous and full of life, but also intricate or very complex. You probably are complicating your life concerning your sentimental relationship with your mate, partly because you don't have sufficient control over your own imaginative and emotional processes. For example, you may suffer from small groundless jealousy or frequently think that your mate is attempting to bother you, when in reality there is no reason to think that. Try to control such attitudes in your intimate relationship in order to control the flow of vital energy.
If you are susceptible or bothered by something concrete with your companion, it is preferable to express your feelings without greater delay. You are now inclined to accumulate those small concerns and thereafter to express them in a disrespectful or very explosive way. It is much more intelligent to maintain a good level of communication with your companion, for in this way you are able to enjoy a balanced and stable relationship. If you converse frequently about those small irritations between you, your relationship will increasingly be strengthened. From a sensuous point of view, you now will have intense emotions and sensations, but you also have to know how to transmit, motivate and express them correctly with your mate. That is to say, you need sexual activity as a way of releasing stress, but you also have to understand that intensive communication with your companion is vital so that your relationship is maintained on an adequate level of quality.
You are likely to be attracted to the opposite sex now, but if you are enjoying a stable relationship at present, it is advisable to be prudent with respect to this. Maybe you are wanted by someone, but that someone only seeks a physical relationship, which could hurt your current intimate relationship. Remember that loyalty is an essential element for deepening a relationship and it is necessary to know when to say "no" in a firm and respectful way.
If you currently are not involved with anyone, it is very probable that you will have opportunities to be attracted to someone. However, don't think that all is gold that glitters, since there is a possibility of connecting with someone of a complex and passionate character that could make you suffer quite a bit. Be patient and don't only look at the physical appearance of those you are interested in; try to be observant and investigate your chances, your way of thinking and your intentions.

Oct 27 2020

Saturn Square Pluto

During this period you will be inclined to a certain inflexibility in your emotional expression. Above all, don't fall into routine in your affectionate and sensuous behavior. If you are engaged or married, it is advisable to continually revitalize your relationship. At times a certain syndrome of boredom could emerge in your relationship, but this only is a sign that certain facets of your relationship are not developing as would be desirable. Thus, for example, a lack of communication, psychological understanding or penetration, and taking for granted a certain apathy in your sexual relationship. To the contrary, if you make an effort to maintain a high level of communication, sensibility, exchange of experiences and mutual confidence, then that certain stagnation in your relationship will begin to cease.
Briefly, it is fundamental that both of you are prepared to change those elements of your respective characters that have been hampering your sentimental relationship. It is advisable to change the aspects of your own psychology that are rigid, old and rooted in you, since, if sexuality is life, and if life is evolution, then sexuality also has to be profoundly evolutionary. It is not good to say "This is the way I am, and it is impossible to change". Obviously, each person has their own individuality, but a real affectionate relationship also means a positive and rising change in each of the two persons that are part of the couple or marriage. Resisting to change simply is wanting to suffer, since nature always impels us toward improving, developing and self-realization.
If you are concerned about outside problems or your work, don't bring those problems or negative mental attitude home or to your mate, since then you would be losing the opportunity your affectionate relationship gives you to revitalize your energy. During the time you spend each day with your mate, leave aside preoccupation, weariness or routine. Experience love as a different world in which, above all, sensibility, optimism and the desire for improving prevails. Try to be a bit more spontaneous in your sensuous relationship and liberate yourself from outside conditions. This will allow you to be uninhibited at the time of expressing your feelings and desires. Prepare a surprise from time to time and care about romantic details.
Devote sufficient time to your affectionate relationship and don't permit the burdens of work to shorten increasingly your time of leisure and relationship to your mate. It is fundamental to maintain a balance between both worlds, since, if the personality is not balanced, there isn't the right balance between the daily responsibilities and the field of love and sensuality. Share your daily experiences with your mate, take a positive approach, and always try to seek solutions for both. Don't be obsessed with obligations you have for the following day and allow love to revitalize you internally. This will make you more sure of yourself, self-confident and optimistic in accomplishing your daily activities.

Oct 30 2020

Jupiter Conjunction Venus

This is a special time for love, when you are likely to have a wealth of feelings, romantic experiences and accomplishments in your relationships or married life. If you currently are not involved with anyone, it is quite possible that you may meet someone that will be very special in your life and that, without a doubt, could be the ideal person you had dreamed about. Certainly, at a social or cultural event, on a trip or in a meeting you may meet an elegant and refined person of good culture with whom you will be able to start an important relationship.
If you are engaged and already have made plans to be married, this could be the right time, since the social, family and economic environment could harmoniously join in favor of the attainment of your marriage. If you are married, it would be a good time to take a special meaningful trip, one that could be a second "honey moon". On this trip both of you would have the opportunity to enjoy relevant cultural and social events, meeting people of other cultures and countries and, in general, amusing yourselves and revitalizing your energies and your feelings.
Transiting Jupiter conjunction Venus has a considerable harmonious influence. Revitalization of your love will change you and also your way of seeing things and your outlook on life. Without a doubt, your love is going to be revitalized and will cause to expand your experiences beyond a level that you have known up until now. You may have the opportunity to enter a higher social circle that could lead to a higher level of income, and you learn to better understand the social dynamics of your environment. In good measure your very positive attitude stems from the happiness you feel by experiencing true love with your mate.
It is very important that as a couple you don't make the mistake of squandering money and resources, wanting to bring about an excessive standard of living. Don't think that happiness is bound to unnecessary or superfluous expenses, expensive garments, large meals and luxury hotels. It is advisable to moderate your expenses and adapt to your real possibilities, since intending to give an impeccable social image could diminish your economic resources. Moderation and planning beforehand is advisable, otherwise you would have to tighten your belt in the next months to cover your acquired commitments.
You now could be preoccupied with everything related to fashion, aesthetics, personal image, social relationships, popularity or renown in your environment and, above all, to satisfy the desires of your mate. Because of this, the two of you will be inclined to devote a good part of your time, money and effort to achieve a sufficiently comfortable situation and economical stretch. Both agree that at this time your happiness is bound in good measure to that great sensation or smaller roominess.

Nov 13 2020

Venus Sextile Moon

A harmonious aspect between Venus and Moon indicates the escalation of your personal romanticism. Your imagination is intensified now, especially, since your surroundings provide a stimuli and small daily events that make you agreeable and merry. In this respect, you could receive a gift, a call, have a special meaningful encounter, or simply will observe that some of your loved ones respond to you in a vibrant, cozy and warm way. During this short period of time, there is harmony between your need to be open, amused and loved on one hand, and your family responsibilities or relationship to your parents on the other hand. Thus, if you are involved in a love relationship now, you will find that the interrelationship will be more and better accepted by your family.
Everything mentioned, without a doubt, will bring greater inner emotional balance and promote some very important and satisfactory relationships with people of your emotional and family environment. You are especially receptive to the feelings and emotional states of other people, which increases your capacity of intense psychic communication with your loved ones or those you protect.
Your feelings are fine and pure now, and at the same time you will want contact with beauty, amusement, aesthetics and art as way of releasing your creative inspiration.
During the time of this aspect it is advisable to acquire a greater vision of the positive elements that sentimentally are forming part of your life; thus, if you give inner thanks for the good things happening to you, it is very probable that they are expanded and magnified. Don't concentrate on things you lack or would like to possess emotionally, it would be preferable to put your psyche on positive things and what is good for your family and sentimental relationships. In some way, perfection in human relationships is impossible.

Nov 17 2020

Sun Sextile Venus

During the time of this harmonious aspect of transiting Sun to Venus your sensuous and affectionate feelings will be accentuated, that is to say, will be expressed clearly; without shyness, disguise or any complex. You now are sure of your feelings and need to revitalize them by sharing them openly with your mate. There is a better understanding between you and your loved one, since you experience that through your love relationship your own personal limits are transcended.
If you are in love with someone and up until now have not expressed your feelings, it probably would be a good time to do it, provided that you are sure and know for certain that your selection is right. If you already have someone or are married, use this chance to reaffirm your love for them, since that revitalizes the feelings for both of you.
What makes your love relationship more attractive now is that you are sure within yourself, which is not being attached or dependent on your mate, or searching for energies that you may lack; on the contrary, you radiate energy and want to share it with the person you love.
There is a possibility of making a good social contact, or entering a higher circle thanks to the prestige of your mate or partner. The harmonious influence of the Sun can bring a small social rise or personal prestige in your life, to a degree thanks to the harmonious influence you are having and in that sense your companion.

Dec 11 2020

Sun Sextile Pluto

At this time your sexuality and total vital energy will be revitalized and must be released through a creative exchange. You will be fully aware of the effect of love and of each instant in the interrelationship with your partner. Moments like this cannot be repeated and, without a doubt, constitute a great opportunity to develop and improve your own psychological qualities. Sexuality is not only a release of energy, but to understand yourself through exchange with the other. The act of love is an event of self-understanding and personal self-realization.
This is a good time to openly express your feelings so that you will be totally sincere with yourself and with your loved one. Sharing is being open to new realities, and opening up is necessary for a confident and respectful environment. Putting these qualities into practice will prove that boredom and monotony do not exist in real love. There always is something new to experience, to communicate and to put into practice. Sexuality should not wear out your energy, but release, expand, revitalize and recover your personal strength. This is a good way of finding out if the relationship works correctly, since "nothing is created, nothing is destroyed and all is transformed". Thus, the integral act of love must result in the revitalization of both partners on the physical as well as the emotional and mental levels. As a rule, when someone is tired, it is because you are not achieving an energy circuit adapted to the environment. On the other hand, when someone is revitalized, it is because you readily tune into others, and in this case, your partner.
Talk about your improvements since you were together, comment on the psychological deficiencies you have surpassed, and bring to light those that still need a bit of polishing. This sincere exchange produces great results and deepens your level of communication.

Jan 03 2021

Venus Sextile Pluto

This astrological aspect lasts only a few days, but on occasion it's effect can be felt in a palpable way. Your sensuality and your ability to love are increased now, making you more intense with greater depth and creative energy. It is a personal cycle that can serve you to intensively fuse with your mate.
If you currently are not involved with anyone, use this period to become aware of your creative potential and get to known yourself better. Your personal security will attract the opposite sex, and there is a possibility of someone becoming interested in you. In this case, try to be selective at the time of choosing a companion, since it is preferable to be alone rather than making the wrong choice. Remember that nobody is pushing you to get a mate quickly. Without a doubt, it can be said that quality is worth more than quantity. If you pass this short and intensive cycle in solitary, become fully aware of yourself as an independent and creative individual.
A harmonious aspect of Venus to Pluto is a small step toward ascending the height of sexual alchemy, which is based on the progressive increase of sexual energy as well as control over it. Uncontrolled sexuality is precisely the opposite of happiness and fulfillment in the relationship of a couple. On the other hand, high and conscious sexuality inclines to personal self-realization and complete satisfaction in the relationship.
It is a good time to live, study and practice total integration in your affectionate relationship, where the body, the psyche and the mind collaborate toward the same end: fusion, and as a result evolution. Enjoy yourself intensely and become aware of each instant, since true love is bound to the full awareness of each act, each gesture, each feeling and each thought.

Jan 10 2021

Sun Square Pluto

This aspect symbolizes the possibility of a small irritation or conflict of little importance in your love relationship. Perhaps subconsciously something has been growing between you that has not been dealt with, come to light or outlined in a direct and respectful way. Now is the time to review possible latent issues between you, such as jealousy, secret sensitivities or egotistic attitudes of one with respect to the other. Don't forget that in love relationships there has to be revitalization from day to day that should not be neglected, but is advisable to maintain continual attention and concentration. Learn to share the achievements that each of you may have accomplished, talk about the psychological imperfections that still are within you and have not yet been surpassed, in fact, summarize your psyche in an earthly way. It is not the time to conceal anything, but rather to recognize your own limitations and making goals to surpass them. Sharing your limitations with your loved one will help you gain more strength to tackle the task.
You will also notice an increase in your sexual energy during the time of this astrological aspect, but at given times it could be expressed abruptly and vacillating. A satisfying sexual relationship requires self-control, commitment and desire. True love is accompanied by higher qualities such as the above mentioned. Don't forget that a sexual relationship is brought about simultaneously on the physical as well as the emotional and mental level. The physical vitality must be accompanied by the feeling of sincerity and intense communication so that the spark of real love can be produced.
Avoid superior or arrogant attitudes in your love relationship and practice sincere communication every day. Don't accumulate anything or keep anything for tomorrow. If you believe that your mate has failed in some way, first meditate on it and when you are completely calm, show respect and confidence in your companion. By continuing this method you will find that a good quality of communication is established, and the results will be seen by you alone. It is always preferable to quietly become aware of the situation before accusing each other without reason and common sense. Don't allow anything to alter the confidence in your mate, since this is the basis on which a stable and fulfilling relationship is sustained. Neither of you are perfect, and that is what makes your adventure more interesting.

3. Your Relocation Information

Here are some suggestions on how to get the most out of this report: Whenever you plan a vacation, are going to visit friends, on a business trip, or planning on a place to relocate to, you can refer to the analysis given in this report. Remember also to use all of the information available to you when analyzing a given place. For example, if you hate cold weather, you probably will not enjoy moving to a city near the Arctic Circle! However, you will find that if the astrological influences are positive, there will be some nice experiences to help you through the long winters. In addition to weather, carefully consider the culture, the kind of people, and other issues that may be important to you (crime rate, quality of schools, natural environment, etc.). Most places offer a rich variety of possibilities. For example, two people (whom I will call Jack and Jill) may be very similar but Jack may find that he loves Chicago and lots of opportunities come his way, and Jill may have just the opposite experience. The astrological influences for Jack and Jill are probably very different. Also, keep in mind that a good attitude and skillful use of the energies available to you enable you to transform the most difficult challenges into a creative solution rather than become a frustrating and limiting situation. It is up to you to find creative solutions to the challenges that you face.


   You may wonder if an astrological influence will still be in effect if you are 15 miles or 30 miles from any given city. The answer is yes. The influences described in this report extend in across a region that varies from about 100 miles to 350 miles. It is safe to say that the influence will extend 50 miles (sometimes more) from the city.

MC Conj Moon    (Orb:1 Deg 01 Min)

    While you are in this location you will find a lot of popularity but your exposure to the public will make your life an open book for all to see. It will be impossible to be invisible to the public eye or remain anonymous because everything that you do is noticed, right down to the smallest detail. There will be an increased need to be with people here and you may work for the public in some way, and have an innate knowledge of the needs of the people which can be used to further your success. Even the boss will make you feel as though you are one of the family. You will find that women are very a very positive influence on you and your home life will take on a greater importance. A greater emphasis will be placed on matters of security which form a stable foundation for you.

    You may embark on careers that tend to the needs of the sick or disadvantaged and find that you have a strong urge to belong to a group of people and be accepted by them. Careers that can be supported in this location are providing food services, shelters for the homeless or coordinating clothing drives. Businesses that support sales will be fortunate here as well. If you have a wish to further your maternal instincts through working with children or having children of your own, then this is the place

    In this location you will experience strong emotions, be impressionable and changeable in your surroundings with an added touch of romance for good measure. You can also experience irritability, but a greater compassion, support and sympathy for others. If you have a strong need to stay detached from others, you had better start looking elsewhere, because that will be extremely difficult to do.

MC=Mercury/Saturn    (Orb:0 Deg 10 Min)

    In this location you may find that responsibilities will weigh very heavily on you, and you may decide to spend more time being alone by yourself. This is a wonderful place for contemplation, meditation, serious thoughts and quiet solitude but you will choose to "shy away" from any social activities, finding them very uncomfortable.

    Your communications will become more controlled and your thinking will become very logical and practical with some brief periods of hopelessness mixed in for good measure. Your ideas will develop quite slowly with great forethought. Because of this any negotiations or contracts with others will experience great delays, either being concluded or falling apart altogether. Communications will be of short duration, using as few words as possible to get your point across. Your thinking will be much more fixed and nervousness can cause wavering when speaking.

    Everything that you do here will be based entirely on "factual" information, and any confidences given to you will remain with you, not being revealed to others. Your mind becomes more mathematical, working more with calculations and solving puzzles that can dumbfound others. Nervous strain or problems with the eyesight or mental clarity can be negative sides of this place. There can also be some bouts of depression, sadness and separations from others.

MC=Mercury/Jupiter    (Orb:0 Deg 30 Min)

    In this location your rapport with others can bring great success to your efforts, and the cooperation and harmony that you exude makes this a very auspicious place for you to work, live or run a business.

    Here you will be much more optimistic about your future, curious about everything in your environment and your judgment will be based on matters of fact, not jumping to conclusions. There is a strong passion for business, negotiations and forming contracts with others, so if you are looking for a place to start or expand a business, this is the place.

    This can also be the place to find an adventure or two as well as take a class, continue your education, travel, become involved in legal matters, become a lawyer or any religious aspirations you may have. The publishing field is another excellent choice of occupations for you in this location.

    New concepts in any area of life or new studies are very fortunate, and you will notice an increase of luck through communications with others as well. Perhaps you have some political leanings that can be advantageous for you here also.

    You will have an instant grasp and understanding of situations as long as you are here and your attitude will be extremely enthusiastic. Negatively there can be an increase in nervousness or nervous disorders.

MC Conj Neptune    (Orb:4 Deg 31 Min)

    While you are in this place you will find that there is a strong desire and draw for music and art, and there can be many opportunities that come to you in this area. There is a certain degree of laziness and confusion that accompanies these desires, and true masterpieces can take a long time in coming. There is a possibility of all types of scandals while you are here, as well as the loss of your reputation as well. You can find discouragement a constant companion mixed with an equal share of depression for your efforts which will make it very difficult differentiating fact from fantasy.

    Your intuitive and psychic abilities will be strong so you have an edge what the pulse of the people is, and what they want. Life for you is a fantasy here, that is the reality of it as well. People will see you as very mysterious in some way, and find it somehow very alluring. You will do well if you are able to make sacrifices in your personal life for a greater cause but be careful of being dominated and manipulated by others for their own purpose.

    Occupations or fields for you include religious endeavors, social work or politics. There is a danger of the need to escape reality in this location, and you should try to avoid any alcohol or drugs to facilitate that need. There is also an added risk of being involved with the criminal element, involvements with the police or being imprisoned here. You can be so good at the illusion of this place, that you cannot find the purpose set before you in life. Spiritual aspirations, self deceptions and illusions have their prominent place in this location.

Asc Square Moon    (Orb:2 Deg 21 Min)

    In this location you are apt to be a bit more emotional and moody than in other areas, and your relationships with others will fluctuate to some degree. There can also be a dependency on others for support and nurturing as well. You can easily react strongly to the remarks of others and be considered hypersensitive and overly emotional. You may find that you will make frequent changes in jobs while you are here, with a restlessness that causes you to move frequently as well.

    You will be easily annoyed and frustrated with other people, and should you live around your parents, the bonds will be difficult to break. Real conflicts can arise within the family structure because you will not understand their needs. Disagreements can be seen with women in particular, being unsympathetic to their plight. You may find that while you are in this location there is always instability in the air, and security will be difficult to find as well. There will be many ups and downs in your life that will make settling down very difficult. On the positive side, you can change old habits that occur here with great effort, and inspire a new attitude towards life.

MC=Sun/Pluto    (Orb:1 Deg 35 Min)

    If you are looking for a location where you can learn to stick up for yourself then this is the place. You will have an aura of tremendous power that surrounds you here, and changes can be made through exercising your will to make it happen.

    In this location you will find some very strange events that have a fated quality to them, karmic conditions from past lives or situations that seem to be imposed on you no matter what you do or how hard you try to stay away from them. This location will make you go through some very basic yet profound changes, and the people that you meet here can be the catalyst for those changes.

    You will find that you need to be in control of all situations, and an overwhelming urge to ferret out any corruption and remove it from your environment. You will not be easily influenced to change your mind from decisions regarding your life here.

    Once you start something here, you will not be deterred from your quest. Secrets given to you will never be revealed under any circumstances. You may resort to threats from time to time to make your intentions clear in certain situations, and the need for the truth in all circumstances becomes paramount.

MC=Moon/Neptune    (Orb:1 Deg 45 Min)

    While you are in this location you can expect your perceptive, intuitive and psychic sensitivity to become much stronger and accurate. Dreams will increase in intensity and they can become predictive in themselves. One danger is letting others take advantage of your good nature, or being too inactive, avoiding responsibilities. This is a wonderful place to experience a wonderful "fantasy" or two though!

    You can become very careless in your responsibilities to any people, animals or possessions left in your charge. Your imagination becomes more acute here, and if you put it to work, you can inspire some very creative paintings, art work or music. Your thinking is sure to turn to the "mystical" or "spiritual" realms here.

    You will become very sensitive to any form of drug whether prescription or not as well as dust and pollen. There can also be some female problems as well.

MC=Mars/Jupiter    (Orb:1 Deg 55 Min)

    In this location you will rely more on your instincts to accomplish goals that you set for yourself. Your reactions to your environment will be bold, courageous and confident. Physical fitness, sports or athletics will do well here also. Your stamina and drive to do any physical work will increase in this location. Life will pick up in general, keeping you very busy and active, and if you are interested in debating people for their beliefs or philosophical leanings, then this is the spot.

    While you are here you will find that timing is the key to growth, luck and success. Creative projects that you institute here will be fortunate and thus would be a good place to start a new enterprise or business.

    This position also favors marriages and the birth of a child. Since this is such a favorable place for physical activity, you may not know when to stop, causing yourself some injuries.

MC=Mars/Saturn    (Orb:2 Deg 15 Min)

    Advancement will come only through great efforts and obstacles in this location, and your health can be somewhat sensitive as well. Your actions and anger will be more inhibited, and frustrations will be evident. Your energies will be focused on hard work with very little else on your mind. Work will be done silently and alone rather than including others, so if you are into or need a very disciplined lifestyle, then this is the place for you.

    You can expect some hard reactions from people here, at the same time feeling a real restlessness. This position is wonderful for working on the same monotonous work day after day after day if that is what you want to do.

    This is also a favorable place if you need to be more disciplined in your physical training or sports activities.

Asc=Sun/Mercury    (Orb:0 Deg 30 Min)

    In this area you will notice an ease in the ability to express your ideas and thoughts as well as communicate and share your ideas with others. If you are a student in this area, you will notice that it is very easy to concentrate on your studies, and it will be very easy to discipline your mind to accomplish your goals. While you are here, your education will become of primary importance, putting other needs on the side.

    There is a greater confidence in communicating whether through writing, speaking or lecturing. Your sense of humor will be heightened as you come out with clever remarks for all occasions.

    While you are here, your curiosity for all subjects can have you at the library late into the night in search of knowledge. Your intellect gets a boost, and people will pay more attention to what you have to say here.

    Even in relationships you can effectively communicate your ideas and feelings with great ease. On the negative side there will be an increase in nervousness which can be worked off in physical ways. You can also become a leader here, known as a person who can communicate well.

Asc Conj Mars    (Orb:4 Deg 46 Min)

    In this location there is an increased openness about you that others will find extremely aggressive and threatening. Anger and resentments from yourself and others will arise and need to be dealt with. Here you will let the world know that you will not be taken advantage of, but learn to do so without offending everyone.

    Because you are so aggressive, matters of sexuality will take on a greater importance as well. If this very profound energy does not find a constructive outlet in this location, you may notice an increase in clumsiness that can lead to injuries. You can be a real asset in this location by using your power of the word to inspire people in action rather than making them angry by your aggressive nature.

    You are bold in the way that you present yourself, and your courage, temper, forceful and aggressive nature becomes way too dominant for other people to handle. Confrontations with others can be expected, from the smallest of issues to large scale disagreements. Your ego and competitive nature can get way out of control, and your penchant for action, conquest, and battling the world for dominance exists, where there isn't a battle going on. You can achieve a lot in this location, and your goals in work and career can be achieved, but in matters of the heart, people may find you "too much" to deal with, causing difficulties in your affections.

    If you are rather quiet and shy to begin with, then this area might help to bring you out of your shell, otherwise this will eventually be a very stressful and tense location unless you actually get off on butting heads with others, need constant challenges and quarrels to keep you motivated.

Asc=Sun/Mars    (Orb:1 Deg 55 Min)

    While you are here you will notice a dramatic increase in your energy levels and experience a greater self confidence, perhaps to the point of being overbearing or arrogant. There will be an increase in your competitive nature, perhaps taking some bold risks.

    You will also notice a reckless and impulsive nature, taking chances where even angels fear to tread. You will be totally impatient with others, and your combative and temperamental side will emerge, ready to do battle, with or without a cause. Should you have a physical confrontation with someone here, you will have the endurance and stamina to see you through it, and then some, so use caution please.

    There will also be an intolerance for people in authority, making them very unhappy at the same time. In all situations you will have a flair for dramatic interpretations, and at times will go out of your way to defy people. On the other hand you may aggravate people on purpose, just to be a bully!

    If you use this energy effectively, you can make some very profound differences in your physique, excel at sports or get into some serious body building providing you don't overdo it and injure yourself, which goes with this locale as well.

MC=Moon/Uranus    (Orb:1 Deg 39 Min)

    Your cool, calm and collected self will be a little bit unglued in this location and your responses to others will be somewhat impatient and intolerable. There will be an increase in upsets and emotional responses to others as well. If you are looking for a place to fall into a 9-5 routine, you have chosen the WRONG place.

    Your desire for freedom and your need to be uninhibited in your reactions to the world around you can have you doing some pretty "odd" and strange things here.

    Should you be living here with your family, expect domestic upheavals a good amount of the time. You will be more detached, erratic and restless but on the positive side much more intuitive and perceptive.

    You might notice some changes in your eyesight in this location for better or worse, an increase in stressful family situations or upsets of the stomach.

MC=Venus/Pluto    (Orb:2 Deg 24 Min)

    Here you will find the power of love can be used to make some very positive changes in your life. There can be some intense feelings in matters of love and sexuality that occur while you are here and very deep and compulsive relationships can begin. Your thinking cap is not on where love relationships are concerned and any encounters here with the opposite sex will cause you to go through some very deep and profound changes.

    Enchanting situations seem to attract people to you by pure magnetism. Here you will also find an obsession with the ideal of beauty, also experiencing turn-arounds in your feelings to it, causing you to deface it at times as well as love it. The danger of contracting sexual diseases is a strong possibility here.

Asc Conj Sun    (Orb:2 Deg 05 Min)

    While you are in this location you tend to enjoy the spotlight and make every effort to enjoy any social occasions that come up, but even if they don't, you will gladly throw a party of your own. You will excel as a teacher and a student here, willing to share your expertise with others while learning at the same time. You will be high spirited and happy while in this location, and sending and receiving messages to and from others will come with great ease.

    Your vitality, energy and enthusiasm are in abundance in this area. A new start for your life has arrived whether you are just visiting, taking a vacation or seriously considering a permanent move. Whatever you do while under the influences of this area, will affect the rest of your life, so start building some strong foundations for the future. Your self confidence is high  here and the ability to get a lot accomplished is an asset to this location. Go climb a mountain or building, or build one of your own.

    In this environment you can easily influence others just by the powerful presence of your energies. You have some unique abilities and creative gifts that will make others sit back and take notice. If you are looking for a place where you can feel appreciated, gain the respect of others, draw recognition, attention and praise from your fellow man or woman, then you have found that place. You will not take staying in the background lightly, while others make strides and accomplishments. Instead you will plant your feet firmly and take command and let others know of your dominance. You have a proud and dignified manner which others can spot very easily.

    Your enthusiasm for life can be misunderstood as an over emphasis on self importance while lacking humility, especially if you are a very confident person. If you are reserved or shy to begin with, then this area will help to loosen you up, help build more self confidence and allow you to express yourself much easier.

    After spending some time at this location you will notice that your health is improving, so if you have been under the weather at a different location, this would be a wonderful place to rejuvenate or strengthen a weakened constitution.

Asc=Mercury/Venus    (Orb:1 Deg 06 Min)

    This is a wonderful place to spend time with others, because they will appreciate you as much as you enjoy being with them. This is a very harmonious and content place for you where social conditions and lighthearted conversations are favored.

    You can be somewhat shrewd in your written or verbal expression and will enjoy learning something new from any situation. Since you enjoy the written word so much, you can easily become a writer or poet in this location, or write a screen play.

    You will be much more charming here and can teach others in the art as well. Another side of this auspicious location would be a business selling or demonstrating beauty aids. There can also be an increase in nervousness here as well especially when you are trying to express your true feelings for another person.

    On the negative side you may notice that you have a real sensitivity to certain types of foods.

4. Your Day-by-Day Forecast

Your Day by Day Forecast

October 19 2020

Neptune Square Moon

Dreams and events of the real world seem to be intertwined, and there will be difficulty separating the two. You are able to see the shortcomings of others, but still find it difficult to keep away from them. If you are trying to find out if the object of your love shares your feelings, this is not the time to try, instead wait until the fog clears after this transit ends and the answer will present itself. Health matters can include a nervous stomach, allergic reactions to pollen and dust and feeling more tired than normal.
You may feel you are engulfed in a tractor beam and obsessed by a love relationship now, one which you can do nothing about except submit. The universe is getting even for things you have done in the past by the very people you have done them too. Don't be to hard on them, as they are just returning the favor even though they may not know it. It's a very subconscious and Karmic type of thing.
Moods are apt to drift in and out like the confusion that surrounds them now and the use of any drugs or alcohol whether prescription or not is to be considered adverse to your health. Love relationships that are started now are addictive but impractical, so DON'T make any commitments to this person now! There can be some very strong obsessions to love at this time that cannot be denied, perhaps a Pisces personality.
Yearnings to do things that have no definition will find you now. You are very sensitive and impressionable to the world around you and it will be easy to fall into the well of drinking and its abuses, self pity and depression now. Although you may or may not mean to, this transit brings out the ability to lie, cheat or mislead others and worries over female problems can develop.

October 20 2020

Uranus Square Sun

Expect circumstances to arise quite suddenly that can make you quite "miffed" to say the very least. Matters that were previously settled and agreed to can come back to haunt you through missed correspondence and messages. Expect accounts with debtors "NOT" to be serviced as promised, no matter how settled the situation seems to be. It is important to have all the information available when dealing with people, remember to get the names of people that you spoke to, times and dates. Keep copies of all letters for future reference.
Freedom will be sought no matter what the consequences and sudden romance begin and will end just as quickly now. This is an unfavorable time for group activity. Discrepancies in legal disputes and settlements can be found and ruinous speculation has its home here. Irregular heart actions are a direct effect of this transit. This can be a time of electrical fires so make sure you take precautions.
Murphys Law is in full effect now, so if it can go wrong it will now so hold on to something and prepare for a shock! This is not a good time for private negotiations and disappointments in all areas of life are to be expected. Conflicts of interest can easily occur and a whole new set of problems can arise without any warning. Accidents are possible at this time and challenges, separations and divorces can occur as well.
You will experience difficulties in expressing yourself and it will be tough to do with your foot in your mouth. You will have the advice potential of a blind man now, you just won't see it, or take it.

October 21 2020

Saturn Conjunct Venus

The simple life is where you will find enjoyment now !
Deep commitments can now be made to love now and past romances can come back into your life. Possible throat problems can suddenly erupt and people can experience late menstrual cycles, or lower back aches, and kidney problems can develop.
Selfish concerns for your own welfare can manifest, or you may be remembering past joys that can be a source of sadness. There will be a need for emotional and financial security which can be quite strong now and there is a danger that loneliness can occur, so use this time wisely to get in touch with who you are and what you expect from others, as well as yourself.
Relationships will go through a time of testing now and the good ones will remain and grow, while the weak ones will experience separations and change or end. You may go through a time of finding out who your real friends are.

October 22 2020

Pluto Square Pluto

A time of challenges and stress have arrived temporarily and changes may seem destructive now but prove to be an excellent time for getting rid of those things that serve no future purpose. Outworn ideas, conditions and possessions go bye-bye.
You will come into contact with a hidden side of yourself that must be dealt with before it gets out of hand.
Sexual diseases or problems likely to pop up at this time, and extreme caution must be used in your interactions with others.
Your career may be unbearable and now is the time to institute changes, even drastic ones. Isn't it about time?
A time of corrections has entered your life. Difficulties in finances, tax and alimony can easily be experienced during this transit.

October 23 2020

Pluto Conjunct Venus

You can be somewhat paranoid about secrets revealed to others or the disclosure of secrets to others now and can find a need to be very cunning and shrewd in your approach to others. You can also be very unforgiving of people who have gone against your wishes and find you have a greater need to control people in your environment now.
Deep emotions can come to the surface and concepts that are both brilliant and far reaching will be very strong. Compulsive spending can get out of hand, so use caution in your finances as well.
Intense love and passion are present all around you and the power of attractions of other people to you and you to them are very real now. True sexual drawing power will draw others to you, and the need to be loved and needed is present.

October 24 2020

Saturn Square Pluto

Life cannot go on the same way it has been, now can it? It's time to let go of the past and get on with your life. Changes are now coming into your life and demanding that you pay attention. Perhaps that is where the loneliness experienced here is coming from? How else would you listen to the inner beatings of your soul to make change? If life was going okay now, why would you make changes, or need to? This is the positive side to a seemingly negative situation.
There will be a loss of feelings within relationships and a decrease of the sexual drive. You may feel the need to take back a commitment made to another, becoming more rigid in the process and there will also be an unwillingness to share within the relationship. You may notice some pain or discomfort in the joints.
Remember when you were a child and you had blocks and used to build things? Was there a bully that used to come around and knock them down? You never had that happen? Well, here he comes in some form, or it will probably be you. The conditions in your life just aren't good enough any more. Power struggles are likely now, so try to avoid being the dictator especially now.
Matters of sexuality and feeling "betrayed" and not needed by another are real issues to be dealt with at this time and if matters are "pushed" and not left alone to cool down, or the relationship is not strong enough to endure the hurt that accompanies it, then separations can occur. This will be a test of the strength and the validity of the relationship.
People can suddenly disappear during the exact time of this transit, almost like they never existed. You can look at others for the first time in a very different way and decide you don't like them very much, or who they have become, all the while pretending to be a friend.
Breaking attachments with others is the highlight of this transit and friends may move away or you may be forced to move. Plans have an excellent chance of FAILURE and loneliness or depression can be knocking on your door. Maybe you need them to analyze and soul search your life. Anybody can be dishonest and you won't have far to look to find it. Sympathy for others will not be present and avoid corruption and dishonesty in business.
Sexual problems can pop up at this time, but they are temporary though so don't panic. On the other hand you may be very uninterested in any sexual involvement and STRESS is a key word for this transit, so see if you can eliminate the excesses of it somehow.

October 25 2020

Mars Trine Moon

This is a great transit for physical work, especially if you are moving, rearranging, working in the garden or other projects that involve physical exertion. Do it yourself projects are highly favored as well as real estate transactions and being with family and friends, especially if you are smoothing over differences and making adjustments in relationships.

October 26 2020

Jupiter Square Pluto

Whatever you do keep your motives, intentions and dealings with others honest, above board and on the right side of the law at this time. You may burn bridges to your past in favor of the future and new beginnings.
There will be an overwhelming need for power over others at this time, just be careful that you don't use people for your own purposes and then discard them. If this occurs around the time of a new love coming into your life, don't let them take the brunt for what your ex did to you. You will notice that you pick up some very bad eating habits at this time as well. Jealousy is a danger with this placement. Be careful of desiring another persons material belongings or good fortune in some way. Intolerance of other peoples feelings will also be in the air so if at all possible do as much as you can for others without expecting anything in return. Chances are nothing will come in return anyway, but give it a try!
Reforming others comes under the gun of influences as well, so be careful of who you are trying to reform as well as your motives for doing so. Even though you aren't the authority here, that won't stop you from thinking you are.
Expect very radical changes in thinking and attitudes which may have you a bit baffled as well as those around you now. Other conflicts will be seen in litigation, joint finances, insurance, taxes and alimony. In your work practices, make sure to take care of all the little details and be especially careful not to overlook anything, because missing the finer points of any project can be your downfall.

October 27 2020

Jupiter Conjunct Venus

Any social activities and sporting events are happy and joyous occasions during this transit and there is an increased enjoyment of intimate moments with your spouse or lover as well. All of the joys that can be experienced through "love" with another person are favored now, and foreigners or people at a distance will be drawn to you. Perhaps people of a sad heart who know they can call you to be cheered up at a moment of desperation in their own lives will call. People involved in "Psychic Hotline" type work will find a popularity among men/women who are having troubles of their own and your heart can go out to them as well. Expect to hear from friends from the past or recent past who you had forgotten about who now would like to be a lot more in your life in the romantic department.
A marriage of souls can take place during this transit, or a physical marriage can occur, bringing an extra blessing to the event. I, the author of this material was suddenly and blissfully married under the Jupiter conjunct Venus transit (exact) and it was a most memorable occasion.
You may feel a need to adopt some new philosophies or religious beliefs including more humanitarian efforts for the "masses" versus the individual kind now and people may be surprised to see your polite attitude when around them and your manners will take a turn for the better as well.
Happiness is bound to arise now and consideration and compassion for others in your surroundings will be very strong. This is an excellent trend for music, artistic endeavors or a romantic evening for two. Schedules move along well and spending sprees can be a source of joy, at least until the money runs out! Last minute rescues from potentially sticky situations can arrive in the nick of time and lady luck may have some surprises in store for you that can put a smile on your face.
You will be feeling great and ready for the good times ahead. A gift of some sort can find you when you least expect it and this transit attracts money, friends and very pleasant experiences. People may show up at your front door without warning, but you are pleasantly surprised, especially around 4AM, needing some very special tender loving care. Business trips and pleasure trips are favored and you may meet someone quite foreign to yourself and a relationship can begin.
The only really negative side to all of this wonderful energy is an increase in sexuality and desires for sugar, sweets, SODA and sweet juices such as orange juice, even if you are not a big juice drinker. The desire can even turn into obsessions as you can't seem to quench the thirst for all of the wrong things. That increased sexuality and desire for sweets can have some very adverse effects on the body through kidney problems, weight gain and gout.

October 28 2020

Mars Sextile Sun

The need to take charge of your life is highlighted with this transit. This is a good time to work in harmony with others. Working with tools and machinery is favored but use care around them anyway. Physical activities are favored as well. This is a transit "FILLED" with energy to accomplish whatever you desire.
This transit supports knowing the right course to take in any situation and taking charge of it. Get out in the world and accomplish something today, and don't let this wonderful energy pass you by. Should you encounter any emergency situations at this time, you will know exactly what to do, with reserve energy to keep you going in the face of adversity. You might enjoy working by yourself rather than with others for awhile.

October 29 2020

Sun Square Sun

Are you working on a really important project? This transit has the capacity to test them to the maximum. Annoying yes I agree, but there may be something you haven't counted on, or an error in thinking. This is what this transit is all about. Do not speculate at this time because lady luck isn't with you. This is a positive time for meditation and spiritual work, however.
A stressful period in your life where extra hard work may be required but not appreciated. A VERY difficult time for pleasure, romance, creative endeavors, finances and speculative interests.

October 30 2020

Saturn Sextile Uranus

This transit favors any kind of mental pursuits, the study of Astrology, or parapsychology. Your friends will lean to more mature and older persons which you may have more in common with. In business stick to the older more established firms rather than trying someone new and new and creative ideas will bring happiness and peace into your life. Remember this is a time of hard work and the keywords for this transit are honesty and determination.
This is a time to make positive changes in your life and for breaking down the barriers that have you bound to the past. In other words, it is time to let go of the past and get on with your life. The changes you institute now will be deliberately imposed and is an important time to let people express who they really are, or who you really are.
What have you been doing for a long period of time that has become outworn, outdated and flat out old? Use this Uranian period of electrical ideas and processes to update or change things in your life. Changes made now will be made carefully but with great speed and relationships will become a bit more stable now.

October 31 2020

Neptune Square Neptune

Difficulties can arise in travel and stumbling blocks can come between you and your pursuit of dreams at this time and impulsive actions should be avoided as negative results can occur.
Do not make any commitments to others until after this transit ends, as many of your insights into issues will be real, but many may not. Subliminal emotional problems may develop.
You may choose to withdraw into isolation and avoid responsibilities now and experience problems with foreigners as well.
It will be very easy to overdo it in the food and alcohol department, so use caution, or there will dependencies on family and friends for emotional support.

November 01 2020

Mercury Conjunct Pluto

You may realize that your thoughts may be manipulated somehow by someone in your environment which can prove to be very frustrating. Keep an eye on compulsive behavior before it starts to run your life and has you doing and saying things you would not normally say. Restorations are the way to go rather than buying a new piece of equipment. Getting to the bottom of delicate issues can be extremely difficult to do and this is a good time to relieve yourself of destructive thoughts and forgive the unforgivable.
If at all possible, perform a miracle for someone who needs one, no matter how inconsequential it may seem to you. Your insights into the workings of the world is possible and very accurate now. Secret Investments or secret matters will be prosperous at this time.
There can be some critical news received that should be acted on immediately. Perhaps there are some secret investigations going on you should be aware of. Research new ideas now, they can be insightful and fulfilling.

November 02 2020

Venus Trine Sun

Ah, love, sweet love, this is a superlative time for romance. Be affectionate to everyone around you and don't forget that favorite pet of yours. Are you awaiting any financial negotiations? Well, the outcome looks good! Prosperity surrounds you with this aspect and You may get a cost of living increase that you weren't expecting, or a pay raise.
A very relaxed atmosphere surrounds you now and you are more considerate to others. Attraction to the opposite sex can easily increase as well as financial, business, legal and marriage matters that are bound to have a joyous outcome.

November 03 2020

Venus Conjunct Saturn

Deep commitments to love is now possible and this transit can bring past loves back into your life. Possible throat problems can develop that need some kind of attention or women may experience late menstrual cycles which is also a side effect of this transit.
Lower back aches and kidney problems can develop now so make sure to increase your water intake to keep your kidneys working correctly. Selfish concerns for your own welfare is an issue that you must take responsibility for.
Remembering past joys can be a source of sadness if you haven't learned to let go and there can be a need for emotional and financial security can develop giving a boost to selfishness. There is a danger that loneliness can occur, but if you use it wisely to get in touch with who you are and what you expect from others and you might be pleasantly surprised. Limited finances can leave you stranded and broke.

November 04 2020

Venus Conjunct Jupiter

This is an excellent aspect for music, artistic endeavors or a romantic evening. Schedules will move along quite well now and spending sprees can be a source of joy. Last minute rescues from touchy situations can occur and you may find that lady luck has some surprises in store for you.
Good feelings surround you, let them spill onto others. This is a natural position for love, money, friends and experiences when the power of magnetism is yours. Traveling for pleasure will be most rewarding and you may meet someone very exciting on this trip in the romance department and this person may be quite different than yourself.

November 05 2020

Mercury Square Venus

Communication problems are high at this time, so expect breakdowns in business, relationships and social functions. Avoid signing any papers especially involved with finances until another time.
"Oh how I love shopping sprees" is the theme to this transit, more junk to add to the junk you already have. The urge and need to buy something will be greater, that you will regret at a later date. Should you find the need to discuss matters with your lover, please do it another time. If you try to get your point across now, you will have the grace of a sledgehammer. Get the point?
If you are considering speaking or lecturing now, try to schedule it another time if possible. If you can't, you may find that others may have no idea what you are talking about, prompting people to ask questions about things you may not be prepared for. Are you a writer looking for inspiration? Go fishing instead, it will be much more productive and interesting.
This transit is not favorable for phone calls, dealing with any females, romance or gossip (foot in mouth disease).

November 06 2020

Mars Opposes Jupiter

Avoid those people who do not know when to stop once they get started (in a negative way) or people that are annoying. Generosity can get out of hand, so be careful with your funds and possessions. If you cannot afford to buy something, then don't buy it now! Use caution in your spending now, as you may purchase something with lots of good will in your heart, for the wrong or undeserving people. You may find out too late that the people that you put your time, effort and love into do not have your best intentions at heart. It is therefore better to buy small gifts and offer small tokens, than to look like a major fool!
Arrogance, accidents and impulsive actions are advised against now and caution is advised in business dealings with foreigners and danger is present while travelling!
Financial mistakes can easily be made now, leaving you with egg on your face. This period is unfavorable for any legal activities and don't start any new endeavors because impatience and carelessness can be your downfall.
Relationships actually appear better than they are at this time. Unethical business practices should be avoided and use caution when dealing with others, especially foreigners. Be careful of others who encourage you to spend money or waste your time and energy as money comes and money goes very quickly now. At least it comes, so it can go, maybe that's why it came in the first place?
Challenges will excite you for a few days and impulsive and hasty actions will be your downfall as you go off like a loose cannon and more than likely wind up overextending yourself and getting involved in very UNWISE ventures. Legal and religious disagreements occur now, so avoid remarks made to others, no matter how innocent they were meant to be. Travel and trips will prove to be more expensive than you counted on through your own extravagance as well.

November 07 2020

Mercury Trine Mars

People involved in sales or communications will prosper and the home, property and family interests will be activated. Mental alertness now will bring quick decisions resulting in success. Total recall of past events aids you in discovering hidden elements of yourself. This is one of those time periods that supports sticking to your guns for what you believe in.
Success will come through business enterprises and the effort and determination that goes that is needed for growth and prosperity will be in evidence. You are a force to be reckoned with through your power of speech at this time and your judgements about people will be very much on target.
This is an excellent transit to make peace with others, not war. Teach, council and help others. Short trips related to work are emphasized and last minute invitations to sporting events can arrive. This is an excellent time to do some investigative work into something you are curious about.

November 08 2020

Mercury Trine Mercury

That trip you may have been planning is favored now. Communications will be at their peak, so get your point across to others while you can. You will be able to understand new concepts very easily and your social intercourse with others will be pleasant.
You may experience a state of restlessness now. Do not sit around waiting for something to happen, go for a walk at least. This is the time to sign contracts or conclude agreements that have been pending. Appointments that are made now will be on time and prosperous. This transit also favors reading, teaching, lecturing and group activities.

November 09 2020

Venus Sextile Moon

Throw a party at home because depending on other aspects this should be a very warm time. Dealings with the female sex should be wonderful and fulfilling and if you are out in the public, you might encounter a few more good mornings from others.
This transit favors decorating and entertaining in the home and in general this is an auspicious time for dealing with people, business, creative urges and cooking. Displaying a friendly disposition will attract things to you quite easily now.
This is a wonderful time for being in love and swinging from the trees or other adventurous place. A new love encounter can be waiting for you, a marriage can take place (perhaps of souls), a woman may decide to have a child, happiness and affections are in abundance. Artistic endeavors can easily get a boost as well.

November 10 2020

Mars Opposes Saturn

Industrial or transportation accidents are possible, so use extreme caution. Urgent situations can arise at this time, calling for urgent solutions to problems. The presence of extreme anger should be recognized and dealt with before it gets out of hand. Young and old can easily face each other in that old popular favorite, the generation gap and matters of law and order may seem to be ineffective temporarily.
Don't force any issues because you are going to be very frustrated in your attempt, so expect blockages to your plans and ideas. Don't panic! The universe has a sense of humor, don't forget to keep yours. Difficulties can easily arise with father figures, the boss or any authority figures. Legal matters and dealing with the government are unfavorable.
Stick only to programs that have been working for a long time and don't try to make any changes or rock the boat. Those of you who waste the bosses time with foolish actions or behavior will feel the mighty wrath of who is really in charge. Difficulties over financial arrangements can arise and durability testing in relationships occurs from time to time to point out the weak areas to be worked on, this is one of those times. Separations and breakups from close attachments that occur at this time will be the result of your own actions and no one can be blamed but you!
Health matters that can arise now are broken bones and problems with the teeth and caution should be observed with automobiles, tools, machinery and weapons no matter how small, as injuries can occur. The burdens of older people can arise now to be dealt with as well.

November 11 2020

Sun Square Mars

Avoid crowds and irritating people now because tempers will be hotter than normal and impulsive and intense actions as well as some aggressive attitudes will be in evidence.
You are just looking for a fight now, but are you prepared to pay the price for your quarrelsome nature? Do you think other people around you should be the brunt of your anger? If you are looking for a perfect time to separate from a loved one, this is it! Go for a LONG walk and reevaluate later! Remember, this is a very short transit, but separations is the price for impulsive acts lasts for a long time.
This is a difficult time for romance and gambling. You may have an illness or headache that develops at this time. The Sun is always hot and when it reaches Mars (ruler of the head and house where it is natally) it makes it hotter and natural temperatures and tempers rise.

November 12 2020

Venus Conjunct Pluto

Deep emotions can come to the surface at this time. Concepts that are both brilliant and far reaching are much easier to grasp as well. Compulsive spending can get out of hand.
Intense love and passion are present all around you and the power of attractions is there to other people and you to them in return. True sexual drawing power is present and the need to be loved and needed is very strong.

November 13 2020

Sun Sextile Venus

Ah, love, sweet love. This is a superlative time for romance. Be affectionate to everyone and don't forget that favorite pet of yours. Are you awaiting any financial negotiations? The outcome looks very favorable now. Prosperity surrounds you with this aspect and you may get a cost of living increase that you weren't expecting, or a pay raise. Popularity will be apparent with the opposite sex, or people in general.
Romance and marriage possibilities come under the Suns rays now and perhaps you will decide to get engaged or married now. One of the positive effects of this transit is that people who haven't taken notice of you before suddenly notice you. This is a time of increased attractions to others at this time and you will also find that finances are favored as well.

November 14 2020

Venus Sextile Neptune

Harmony in relationships is indicated by this transit, so use charm as a tool to get what you want. Soul connections with others will be very strong and powerful now, or you can experience a psychic rapport with others in your environment.
Visionary business practices pay off very nicely now, so introduce new ideas to someone, they will be well received now. This is a highly favorable time for romance, or this can be a highly creative time. Mesmerize others with your magnetic presence. Romance can take place at a distant place, or while travelling. There will be a strong intuitive awareness of other peoples' moods and feelings that will be very much on target.

November 15 2020

Mercury Square Sun

Communication with others is apt to be intense to say the least. That may prove to be the key to survival here. "Say the least." Do not formulate or sign contracts and legal documents at this time as important points can easily be overlooked. Business meetings can be delayed at the last minute, or cancelled altogether.
This transit is notorious for absent-minded behavior and you may wind up somewhere you had no intention of going, with no idea how you got there. A very fuzzy mind exists that will cause you to make mistakes. You may encounter some unpleasant experiences or receive some disturbing news at this time.
This is a very busy and active time, but you can expect HEAVY opposition in communications with others. Avoid making any promises, forming contracts or agreements now because they are likely to fall apart as fast as they started.

November 16 2020

Venus Square Venus

When you go out, leave the credit cards at home. Don't try to work things out in relationships now unless you want to find out how weak they are, or where the weaknesses lie. The things you buy are likely to be out of character and somehow gaudy but you will not recognize this until the transit ends, or others point it out to you. After this transit you will probably wonder why the heck you bought it anyway. Eating will increase during this transit, just make sure to eat good things to feel good.
This is not the time to splurge on anything but the necessities of life, and even then, you may be a little short. Relationships will experience a test of sorts, so wait until another day to push any issues. On the other hand pushing issues can show you where the weaknesses in your relationships lie. Your judgments are wrong, wait for another time and reevaluate. The key to this transit is NO EXTRAVAGANCES!

November 17 2020

Venus Trine Mars

Popularity can easily soar with the opposite sex now and mixing business with pleasure can be successfully integrated. Good business practices can pay off in very positive ways. This is considered to be an excellent transit for women to become pregnant. Emotional distractions can get in the way of important issues now, so try to keep your emotions in check. Business and finances are favored and secret behind the scenes activities can work to your advantage. Secret love affairs can be kept secret as it should be and your personal assertion level will be high. Your tone of voice will be soft spoken and infatuations can arise quite suddenly and passionately. Changes in appearance can take place now, making favorable impressions on everyone. This is a wonderful transit to go out and flirt with someone as well.

November 18 2020

Sun Conjunct Uranus

The dandiest friendships can develop most unexpectedly. Excitement is on your mind in every fiber of your being. Metaphysical, psychological, spiritual and astrological interests can light up your life. Every aspect of these days can take on an electrical, exciting and a very surprising tone. Surprising others through your actions is also possible. Explosions and fire potentials can increase now, so keep an eye out for hazards.
When forming a contract, don't forget an escape clause just in case you need to do just that. Conflicts and arguments can pop up easily in your daily environment. Your intuitive and psychic abilities will be high, so pay some attention to your "little voice" and expect to remember your dreams.

November 19 2020

Sun Square Mercury

This is not the time to speak your mind, because you may come off sounding like a buffoon. Your nervous system can easily be EXHAUSTED now and needs to be soothed through physical exercise because of overwork. Absent minded behavior is a real problem at this time and you may wind up somewhere you had no intention of going, with no idea how you got there. During this time you will possess a very fuzzy mind that can cause you to make mistakes, so double check all of your work. You may meet with some unpleasant experiences or receive some bad news at this time as well.
Ideas will come to you very quickly now and communications with others will increase as well. Make sure you don't lay into someone verbally now so that wallpaper comes off the wall, because you are too much of a good thing now, so back off a little. Your ideas are bound to conflict with other peoples and now that you know it, don't push issues. Any promises or agreements made at this time will end or be changed before they get going. Don't dress yourself during this transit, let someone else lay out your outfit for today, as you have poor taste in clothes now!

November 20 2020

Venus Trine Mercury

Mentally stimulating friends can be fun and this is a good time for a sincere chat to clear the air of misunderstandings with others as the mind and emotions are more in sync. Use this transit for speaking to the public or give a lecture. It is also a good time for legal matters, marriage and studying any subject that strikes your fancy. This transit favors advertising and business communications and short trips as well. Good news can be received about a loved one at this time.
You will have a strong desire for neatness and a much more meticulous manner of appearance now. Contacts now will be very beneficial to you now.

November 21 2020

Jupiter Sextile Uranus

New meanings from life can be derived with this transit. An opportunity for travelling and studying someplace completely new and foreign to you may leap up and grab you by the shorts. This will prove to be a fortunate and harmonious time filled with creativity and social opportunities filled with financial gain and luck. Luck that cannot be explained can easily come from out of the blue.
There will be an increased need to socialize with others that are very unusual to you and someone can come along and open you to new ideas that you have never thought of before. New opportunities can open you up to science and engineering principles as well.
Prophetic insights can also arrive which prove to be accurate, or an interest in Parapsychology or Astrology may have you off to the book store. Expect new, interesting and perhaps weird and unusual friends to enter your life. Benefits will come to you from friends, business and insurance matters.

November 22 2020

Neptune Square Moon

Dreams and events of the real world seem to be intertwined, and there will be difficulty separating the two. You are able to see the shortcomings of others, but still find it difficult to keep away from them. If you are trying to find out if the object of your love shares your feelings, this is not the time to try, instead wait until the fog clears after this transit ends and the answer will present itself. Health matters can include a nervous stomach, allergic reactions to pollen and dust and feeling more tired than normal.
You may feel you are engulfed in a tractor beam and obsessed by a love relationship now, one which you can do nothing about except submit. The universe is getting even for things you have done in the past by the very people you have done them too. Don't be to hard on them, as they are just returning the favor even though they may not know it. It's a very subconscious and Karmic type of thing.
Moods are apt to drift in and out like the confusion that surrounds them now and the use of any drugs or alcohol whether prescription or not is to be considered adverse to your health. Love relationships that are started now are addictive but impractical, so DON'T make any commitments to this person now! There can be some very strong obsessions to love at this time that cannot be denied, perhaps a Pisces personality.
Yearnings to do things that have no definition will find you now. You are very sensitive and impressionable to the world around you and it will be easy to fall into the well of drinking and its abuses, self pity and depression now. Although you may or may not mean to, this transit brings out the ability to lie, cheat or mislead others and worries over female problems can develop.

November 23 2020

Uranus Square Sun

Expect circumstances to arise quite suddenly that can make you quite "miffed" to say the very least. Matters that were previously settled and agreed to can come back to haunt you through missed correspondence and messages. Expect accounts with debtors "NOT" to be serviced as promised, no matter how settled the situation seems to be. It is important to have all the information available when dealing with people, remember to get the names of people that you spoke to, times and dates. Keep copies of all letters for future reference.
Freedom will be sought no matter what the consequences and sudden romance begin and will end just as quickly now. This is an unfavorable time for group activity. Discrepancies in legal disputes and settlements can be found and ruinous speculation has its home here. Irregular heart actions are a direct effect of this transit. This can be a time of electrical fires so make sure you take precautions.
Murphys Law is in full effect now, so if it can go wrong it will now so hold on to something and prepare for a shock! This is not a good time for private negotiations and disappointments in all areas of life are to be expected. Conflicts of interest can easily occur and a whole new set of problems can arise without any warning. Accidents are possible at this time and challenges, separations and divorces can occur as well.
You will experience difficulties in expressing yourself and it will be tough to do with your foot in your mouth. You will have the advice potential of a blind man now, you just won't see it, or take it.

November 24 2020

Mercury Square Mars

This is an excellent time to adopt a wait and see attitude before considering any actions as you can easily get yourself into situations you may regret later. Phone calls that arrive now may be a cry for help, but weigh all of the possibilities very carefully. From this energy comes the expression "When in doubt, DON'T!"
Heated emotional arguments can easily erupt now, so think twice before you speak. Situations requiring quick thinking should be avoided because the impulsive side of your nature is out of whack with the thought process. Control those outbursts before they get you into trouble. Accident potential is rated very high at this time so use caution in travel.
Competing with others for attention can easily cause quarrels and ego disputes with others. Expect sarcasm from other people around you as the mind is strained and frustrations can lead to physical repercussions. This transit is also known for infections, fevers and colds. This is the bodies way of telling you to lighten up!

November 25 2020

Venus Square Sun

This is not the time to make a major purchase, or splurge on anything. Why? It's the same old story, you may want something very bad, then after you get it, you cannot figure out why you wanted it in the first place. You may attract a new love relationship at this time.
OVERDOING is likely to be the key now in sexual and social situations. Self centered attitudes exist, with a childlike need for attention, just remember that emotional slights and hurts can cut like a knife, so make sure you are wearing your heavy armor. Change plans for a party to a more favorable time.

November 26 2020

Sun Sextile Sun

If other aspects point to it, this is a good day to put $1 on your favorite lotto number or other diversion of your choice.
This transit characterizes harmony in social endeavors, romantic encounters, self expression, energy and vitality, educational pursuits, leadership and confidence and creativity. Investments may pay off handsomely now and pleasure and travel trips will be very enjoyable.

November 27 2020

Mercury Sextile Venus

This is a time of fortunate communications with others, both in person and long distance by phone. Communications are easy now and will flow quite nicely.
Mentally stimulating friends can be fun and this is also a good time for a sincere chat about important issues as the mind and emotions are in sync. Use this transit for making speeches to the public or attend a lecture.
This is an auspicious time for legal matters and marriage or studying any subject. This transit favors advertising and business communications as well as short trips. Good news might be received about a loved one that can make you very happy.
Consider this a quiet and peaceful time in your life. Enjoy it, you never know when the inlaws or other oddities in life will be showing up. Opportunities for social activities and romantic interludes can also come up at this time.

November 28 2020

Sun Sextile Saturn

Long lasting commitments and responsibilities are favorable. Buy a new car for endurance and to insure a long lasting investment at this time. You may find someone from your past coming back into your life at this time as well, or find that relationships that have experienced disagreements or breakups can suddenly begin again on another level.
Long range goals become important and this transit favors the favorable outcome for legal matters. Art forms are likely to have a much more structured appearance. This transit favors politics, executives and business. Have faith in yourself to reach your goals. Perhaps this is the time to face the fact that you need to seek the advice or counsel of an attorney to take you out of unpleasant situations, but with great reluctance.

November 29 2020

Mercury Conjunct Uranus

The quest for scientific knowledge can take a sudden turn in a new direction at this time and you may come up with a terrific new idea. A totally unplanned trip may arise that can take you quite by surprise. Changes are coming, trouble is, no one knows what they are! Think before you speak so you don't offend someone, as it will be easy to do especially now. New concepts will come to you easily now because the thought process is accelerated. You may be asked to mediate between opposing parties that are facing problems and every attempt should be made to offer assistance. This transit also favors writing, teaching and visiting others.
Transportation accidents and electrical problems can manifest on aircraft, in the home, automobile or at work. If you have been waiting for the best time to sign contracts and make agreements, this is the time.

November 30 2020

Mercury Square Mercury

This short period will not be beneficial to try and discuss matters with others because the mind is inflexible and not willing to compromise. The Ego may be out of sync with others and verbal confrontations can be expected with heavy oppositions to your ideas. Wait for another more prosperous day to make your point to others. Concerns for brothers or sisters can cause agitation in relationships and everyday matters and insignificant problems will be of greater concern than normal.
Incoming news may be upsetting and the thinking process will be slow and seem to be very fuzzy. How can you grasp new concepts when your mind is not functioning at its peak? Simply reschedule that meeting for another day. A fidgety type of composure exists with the urge to go and do, but you may not be sure of just what it is you should do. Patience will be non existent at this time that can cause mistakes. Stay away from stimulants which will only upset the inner you.

December 01 2020

Sun Sextile Jupiter

People in high places can be generous to your cause, but remember that sincerity always works best when approaching others. Good fortune may come knocking, so make sure you open the door! Health matters are doing much better during this transit as well.
Money may suddenly appear from nowhere now, so enjoy the gift. Hopes and wishes can be granted to you perhaps just when you needed it, but remember to share your good fortune with others. You may become involved in a romance with someone "foreign" to your ideals with good results. Recognition may also come for work or things done in the past.

December 02 2020

Sun Trine Node

Intellectual contacts can be developed as well as team work and relations with the public. This transit favors experiences that are shared, and for a you a possible union with an intimate counterpart.
Social activities and artistic expression are favored. Social popularity soars. You may assume a leadership role.

December 03 2020

Sun Conjunct Moon

New emotional cycles can begin now but compromises may be needed if you want to get along with others. Perhaps this is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf. Increased domestic activities can be expected and social and business interactions can increase as well. Family gatherings can take place in the home now, and the domestic scene will become more beautiful where an artistic atmosphere prevails. The affairs of children can surface and become very important as well at this time.
This transit will bring more harmony with certain people and will allow you to examine changes that can occur in your emotional life. You may feel new emotional beginnings that you should feel quite comfortable with.
Speculative interests can flourish as well if other transits support it.

December 04 2020

Mars Trine Neptune

This transit presents the ability to see beneath the surface in all issues, as you seem to be more guided by intuition than reason. Activities that go on behind the scenes are highlighted now and creative talents can help to advance your career.
This is a time for spiritual healing, both given and received and charitable work is the key to happiness here. Watch overeating, not while you are doing it, before you do it. Defending the truth will be an issue for you now somehow and this will prove to be a very active and productive cycle that lasts but a few days, so make the best of it. Your will power will be strong at this time, and you will be very determined to accomplish something.
This is a very favorable time for pleasant entertainments, good hearts and spiritual enlightenment and they can be found among good friends partaking of good food, conversation and companionship. Your imagination may have a positive effect on the creative process, so use that creative process to make another masterpiece of some kind. Devotion to prayer and spiritual aspirations is likely to be a positive outlet for you now.

December 05 2020

Mercury Sextile Sun

Are you the creative type? Do you have to make a speech or get your point across to others? Now is the time to do it. The thought and speech processes are clear as a bell and ready for ringing. Business will go well if other aspects support it.
This aspect is notorious for letting the phone ring off the wall with activity and keeping you extremely busy. Present your new ideas to those in authority now as they will be more open to receive them.
Romances, social affairs, pleasure trips, studying, publishing, dieting, buying clothes and personal hygiene are all under favorable auspices now.
Communications are favored, so if you have to buy, sell, travel, write, teach, or do any research this is the time to do so.

December 06 2020

Mercury Sextile Saturn

Common sense is the rule to follow for success and seek advice from those people whom you respect. This is also an excellent time for seeking the advice from a doctor for the correct diagnosis. Saying the right thing can make a great impression on people now so choose your words well or rehearse them in your mind just before you speak. Shop for practical and long lasting items because this is a favorable time for it.
The ability to find the right words for any situation is with you now, and problem solving should be a breeze. This is also a good time for writing and research.
Your education may become very important to you now, or if you are so inclined, marriage plans or engagement plans can be entered into or discussed now. Household repairs should be considered during this favorable phase as well. Cooperation can be best obtained by working in cooperation with others.

December 07 2020

Mercury Sextile Jupiter

Chances are good for acquiring something of substantial value that puts a smile on your face. Always get expert professional opinions in all matters that are important to you. The power of positive thinking will see you through the toughest times now. Learn how to play the game of life instead of bucking the system!
Make pacts or agreements with others or sign documents because the time is right. Credit purchases can soar now, just make sure you don't go overboard in your spending, putting you into further debt.
Communications and ideas will flow easily now and the clairvoyant faculties are stimulated. A friendly attitude prevails, PHONE CALLS INCREASE, and letter writing is favored. SIGN CONTRACTS for favorable outcomes now and take any form of test for assured success. Write down ideas when they come to you, no matter where you are because you may forget something very beneficial to you in the future. The force is definitely with you where words are concerned. That long awaited phone call or letter can arrive now.

December 08 2020

Mars Opposes Pluto

Community property interests can be upsetting in some way now and business failures can occur now affecting many people. Circumstances beyond your control can easily develop and this is certainly not the time to try to discipline the kids or have a fight with your spouse as things can get way out of hand.
Maintain patience with others during this transit, because Mars loves to agitate things. High energy will be in abundance. You will experience great opposition to people you confront for no reason and challenges to egos will be easy to find. A different course of action is needed for a few days.
Loose ends can trip you up as they always do and ruthless and underhanded behavior can undermine any situation, so try to keep your distance from others. Serious conflicts between individuals can occur now, or you can be a victim of someone elses ruthlessness. Losses will occur through confrontations with others and jealousy and possessiveness can rear their ugly heads as well. Difficulties in taxes, insurance, alimony and sexual prowess are all direct results of this transit
Someone can do something to you at this time that can very well prompt retaliation by you. It seems for now reason the world has an axe to grind with you, and you are left bewildred and angry by the whole thing. You may even decide to sue someone for an injustice done to you now, but the probability of success is slim to none at all.
The danger of contracting diseases (social, sexual or otherwise) and encountering annoyances, physical and verbal abuse is high with this placement. Attacks on others is likely to have a ruthless overtone and trying to institute changes now will meet with great resistance. Impulsive actions are always regretted at a later date, so try your best to avoid them. Be extremely cautious in what you do, as your actions now can have very explosive consequences.

December 09 2020

Venus Square Mars

There is no excusing abuse in relationships in any form and this transit can promote just that. Romantic quarrels are apt to be hot and heavy if you let them get out of hand. Problems in social areas and business are likely to arise, so watch those not so nice remarks now as they can cut like a knife. Avoid any purchases of extravagant items at this time, as they may have to be returned for one reason or another. Control your emotions and your feelings, don't let them get out of control.
Opposing views regarding confidential data causes separations. The battle of the sexes continues in high gear and jealousy can rear its ugly head demanding to be heard. Sexual needs become accented and sexual incompatibility or aggressiveness are also indicated. Selfish attitudes can arise and financial extravagances can leave you broke, so try to tone down spending. Items bought at the store may have to be returned with defects, especially electrical/mechanical. Be precise in all things you do to avoid the mistakes that can easily occur now.

December 10 2020

Mercury Conjunct Moon

Any communications you have with others now will have an emotional feel to it. This is likely to be a very busy time for you with many communications, moving around and getting things accomplished. This is the time that will be most productive for coming up with some good ideas, especially if you are the creative type.
An increase in self confidence, travel (short distances rather than long ones), talking, writing, movement and speech in general will be experienced with this transit.

December 11 2020

Sun Conjunct Neptune

Visionary projects of vast proportions or spiritual endeavors should be started now if you are so inclined. An artistic and creative time exists where you are very receptive to the world around you. Unusual experiences, dreams and visions can occur. You will be extremely sensitive to your surroundings and more spiritually attuned to the universe. Wait until you come back to earth for a clearer picture of what is happening. Spiritual help and guidance can easily arrive from any walk of life. Your " psychic abilities " will prove to be very accurate, but only if you listen. Unexplainable luck and good fortune that cannot be rationalized can easily arrive at this time.
This is a great transit for playing psychic detective and discovering secrets. What a day for a day dream! Ideal love relationships can begin at this time as well as those that are kept secret for reasons of your own.

December 12 2020

Venus Sextile Venus

Take time off and go to a party. You have been working entirely too hard and need some time to unwind with people you can relate to emotionally. If you are a man, you may find the girl of your dreams. Ladies, you may find the guy of your dreams. "It could happen!".

December 13 2020

Venus Conjunct Uranus

Here is something to break the normal routine as magnetic influences surround you. Exciting romantic adventures can arise to put new color in your cheeks and a song in your heart. Romantic, social and business activities will prosper and unexpected gifts, both financial and social can arrive quite unexpectedly. An emotional freedom is in the air and here is where you will find the adventuresome souls that are in search of excitement.
New clothes can be purchased and new friendships formed. The "impulsive" love urges can suddenly arise and existing relationships are tested for validity. Sudden creative impulses can develop, putting you on the verge of something really exciting. Use patience and understanding when dealing with over emotional people.

December 14 2020

Venus Square Mercury

"Oh how I love shopping sprees," is the theme of this transit. More junk to add to the junk you already have. There will be a greater urge and need to buy something that you may regret later. Should you find the need to discuss things with your lover, please do so another time. If you try to get your point across now, you will have the grace of a sledgehammer. Get the point? Tempers can flare and emotions can get out of control now and matters of love, security and feeling needed can be an "issue" rather than a discussion.
If you're considering speaking or lecturing now, try to make it another time if possible. If you can't, you may find that others may have no idea what you are talking about and prompt people to ask questions about things you may not be prepared for. Are you a writer looking for inspiration? Go fishing instead, it will be much more productive and interesting.

December 15 2020

Sun Sextile Pluto

Intense and powerful experiences will change your viewpoint in wonderful ways. Investigation and study into the unknown, or unchartered territories is favored. Make favorable impressions on others now if you have the need. A great aspect for getting things accomplished, so be a positive force in the world. Do something creative and constructive for the masses. You may find some real bargains at a thrift shop that can save you some money. Potent creativity is yours for the asking now and should be cultivated and released.
Benefits can come to you through Taxes, insurance, new businesses, scientific endeavors and the workplace. The intuition is strong and clairvoyant faculties can manifest themselves.

December 16 2020

Mercury Conjunct Neptune

Straightforward explanations will work best now, so if you are looking for the right time to discuss something with someone, you have it now. You may find that people you idolize have feet of clay and check out those great ideas carefully before implementing them as you may find some errors to be corrected at the last minute. Bring comfort to those who need it. Patience and tolerance is needed to keep your life in harmony and you will find that dreams and dreamlike states have you a little fuzzy in the reality department for a few days.
The imagination and illusion levels are high so try to keep your prospective as unclear and confused thinking accompany this transit. In the romance department, recognize love for what it is. Is it Sex, love or a short lived infatuation?
This is a very creative time to explore something new using the intuitive self. The ability to attract love is strong and exotic travel to places real or imagined can take place now. Drink plenty of liquids for the functioning of the kidneys can be susceptible to slowdowns now. This is not the time to make decisions on any matter. If you are wondering whether you're in love or not, you're not!

December 17 2020

Mars Square Venus

There is no excuse for any abuse in relationships especially now, and romantic quarrels are apt to be hot and heavy. Problems in social and business arenas are likely to arise so watch those remarks made to others, as they can cut like a knife. Avoid any extravagant purchases at this time, as they may have to be returned for one reason or another. Learn to control your emotions and your feelings.
Rubbing people the wrong way is a real danger now so give others a little breathing room. Quarrels with the opposite sex or resolving thereof is possible during this transit. This is a difficult time for money, insurance, taxes and wills.
Opposing views regarding confidential data can cause separations and disagreements with others as the battle of the sexes can hit home. Jealousy is on the rise with this transit and sexual needs and desires are accented. Sexual incompatibility can occur at this time and men may face a bit of questioning their masculinity as intimate moments won't "perform" to their expectations. Aggressiveness touches all of us at times and selfishness can rear its ugly head now and should be dealt with.
Financial extravagances can leave you broke, angry and disappointed in your choice of purchases. Items bought at the store may have to be returned with defects, especially electrical/mechanical items.

December 18 2020

Mars Sextile Mars

This is a high energy cycle and a great time to present new projects to the boss, or start them for yourself, so put your ideas into positive action. Do you have a physical job to do that requires stamina? Try it now!
Your self confidence is high and the only loss you can encounter is by doing nothing at all. Precision workmanship will be utilized in your work, and a lot of short trips will be made. Expect your idea mechanisms to be stimulated and your will power, determination and urge to do something very strong now as well.

December 19 2020

Sun Sextile Mercury

Speak your mind in any way you need to because now is the time. This is an excellent time for romantic encounters or a special trip to a place with no return address or a rendezvous of some sort.
The thought and speech process are clear as a bell and ready for ringing. If you have to give a speech or think out problems to a successful conclusion, this is the time. Business will go well if other aspects support it.
News that arrives at this time is bound to be very gratifying and if you are awaiting news involving finances, this can be a very exciting time for you. Contracts can be agreed to and settlements can come to a head now.
This aspect is known for letting the phone ring off the wall with activity and keeps you extremely busy. Present your new ideas to those in authority NOW! Romance, social affairs, pleasure trips, studying, publishing, dieting, buying clothes and personal hygiene are all under favorable auspices.

December 20 2020

Mercury Sextile Mercury

That trip you may have been planning is favored now. Communications will be at their peak, so get your point across to others while you can. You will be able to understand new concepts very easily and your social intercourse with others will be pleasant.
You will notice a state of restlessness now so don't sit around, go for a walk at least. This is the time to sign contracts or conclude agreements that have been pending. Appointments made now, will be on time and prosperous. This transit also favors reading, teaching, lecturing and group activities.

December 21 2020

Venus Sextile Sun

Ah, love, sweet love, this is a superlative time for romance. Be affectionate to everyone around you and don't forget that favorite pet of yours. Are you awaiting any financial negotiations? Well, the outcome looks good! Prosperity surrounds you with this aspect and you may get a cost of living increase that you weren't expecting, or a pay raise.
A very relaxed atmosphere surrounds you now and you are more considerate to others. Attraction to the opposite sex can easily increase as well as financial, business, legal and marriage matters that are bound to have a joyous outcome.

December 22 2020

Venus Sextile Saturn

Pending deals can now be finalized with profits now and you will be more cautious than usual in your dealings with others. Benefits can come through older people and in your daily routine, use old business standards rather than employing new ones. Progress in financial dealings is an important effect of this transit.
New love relationships started now will be with someone much younger or older than yourself and you will be more willing to make sacrifices for the sake of others as well and you will take your duties and responsibilities to others very seriously.
A positive side of this transit is the ability to purchase items from a standpoint of only what you need and let the luxuries of life wait until another time. Balance the books and budget your funds to keep your life in check. You are able to be more controlled in your affections now, putting your emotions on hold.

December 23 2020

Venus Sextile Jupiter

A strong attraction to all things that are beautiful exists under this transit. Take someone out to a candlelight dinner, or if you are an artist or compose or play music, this can be a very creative and inspiring time for you. Long distance journeys and dealing with people at a distance is highly favored and the ideals of people around you will be easier to understand. The sharing of philosophies of others is favored.
You are in a very content state of mind at this time. This transit favors business, finance, foreign investments, medicine and law. Someone at a distance may be thinking quite fondly of you now.
Legal matters decided now will work out quite well and new friendships can be stimulating and wonderful. Rest and recuperate rather than work if you can, as this is a rather lazy time.
An increased appreciation for the artistic world exists with this transit and nature walks through the forest or the park are very much favored. Go out and be among the bears, mosquitos, insects and other creepy crawly things. They will love you as much as you love them.

December 24 2020

Mercury Square Saturn

If you are involved in sales, they may not be up to par and it might be best to reschedule clients for another time. Dragging the past into your life at this time won't help matters, so leave them in the past for now. Keep things on a strictly legal basis and keep business strictly business now.
Communication problems can leave you alienated from others temporarily, and lost mail or delays in deliveries can be expected. People will say what is on their mind at this time and you will not take criticism very well.
Negativity and mistrust surround you now and ill health and problems with bones, teeth, constipation, aches, pains, colds and flu can develop. Energy levels and vitality will be very low as well. This is not good time for legal matters.

December 25 2020

Mercury Square Jupiter

Meet others' half way and form a compromise with all of the people you come into contact with now. You may be prone to daydreaming which fouls up a job or project and communications or business with people at a distance will be disappointing.
This is an adverse time for any business transactions, so protect all money transactions to avoid losses. Realism and thrift can help the tendency to overbuy needles items that will be regretted later. THEFTS are possible, you need to be on guard now, this includes mistakes at the cash registers in the stores favor, leaving you on the short end. Don't make any promises you know you cannot keep no matter how sincere they are.
A time of confusion and exaggerations surrounds your life and you may receive misinformation about something or little white lies disguised as truths. Confirmed appointments can be cancelled or postponed and meetings and communications should be left for another time. If you have to travel remember your mind isn't on what is going on, so see if you can make that trip at a more favorable time.

December 26 2020

Venus Conjunct Moon

The atmosphere at home is apt to be loving, comforting and very maternal, so make plans to be around your loved ones. Be careful of the sweet tooth though, it may reach out for cakes, pastries, chocolate . . . I better stop here, I can sense mouths watering and I think it's mine! This transit represents a quiet time spent at home. There are loving moods present now that would be best utilized doing something special for others, or humanitarian deeds. Visit the hospital or elderly to bring them some comfort as well.

December 27 2020

Sun Square Saturn

Someone in your domestic arena or friends may depart. Expect delays and obstacles to confront you, but you can overcome them, just be realistic in your approach and you will be fine.
** Colds or the flu can put you to bed for a few days and your mental outlook will be on the negative side. This is a wonderful time to establish a method of doing something you have always wanted to do. Get a plan first, then go after it. Projects that you would have never attempted before can be successfully completed now.
A time when you are likely to feel discouraged. New beginnings requiring hard work and rigid attitudes to get the job done have arrived. This is an unfavorable time for social and romantic encounters.
A time when you can feel very lonely and unloved. Your health may be vulnerable in the areas of: Teeth, back and heart. Your attitude will be very serious and you will feel like you are being held back. Perhaps you are, there is a reason for everything. As the great man said "Sometimes the answer is no!"

December 28 2020

Sun Square Jupiter

Practical considerations go out the window and large scale errors in judgement can easily be made, so don't count on anything until you have it firmly in your hand. This can be a great time to diet because you can lose weight easily.
You may very well quit your job because of ego conflicts with authority figures. This is not a good time for gambling, romance or business as FOOLISH OPTIMISM can be your downfall.
Be careful not to promise more than you can deliver because you can fall short of your promises leaving you marked unreliable. Confrontations with others can breed hurt feelings especially now and overinflated egos can get in the way of your progress.
Transportation accident levels are on the rise so keep an eye on the road at all times. The need to spend money on needless items, or spending just for the sake of spending will be very strong. Very extravagant, materialistic and arrogant behavior emerges. Say goodbye to the credit line you kept in good shape for so long. By the end of this transit, the money spent on useless items will show you the error of your ways. I know you want something new, but this is not the time to do it, buy it, or try it. Better to deny it! You may feel frustrated over financial shortages which is the result of your spending.

December 29 2020

Mars Sextile Mercury

People in sales or the communication fields will enjoy success now. Home, property and family interests are all activated and mental alertness can bring quick decisions. At this time you should stick to your guns for what you believe in. This transit favors study, writing and research of any kind.
Far away dreams can occur now and this can also be a favorable time for debates. Short trips related to work can increase and this is an excellent time to formulate business contracts and agreements for success. This is a good time to do investigative work because you may uncover something very important. An enthusiastic attitude wins every time when dealing with others, and last minute invitations to sporting events can arrive.

December 30 2020

Pluto Sextile Uranus

Outworn hang ups and ways of life and new ones begin now, and this is a time to make positive changes in your life. Yoga, Astrology or Spiritual study or interests can emerge as well.
Did you have a confrontation with someone in the past? Well, this can be the time to make nice.
This is a very beneficial time for business, insurance, taxes, inheritances and dealings with the government.
Termination of old ways of life can pave the way for new things to happen or begin now and revelations in your life as well as some mystical happenings can bring some favorable changes into your life.

December 31 2020

Venus Conjunct Neptune

Conversations that deal with psychic and intuitive subjects can take place, or a phone call for help can arrive. Psychic conditions can draw you into relationships quite easily at this time.
This is a difficult time to separate love from compassion and you will notice you have an intuitive, psychic and telepathic rapport with others, especially those close to you. You will exhibit a more CAUTIOUS and RESERVED mannerism, and you will notice artistic and creative tendencies emerge, crying out for expression. Pleasure travel is indicated as well under this transit.
Financial limitations and a certain amount of loneliness is possible and this transit can easily attract love in its purest form. Weakened kidneys is possible due to the misuse of sexual energy OR too sweet a diet, so make sure to increase your water intake to keep them in good working order.
HYPNOTIC LOVE AFFAIRS that will have a very profound effect on you can occur at this time. Business, romance and sex will probably have a somewhat secretive tone to it.

January 01 2021

Venus Sextile Pluto

Encounters open a wider circle of colleagues to you at this time and renewed commitments of love can be undertaken. Insights into love can occur now that are quite profound and strong attractions to the opposite sex will be felt. Marital relations can find their beginning now and if at all possible, give flowers to someone special. True love can be found somewhere close by you now and remember that "Love will conquer all" is the theme of this transit. Those of sad heart will be much happier than in the past now.
Thus is a time of sexual stimulation which should be quite exciting and there will be a greater tolerance for others and is a virtue which should be exercised at every opportunity. Your social life will pick up and you may have the urge to invite people over for a party. Secret loves can easily develop now and existing relationships will rise to a higher level of understanding.

January 02 2021

Venus Sextile Mars

Popularity can easily soar with the opposite sex now and mixing business with pleasure can be successfully integrated. Good business practices can pay off in very positive ways. This is considered to be an excellent transit for women to become pregnant. Emotional distractions can get in the way of important issues now, so try to keep your emotions in check. Business and finances are favored and secret behind the scenes activities can easily work to your advantage. Secret love affairs can be kept secret as it should be and your personal assertion level will be high. Your tone of voice will be soft spoken and infatuations can arise quite suddenly and passionately. Changes in appearance can take place now, making favorable impressions on everyone. This is a wonderful transit to go out and flirt with someone as well.

January 03 2021

Mercury Square Pluto

A danger of this transit is forcing your point of views on others, or just coming on too strong with your opinions. If you handle it diplomatically however, you can enlighten people around you with your views that shed light on an issue. Compulsive thinking now can cause confusion and a serious frame of mind. This is a difficult time for business and no contracts or agreements should be formulated at this time.
Conditions are right for fraudulent misrepresentations and the possibility for THEFTS or misunderstandings is very high. This is a good time to avoid people trying to sell you anything over the phone.

January 04 2021

Mercury Conjunct Venus

A gathering of family members should prove to be a happy time. Journalistic fields and communications of all kinds are under a fortunate transit. Invitations received can be very interesting, and you will find that politeness can aid you to make that sale if that is your line of work.
Business activities are highly favored and your communicative abilities are highlighted. The vocal qualities become more pleasing for others to listen to and maybe you will choose to write some poetry to express your creativity. Pleasant experiences surround you and communications are harmonious with others. Take hints from anywhere they come from, they will prove to be beneficial to you. The ability to understand others point of view is an asset as well now.

January 05 2021

Jupiter Trine Saturn

There is sure to be an increase of recognition and respect coming your way now and people can easily come to you for advice and counseling as well. There will also be an evident feeling of joy being with others now.
Those projects that you have been working on for so long can pay off now and working with people or groups of people in some sort of structured unit has the greatest chance for success. Foundations for heavy responsibility go along with this transit, but take note that as soon as this influence is over, it will become very quiet in your life. Consider the time that follows a giant tranquilizer and use it to take some time off for rest.
You will achieve the greatest success by using the middle of the road approach now and long range business and financial matters look good. Opportunities can be gained through hard work and expect some growth potential from business, professional or educational pursuits.
This is a super time for friends and social get togethers which may involve authority people or older people than yourself. If you are asked to organize a function on a budget it will be right up your alley and any organization job handed to you will be done well.
Progress can be made in business, career, or your education, but make sure to make honesty your guideline in dealings with others, especially in business. Opportunities may come to you from authority figures or people more mature or older than yourself.
In matters of love you will be more optimistic than usual but mixed with an equal blend of caution.

January 06 2021

Jupiter Conjunct Sun

This is an auspicious time to begin a new job, or start a new line of work. You will notice excitement when you are together with your friends and will enjoy meeting new friends that come into your life now.
Considerable financial improvements can now begin and an interest will be taken in the happiness and well being of others in your environment. If you are looking for the time to ask favors from superiors or those in authority, now is the time to do so. It is also a favorable time for applying to schools of higher knowledge as well.
Women can become pregnant now, or you may hear of the birth of a child. Be careful because it is easy to put on weight under this transit, since Jupiter just loves to expand the waist line. This is also a good time to start a vacation where long distance travel is concerned. Lotteries can bring in a dollar or two now, you never know as lucky breaks are possible!
This transit can actually attract good luck to you or you may enjoy a new sense of popularity that has been absent for a while. An easy come, and easy go attitude exists toward the world temporarily.
This transit is unfavorable for overdoing for eating, drinking and smoking. Help someone less fortunate than yourself, it will make you feel good and people will see you in a different light. This is a favorable time for any legal, social, artistic and creative endeavors.

January 07 2021

Venus Sextile Mercury

Mentally stimulating friends can be fun and this is a good time for a sincere chat to clear the air of misunderstandings with others as the mind and emotions are more in sync. Use this transit for speaking to the public or give a lecture. It is also a good time for legal matters, marriage and studying any subject that strikes your fancy. This transit favors advertising and business communications and short trips as well. Good news can be received about a loved one at this time.
You will have a strong desire for neatness and a much more meticulous manner of appearance now. Contacts now will be very beneficial to you now.

January 08 2021

Mercury Sextile Uranus

Unexpected communications can come and original thinking on your part can develop into wonderful projects. There can be many short trips or a friend may call and invite you to dinner. Dreams can bring new insights into problems and new areas of life.
The mind becomes very curious about all kinds of things, the more way out the concept, the better you will like it. Should you be learning something new, you will pick up the subject at hand with great ease.
Sudden intuitive insights can present marvelous solutions and sudden good news can arrive that takes you completely by surprise. Unexpected short trips that prove to be profitable or information received can be quite different and unusual to some degree. Phone lines can get real fuzzy and spontaneous reactions to situations is highly probable at this time.
This transit favors the opening of formerly unopened doors and breaking the chains that bind you. Creative sparks that occur now should prove very exciting.

January 09 2021

Jupiter Trine Jupiter

This is the time to relax and rejuvenate especially if you have been ill or stressed out on the job or career. An excellent placement for any traveling plans (long distance rather than short distances).
The domestic home front is more enjoyable and, if you have been feuding or quarreling, this is the time to make peace with them.
Benefits can also come through any contacts with foreigners or foreign interests and communications.

January 10 2021

Sun Square Pluto

Don't get caught up in statements that breed misunderstandings and out and out quarrels, because that will be easy to do at this time. Major problems can arise in your dealings with others. Coping with contradictory feelings is a necessary evil at this time and stay away from those people who try to pressure you into doing something.
Overdue penalties are impossible to escape and can be called due at this time. Things that come to pass at this time can seem inevitable and disturbing. Avoid fanatical people and protect your valuables against loss Encounters involving power struggles arise.
Relationships can be terminated now if they aren't going well, or fail the test of endurance. Avoid being overbearing in your dealings with others. Tension can also arrive in your life to be dealt with.
Don't try to dominate or remake others, because people just won't take it as well as other times. Problems will be noted in joint finances, insurance claims or policies, taxes and business. There is a very strong sexual energy present. Do something creative with it.

January 11 2021

Sun Conjunct Venus

An optimistic outlook and a desire to cooperate with others is present. Plan or take part in social activities or put your energies into creative outlets, because this is an excellent time for artistic self expression. Relationships are highlighted, but use caution because overindulgences of any kind are likely by this transit. New love interests can touch you very deeply at this time.
Clear perceptions highlight this transit so buy some artwork, go take part in the pursuit of fun and good times or bring good feelings and peace to others. Play the lottery or other speculative venture, but remember that Venus represents small wins as compared to Jupiter's large wins. Here is the optimist who is happy and cheerful.

January 12 2021

Mercury Conjunct Sun

Major good news can arrive now in your life and get togethers can spark some very meaningful discussions. Fresh new ideas for creative endeavors can surface and communication with others is emphasized.
This is a favorable time to approach people in power and authority or seek their advice. Increased communications and new business potential are excellent at this time. Increased movement in daily routines will be experienced, so if you are starting a new business or having some differences in legal or business matters, negotiate and come to terms now. There is a tendency to think and talk too much. Information and news are all around you now so put it to good use. Emotional responses will dominate your reasoning abilities and decisions based solely on DESIRES will prevail above all else. Arguments are likely to occur with people in authority.

January 13 2021

Mercury Trine Saturn

Common sense is the rule to follow for success and seek advice from those people whom you respect. This is also an excellent time for seeking the advice from a doctor for the correct diagnosis. Saying the right thing can make a great impression on people now so choose your words well or rehearse them in your mind just before you speak. Shop for practical and long lasting items because this is a favorable time for it.
The ability to find the right words for any situation is with you now, and problem solving should be a breeze. This is also a good time for writing and research.
Your education may become very important to you now, or if you are so inclined, marriage plans or engagement plans can be entered into or discussed now. Household repairs should be considered during this favorable phase as well. Cooperation can be best obtained by working in cooperation with others.

January 14 2021

Venus Square Saturn

Separations from friends or loved ones is possible now and the possibility of having extra cash for that good deal will be non-existent. This is not the time to ask favors from others, as they will be opposed to your ideas. Obligations should not be accepted at this time as this is a bad time for buying anything for lasting value.
You will be feeling somewhat unloved and lonely for a few days and being out and among friends can be empty and unfulfilling. Love relationships are better off left for another day and in business matters do not sign anything or get involved in financial ventures or matters of expanding your present situation. You will find that people in authority or older than you will not be supportive to your ideas.
Disappointments with long-term effects can occur, especially if there are karmic ties to be worked out with other people in your life. Promises rendered to others will go unfulfilled now, so be careful what you promise. Restrictions and frustrations can be experienced in love and this is a good time to wait and see what happens!

January 15 2021

Venus Square Jupiter

Find a middle of the road with those who are "all take" and "no give" in relationships or people that you deal with on a daily basis. A taste for luxury can get out of control leaving you financially short. OVERDOING, overeating and drinking are issues to be carefully handled now. Trips are likely to be very expensive, OR wind up to be more than quoted. Evasion of work for the pursuit of pleasures is the theme of this transit. The expanded love urge arises, looking for greener pastures. This is not a productive work period because how can you work when your heart is set on play.
Taking chances with love or money is unwise at this time and any health problems that you experience at this time may be linked to overindulgences. Stay as close to earth as possible, so you won't have too far to fall should things go wrong now. Vacations will prove to be more expensive than expected, so make sure to bring extra funds with you to cover any additional costs. Plans you have been looking forward to will not materialize at this time and items bought will have a high probability of being returned to the store for several different reasons. Faulty emotional and financial judgment is to be expected, but you will do okay if you keep expectations realistic.

January 16 2021

Mars Square Sun

Avoid crowds and irritating people if possible for awhile as they can really get on your nerves. Accidents are possible with this transit so use care around sharp objects. Tempers will be on the "hot" side, so try to keep it under control. Impulsive actions can work against you now.
Aggressive acts against others can cause you or someone else injuries now. Leave coffee or stimulants alone until after this transit has run its course, as it will only make a jumpy constitution jumpier. You may find that other people who have an axe to grind can be drawn to you like a magnet.
Challenges, disagreements, anger and arguments are possible now. This is a difficult time for wills, accidents and gambling as well. Illnesses can also occur. Rigid self control is needed now for partnerships to survive. Ego confrontations and " me first attitudes " will exist. Difficulties with anyone in authority can arise now, and if you aren't careful, there can be physical confrontations. There is EXTREME ANGER present that requires an outlet!
Consider those things that make you irritable and angry very carefully now, and watch your emotions as they can really get out of control. You will be sorry later on and have to make amends. Another influence of this transit is being ripped off by someone that you put faith in, so be careful in your dealings with others until this transit ends.
PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION is a danger as well as being accident prone, experiencing fevers, sharp pains in the joints, arthritic conditions, gout or have some sort of surgery.
Those who knowingly break the law may be caught in the act at this time. Errors in judgment will lead you to financial loss right now, so think twice and then don't! If you are looking for the perfect time to separate from a loved one, this is it!

January 17 2021

Sun Sextile Uranus

The wheel of fortune can easily bring possibilities for advancement, or a desire to learn something new. This is a great time for a second honeymoon. This transit favors buying or playing with some new electronic gadgets or toys. Wonderful creative insights can fill your head now, so try and use them for your own advantage. Social activities increase and whatever you tackle should work out very well.
This is a wonderful time for a family gathering and the grasping of new ideas will be very easy for you now. A time of increased popularity has found you and exciting adventures can be experienced. Some mild speculations can be rewarding as well.
Romantic encounters or relationships that start now are guaranteed to be ELECTRIC in nature. Some sort of sudden turn in your life can easily occur that will have you looking at things in totally new ways. You may suddenly decide to move or change your vocation. Creativity is blessed with new concepts, ideas and form.